[winners] BACKGROUND BLITZ: The Nursery (finished)

Started by Mad, Mon 04/04/2016 18:57:49

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Mouth for war

Yhanks mad...however...it enden up sucking....well maybe not sucking but...it became pretty messy...ah..."to hell with it" to quote a song title of my old band :-D
mass genocide is the most exhausting activity one can engage in, next to soccer


Mandle... you beast. I love it. Imagine the ambient soundtrack.


I know this is slightly off topic so please forgive me, but what is the best way to post my image when its done. I have a website of my own that I can host it on, but I often see other peoples images that are full size on the thread , but are so large at 100% that you have to pan and scroll all ways to see the image and can never appreciate it as a whole - this will indeed ruin the effect of my submission. However, at the same time, my submission will be fairly Hi res and detailed, so I don't really want some zoomed out low res version spoiling it either. Ive posted images on here before, and I know there are several ways to do it, so what can anybody reccomend?
Thanks , hope everybody is getting on well with this competition :)


Well... normally you should just post it at the resolution your "game" is on... if it's 320x200 than that's the size you should post it, if it's 3000x2000 then that's what you should post. ;)
If you think it's too big and you can post a smaller version and link it to a larger/full size. (think that's okay, anyway. ;) ).
There are those who believe that life here began out there...


Thanks Cassiebsg , I think the final render size will b 1920x1080 or something close, I cant quite remember but its Blenders default render size. Anyway it looks great on my 24" monitor but I dont want any panning/scrolling hassle for anybody viewing on a laptop or tablet or similar. Are you doing a submission for this competition?


No. Have no idea or I can't currently think of any BG for my game that would require a nursery... in the child care sense... and the med tech center jwalt already started by doing stuff for it.
Besides am in the middle of trying to finish the short game, plus assembling a new computer.

Anyway.... back to topic. ;)
There are those who believe that life here began out there...

Fred Five


My contribution to this Background Blitz. I imagined some kinda scientist having mutated creatures growing in tanks filled with radioactive water. Could be water tapped from Dr. Freds pool.
Anyways, hope you like it. I have a small "making of" video, since I did this piece on iPad with ProCreate. So if anyone would be interested, I could upload it to YouTube :)


Oh, to be able to find time to take part in these competitions...

But... if I did decide to enter this...

Well, who said it had to be a nursery of caring for babies?  It could also be the kind of nursery where you'd find newly sprouted plants to put in the garden.

Just a thought.



Less than a week to go. Hopefully,  some of the mentioned interest results in a background :-D.
Also, feel free to share unfinished stuff, as well,  since it's always interesting to see how you guys work!

I do love the current entries a lot, but still hope for some more competition...


I'm still going to post my entry, I'm just waiting until the last minute before I post. Because it just doesn't look good enough yet. There's something missing that I can't quite put my finger on.


I just had a go at something but it was crap and then I ruined it further by putting blood everywhere. Now not only is it crap, but I'll probably look like a psycho baby-killer if I show anyone. It's in the bin :-/


Quote from: Stupot+ on Wed 27/04/2016 09:11:51
I just had a go at something but it was crap and then I ruined it further by putting blood everywhere. Now not only is it crap, but I'll probably look like a psycho baby-killer if I show anyone. It's in the bin :-/
Ooh, blood. I think might steal that idea. :-D
And no, I'm not kidding. I think that might be just the thing my background is missing.


My entry is rendered im just at the tweaking stage which always takes the longest..... so my entry will probably be very last minute. So I take it the deadline will be 11.59 saturday night? Im in the UK but what timezone is the comp running on?


Finally done.
Definitely not my best work, but then again, I said I wasn't very good with backgrounds.
But hey, at least I've participated. :-D


I like to think it tells a story.

Mouth for war

As did mine... 8-)

HAHA yeah to say the least :D

Ok here's the thing I was working on, but it's not a nursery....more of a torture room where you become a brainwashed supersoldier...If you're strong in mind....they'll kill you :D

mass genocide is the most exhausting activity one can engage in, next to soccer


Quote from: Mouth for war on Fri 29/04/2016 00:24:56
it's not a nursery....

I dunno...could be the room where Jigsaw was raised...

Mouth for war

mass genocide is the most exhausting activity one can engage in, next to soccer


It looks like a normal nursery to me.
I mean, I would raise a child in there. (laugh)


Quote from: Danvzare on Thu 28/04/2016 11:49:56
I like to think it tells a story.

I think that someone was shot next to the crib, then fell against the wall, slumped down to the floor and crawled to the foreground before bleeding out...

Not sure about the boarded-up broken window...Is a zombie apocalypse happening?

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