Adventure Game Studio

Creative Production => Competitions & Activities => Topic started by: ShiverMeSideways on Tue 22/09/2009 19:33:55

Title: Tune Contest Sep 22nd 'till Oct 6th - Damn I wish I could play that good!
Post by: ShiverMeSideways on Tue 22/09/2009 19:33:55
Right, time to start my first tune contest ever!

AGS Tune Contest - Solos in D Minor

The basic idea here is to compose the bestest solo ever!... In D Minor. That is, it can be crazy, it can be shredding, it can be on any instrument you like, but it has to be on the D Minor scale. That is the only guideline, the song can be whatever genre you choose, and as stated previously, you can use anything from piano to guitar to organs (even dirty ones) to hell, a rubber band. Also, you need to have a chord progression under there, even if it's a simple 4-chord harmony, but it has to be present.

Format-wise, I'd rather you post mp3s or oggs. Even if you've made a midi track, try and export it to mp3 or wav or whatever. If you guys just can't, it's ok :).

General Rules

* All entries must be in before October the 7th, so October the 6th is the last day on which you may submit songs.
* You may submit unfinished songs, but they have to contain at least a basic chord progression and a solo in there.
* On October the 7th, I'll pick a winner who's get to make the new tune contest!

Lots of good luck to everyone and get composing!
Title: Re: Tune Contest Sep 22nd 'till Oct 6th - Damn I wish I could play that good!
Post by: discordance on Wed 23/09/2009 22:43:12
Okay, here's one: (

It's a guitar solo. A kind of shimmery pop one, albeit in D Minor as requested.
Title: Re: Tune Contest Sep 22nd 'till Oct 6th - Damn I wish I could play that good!
Post by: ShiverMeSideways on Thu 24/09/2009 19:07:07
How'd you make that, Discordance?
Title: Re: Tune Contest Sep 22nd 'till Oct 6th - Damn I wish I could play that good!
Post by: discordance on Thu 24/09/2009 21:55:32
Why, with musical instruments! Specifically an MAudio keyboard, my guitar, and GarageBand.
Title: Re: Tune Contest Sep 22nd 'till Oct 6th - Damn I wish I could play that good!
Post by: Le Woltaire on Fri 25/09/2009 14:09:51
Let me test my churchorgan...
Toccata in d minor:
Title: Re: Tune Contest Sep 22nd 'till Oct 6th - Damn I wish I could play that good!
Post by: Calin Leafshade on Fri 25/09/2009 21:27:49

my entry is straight from 1974 (
Title: Re: Tune Contest Sep 22nd 'till Oct 6th - Damn I wish I could play that good!
Post by: ShiverMeSideways on Fri 25/09/2009 22:01:04
I'm really glad that there's some competition building up! :D Keep 'em coming, folks!
Title: Re: Tune Contest Sep 22nd 'till Oct 6th - Damn I wish I could play that good!
Post by: nihilyst on Mon 28/09/2009 23:08:48
What a mess! Oh, what the heck, here it is:

A Rainy Day (

Title: Re: Tune Contest Sep 22nd 'till Oct 6th - Damn I wish I could play that good!
Post by: boojiboy on Mon 05/10/2009 15:47:41
I don't think I would've bothered if I had listened to the entries before hand. Quality stuff!
Nonetheless: (
Title: Re: Tune Contest Sep 22nd 'till Oct 6th - Damn I wish I could play that good!
Post by: ShiverMeSideways on Mon 05/10/2009 18:58:25
Yay, looks like I've got a good deal of listening to do on the 7th! :D

Today and tomorrow are the last days, folks, send in more! Feed me!

I have an idea for trophies, by the way, but I'm not promising anything yet! (Cos my art is shite)
Title: Re: Tune Contest Sep 22nd 'till Oct 6th - Damn I wish I could play that good!
Post by: Phemar on Thu 15/10/2009 17:31:09
Is this contest gonna end anytime soon?
Title: Re: Tune Contest Sep 22nd 'till Oct 6th - Damn I wish I could play that good!
Post by: ShiverMeSideways on Sun 18/10/2009 08:56:01
Yes, it ends now...

I'm sorry guys for the exceptionally long wait, but school seems to like me so much it messes me up at just the right moment...

Anyhoo, enough of my babble, on to winners and (shite) trophies!

Everbody sent in awesome trophies, and I admit I was a bit more enclined to the guitar solos, 'cos I'm a guitarist, but in the end it was a really hard choice because of the overall quality of the submissions.

First place goes to nihilyst! I liked his the most, because it had the most feeling. That's one of the most important things in a solo in my opinion, and his acoustic guitar matched with a piano and some violin gave the song a very moody and atmospheric feeling.

Second place goes to Le Woltaire because of his technique and how elaborate his piece is. Again, his church organ is very bombastic and powerful, it's like a neo-classical punch in the face, and I like that. Am I a masochist?

Third place goes to discordance because, well... His entry just rocks the most. Seriosuly, there are three major bits in there in such a short song. It gives off a very compressed feeling and it goes straight to the point, but it also feels a little bit on the complex side. It's not very original or mindbending, but sometimes, a traditional guitar solo with a rocking backing track is all you need.

Honorable mentions go to:

* Boojiboy 'cos it sounds to me like a Nine Inch Nails piece. It's also very funky and I like it.
* Calin Leafshade 'cos he rocks too.

All in all, it was a wicked first competition for me! :D Thank you one and all for your submissions (there was absolutely no song I didn't like!), and again I apologise for my incredible lateness.

Cheers and see you guys next tune contest! ;)
Title: Re: Tune Contest Sep 22nd 'till Oct 6th - Damn I wish I could play that good!
Post by: nihilyst on Sun 18/10/2009 12:07:53
Hey thanks, I'll start the next one soon.