Background Blitz - Dangerous Crossing (Jan 19 - Feb 1)

Started by Ilyich, Sat 19/01/2013 13:10:21

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Dangerous Crossing
January 19 - February 1
This poster has very little to do with the topic of the blitz.
There is really no reason for me to put it up here.

There can be no adventure without bravely venturing where most won't dare venturing, and that usually involves crossing some dangerous crossings. Jungle canyon rope bridges, mostly, but it can be so many other things as well! The choices are virtually infinite!

The only thing you have to remember - making it AGS-compatible (which doesn't really limit you much, since you can make it scrollable). Oh, and also remember the deadline - it's February 1st. Good luck! :)


Cool topic! Maybe I'll have a go at it if I can think of an idea.


This is a friendly reminder that there are only few days till the deadline. Now's your chance to win by default - don't miss it!  ;-D


Quite a challenging topic, but I thought I'd give it a go!

Original size

Edit: And a version without the silly rock in the foreground.. it was annoying me somehow.


NightHawk, thank you for your entry, it made me smile. :)

Kastchey, nice! Love the impressionistic roughness, as usual, and the intensity of this scene is quite something. A dangerous crossing indeed. :)

Just over a day left, people! I want, nay - demand to see some more entries! :P If anyone needs an extension - I'll be happy to oblige.



why are there no railroads crossing railroads out there. Now that would be really dangerous. Also crossing tigers with giraffes yields some dangerous results, for people that are used to hide on trees from tigers, but I don't know how to make this into a usable background image...


gameboy, that's lovely!

Okay, thanks to everyone who participated, it's VOTING time!

Idea: Was it an original/creative interpretation of the theme?
Atmosphere: Was an interesting world created? - Did the scene evoke a feeling?
Design: How well the individual elements are designed, from clouds to doorknobs.
Composition: How well the elements are combined to create a pleasing whole, and lead the viewer to the points of interest.
Functionality: How well it would work as a game background, with clearly defined entries and walkable areas, as well as a good viewing angle (this also includes introductionary shots of an area as long as a player character can be present in the scene).
Technique: How well it's rendered (within the chosen style!), in no way meaning the more elaborate the better.

The voting closes on February 7!


Idea - Kastchey.  Looks about as dangerous as it's gonna get.
Atmosphere - Kastchey. Love the harshness of the environment.
Design - Kastchey. Dangerously gorgeous pallette.
Composition - gameboy.
Functionality - Kastchey.  But Nighthawk was a close 2nd.
Technique - Kastchey.

Three good entries. gameboy, yours is lovely but it lacks danger! (Despite my general phobia of level crossings.)

@selmiak  Just for you:


Idea: Kastchey
Atmosphere: gameboy
Design: gameboy
Composition: gameboy
Functionality: Nighthawk
Technique: Kastchey
I don't want the world, I just want your half


Nice entries!

Idea: gameboy
Atmosphere: Kastchey
Design: gameboy
Composition: Kastchey
Functionality: Nighthawk
Technique: gameboy


all very close calls...

Idea: gameboy
Atmosphere: gameboy
Design: Kastchey
Composition: gameboy
Functionality: Kastchey
Technique: gameboy

@Stupot: Is this real? Or a good Photoshop job? If real then it must be close to a train parking lot or however this is called (where no passengers get on the train) as this looks like a really dangerous crossing.


Quote from: selmiak on Tue 05/02/2013 16:47:14
@Stupot: Is this real? Or a good Photoshop job? If real then it must be close to a train parking lot or however this is called (where no passengers get on the train) as this looks like a really dangerous crossing.
I think it's real, but yeah I'm guessing there are not many pedestrians in the area.


Whoops, sorry about the delay, let's wrap this up!

First, my votes:
Idea - gameboy - exactly the kind of take on the topic that I was hoping for
Atmosphere - Kastchey - intense and really quite dangerous
Design - Kastchey - because pixels are flying around like crazy
Composition - gameboy - excellent, simple but precise composition with very nice sense of depth. Would've been absolutely perfect if not for one eye-shattering tangent where the sign touches the mountains. :)
Functionality - gameboy - what can I say - it's very functional :)
Technique - Kastchey

And after counting the votes the winner is... Gah! It's a tie! O-okay, let's count them by category then:
Idea: gameboy
Atmosphere: Kastchey
Design: Kastchey
Composition: gameboy
Functionality: Kastchey/NightHawk
Technique: Kastchey

And with this I declare Kastchey the winner of this Blitz! Congratulations and thanks again to everyone who participated!


Ilyich and Stupot, thanks for the detailed comments! :)

I'll get a new theme running in the next couple of days.

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