Started by Shane 'ProgZmax' Stevens, Sat 18/04/2009 20:26:26

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Quote from: Kastchey on Mon 20/04/2009 13:31:02
Smartarses need no fonts too. I just copied every letter I needed from other people's entries =)

Same here ;).


Currently working on "My Neighbour is a Serial Killer"
with a certain friend of mine called Geork.



Limey Lizard, Waste Wizard!


Quote from: Cryxo on Mon 20/04/2009 13:05:06
It's my first ever piece of pixel art, and I'm very happy of how it turned out.
Jimmy Paradox - Wannabe Paranormal Investigator (Couldn't fit it all in the image).

He even looks like Dib from Invader Zim :)


This looking really good  ;D
It should be made a game by the community.
Currently working on "My Neighbour is a Serial Killer"
with a certain friend of mine called Geork.


RE: the fat kid.

That was going to be my next sprite, until Progz said to do only one each. Hehe.  ;D

Shane 'ProgZmax' Stevens

Brillaint!  Camp Copycat is definitely getting a lot of kids!  How about some enemies, some crushes, some friends for Mike?  The typical pet sidekick?  Don't be too shy to make a central character, now!


Amanda French is the most popular girl around. She comes from a poor French immigrant family and knows how to work hard. Her goals are to be perfect in everything she does.
"Hail to the king, baby!"


She's also the tallest girl around. I hope she's wearing some proper bloomers under that skirt, or Billy the Fiddler is going to have plenty to blank-stare at. The group photo's getting pretty crowded. I may have to think about putting them on bleachers just to get everyone in!

Loving it so far. I think someone needs to make a squirrel with a top hat and monocle or something for the camp mascot. I do not envy Progz the need to decide on a winner for this competition. 18 entries so far and still going strong.
Check out MonstroCity! | Level 0 NPCs on YouTube! | Life's far too short to be pessimistic.


Hah! I love how Layabout's Billy the Fiddler is positioned in SpacePirateCaine's group photo. Makes my character ten times better! ^_^



Quote from: Evil on Tue 21/04/2009 08:15:05
Hah! I love how Layabout's Billy the Fiddler is positioned in SpacePirateCaine's group photo. Makes my character ten times better! ^_^

Haha, yes. It totally works for me.
I am Jean-Pierre.


Quote from: abstauber on Tue 21/04/2009 09:15:07
This site has pretty small pixel fonts down to 6 px.


Ya got to do it like a man: At the last minute, half heartedly, holding a beer... Oh and by hand!! lol only takes a second. plus if you look around we have
almost all the letters now :)

lol but yeah those fonts are cool, and small :)


Quote from: Revan on Tue 21/04/2009 12:13:35
Ya got to do it like a man: At the last minute, half heartedly, holding a beer... Oh and by hand!! lol only takes a second. plus if you look around we have
EDIT:almost all the letters now :)

But, seriously now, some of you slackers have got the font wrong, you need to miss out a pixel on the top of the E for example. Tut tut. You should all be marked down for such slap-dash fontage!!  ;D  ;D  ;D  ;D  ;D


Thought I'd help some people out... (Don't know how to save actual fonts, but you could just copy/paste the letters you need from this template)


 OK, it has been long since I´ve done something. I visit the forum almost every day but most of the times do not post. This time I decided to take part in this competition as the theme is cool and there is a lot of activity.
I must say there are so good enteries !  ;D

  Here is my character for the competition! I used 15 color - all of which were used before by ProgZmax and Arboris.  Hope you all like it!

He is Ryu Koden (Koden means Tradition in English), his parents moved from Japan. His mother and father wanted him to have some activities as they were on business trip back to Japan. Both of his parents apparently are keen on keeping the traditions of their forefathers. Ryu was thought of the Art of Sword Fighting and likes to take his two wooden swords where-ever he goes. In the camp he seem to have some problems with the director and instructors as he is drinking sake as a tradition in his family. He is called "Pacekeeper" as he is defending the weaker one from bullies - when he isn`t drinking sake. Also it seems that he is the only one who speaks with Amber. Some even believe that he has seen the real one, but that is probably just a myth.


Great fun playing around with a style your not used to...

Peter Rankin is one of those Kids that really enjoy having no parents around telling them to at least wash once a week... revelling in ones own bodily odors... ehem well, yes.


Call him Link. He's da cool kid of the camp - cold as ice. One of Mike's pals - yet always a little distant, well just cool I guess.

Edit: Sorry, I just had to edit him because I thought his head wasn't fitting the style - so I updated him and made the head a little bigger. I think it's better now ... Don't hurt me :/

Link to the original:



Every camp needs a band, so here's Sebastian, the maniac drummer.


Edit: Sorry to everyone, I missed out the part of only one per person. So consider the following as no official entry...

Beware the Sports Pros of rivaling Camp Capital. (not an entry - just for the fun of it)

This is Norah Moses, the Badminton Ace of Camp Capital. A lot of things can happen in one summer. And the summers before her dad found out about her talent she too was a Copycat. But things change, and even a children's romance fades in the slight breezes of long past summers. Or didn't it?


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