Sprite Jam: The Mysterious Woods (Voting Until Nov 20)

Started by dactylopus, Thu 21/10/2021 14:12:55

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Pax Animo

1) Honza
2) Cassiebsg
3) Royal Graphics Studio (A):


Mandle: Nice idea. This could be a good object to start of a game. Artistically, there's not much here, compared to the other entries. I still like the idea, though.

Royal Graphics Studio (A): I like swords, especially shiny, mysterious ones. It's maybe a bit too clean - not the blade, but the presentation. The exact, uniform distance between the elements of the plant makes this look a bit sterile.

Royal Graphics Studio (B): Who here hasn't felt lost in the woods of scripting functions and could really do with a manual! Great idea, even though that's probably the last thing you would actually find in the woods.

Cassiebsg: That's technically two sprites, isn't it? But they are incredibly cute. The hare is a bit big compared to the doe, I'd say, but they are sooooo cute! (Okay, enough squeeling...)

Honza: I think your and mine entry are distantly related beings. Though yours went through the creation process by a real artist while mine was a 2h quick mock-up. Amazing art. I'm not sure I would want to meet this creature in the dark of night, though, mainly because I can't really say if it would be friendly. But I can imagine how it would walk and tallk and... Yeah, well done!


1st: Honza
2nd: Cassiebsg
3rd: Royal Graphics Studio (A)


Quote from: Sinitrena on Mon 15/11/2021 15:40:39
Mandle: Nice idea. This could be a good object to start a game

Or to get a sprite contest rolling ;)


1st: Honza
2nd: Royal Graphics Studio (A)
3rd: Royal Graphics Studio (B)

PS - Yes, but since I thought of them as one sprite animated together, I call it a sprite with 2 characters.  (laugh) Was suppose to be Bambi and whatever the Bambi rabbit is called... but in lack of Disney talent it ended up like that. I'm glad you never saw my first draft...  (laugh)
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Sorry for the late vote, couldn't decide between Royal Graphics Studio (A) and Cassiebsg. I like the first for the neat aesthetics and the second for the way it gets your imagination going. Anyway:

1) Cassiebsg - What's the demonic rabbit doing to that deer!?
2) Royal Graphics Studio (A) - Simple but clean and pretty :)
3) Mandle - Not much in terms of art, but clever idea!


Even later vote:
1) Honza
2) Royal Graphics Studio (A)
3) Cassiebsg


Last day to vote!  I'll post the score breakdown and winner tomorrow.


Stumbling back through your campsite, you quickly unzip your tent and get inside.  You try to keep quiet, but it is to no avail.  You've awakened your friend.  They rub their bleary eyes and ask what's going on.  You start to tell them about what you saw, but you keep jumbling your words.  You don't really know how to explain any of it.

You hear the shuffling sound again, this time it sounds like it's right outside the tent.  You simply open the tent flap.  Your friend looks out and sees...

The votes are in, and the winner is Honza!

Cassiebsg and Royal Graphics Studio (A) were close behind.  Here is the final score breakdown:

  • Honza: 14
  • Cassiebsg: 12
  • Royal Graphics Studio (A): 10
  • Sinitrena: 1
  • Mandle: 1
  • Royal Graphics Studio (B): 1

Congratulations to all participants, each entry was a wonderful take on the concept.  Great job, everyone!  And thank you for giving me some fun things to write about!

Honza, here's a trophy:


Great, thanks for the votes everyone! And to dactylopus for the atmospheric descriptions :).


Congrats, Honza. A well deserved win for an amazing sprite.


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