Now that the forums are up again we can start the next SPRITE JAM! I know everybody here is busy with baking cakes and other tasty delicacies, so let's dive into the spirit of the holidays. Christmas time is comming soon and it's time to mess around with it a little bit! ;D
Everyone knows Santa's little fellows who help him getting his presents wrapped neat and tidy year after year. But are these little elves really happy with their jobs and lives?? Imagine an elf (or two or three) being really pissed off.
Here's the topic: Draw an elf that really goes MAD! Use all your imagination to show us how dreadful or nasty or depressed or freaked out an elf can really look.
There are no limits for colors, size etc. Sprites must be AGS compatible.
Deadline is the 2nd of December.
( first
( second
Let's start!
Bipo-Larsten and Schi-Zoeten have been working in new toys too many hours lately... didn't they need to take their meds? Have they forgotten? oh well it doesn't matter, their creativity is rising up!
"As I'd already told Rudi, when I asked him if he'll join us: This can go two ways!
And to be frank, I don't know which answer my friend Jangle here would prefer.
So, don't think too long before he'll make up your mind for you!
Here it goes: How about a pay rise or, for that matter, some wages at all!!!"
Due to server problems a few days ago I expanded the deadline to December 2nd.
Voting starts at December 3rd.
I guess there will be no more entries to that round of the game, so Cleanic and Mad: thank you for your great elves!!!! ;D
Voting is open until monday 5th and of course everyone is allowed to vote. So haste to the polling booth!!!!
Well just so the rightful winner gets it's prize I vote for Mad's elves (seriously, those cool drawings made me feel ashamed of my own)
Nice entry from Cleanic - these Elfes are on their way to do some stupid things soon ;)
The Elfes of Mad don't seem to - they obviously are already pissed of -
and since this was the challange to show,
my vote goes for Mad
... and I am sorry for (
I'll vote for Cleanic, just for that bad-ass smile.
Here are the results for the NASTY ELVES SPRITE JAM:
( place: Mad with 2 votes
( place: Cleanic with 1 vote
Congratulations to Mad and thanks to both of you for entering! ;D
Mad, you'll be the host of the next SPRITE JAM.
See you around, fellows.
Yay, thanks!!!
I'll see to the next one right away...