OROW 2008 - Results!

Started by scotch, Tue 10/06/2008 18:43:36

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Whoever scripted Chatroom might want to take another look at the word parser... it doesn't seem to know the word "going". Apart from that, it's fine, though.


Worked on Strangeland, Primordia, Hob's Barrow, The Cat Lady, Mage's Initiation, Until I Have You, Downfall, Hunie Pop, and every game in the Wadjet Eye Games catalogue (porting)


Wow, there were some very nice entries this time. Great work! I'll probably post comments about at least some of them once the results are in.


Yep, lots of good entries!  3 more to finish, then comes the hard task of voting :)


Akatosh, why you say that? I finished completely and satisfactory Chatroom, and is my second favorite...
"Tiny pixelated boobies are the heart and soul of Castlevania"

Galactic Battlefare Capital Choice Part 1 , finished, releasing soon
GBF CC Part 2, WIP


Alarconte, the word "going" crashes the game. Which is pretty frustrating after some time of trying to figure out what to type.

Also, in Baltazar, when you try to interact with the leftmost button on the panel behind the lord guy, the game crashes:
Error: prepare_script: error -18 (no such function in script) trying to run 'hButton5_Interact'   (Room 3)
which is even more frustrating since you can't skip the intro.


Quote from: AJA on Mon 30/06/2008 16:45:01
Also, in Baltazar, when you try to interact with the leftmost button on the panel behind the lord guy, the game crashes:
Error: prepare_script: error -18 (no such function in script) trying to run 'hButton5_Interact'   (Room 3)
which is even more frustrating since you can't skip the intro.

Yeah, sorry, this is the reason I've not been finishing this game. After it crashes, I really don't want to watch the intro again, and the walking speed of the character is kind of slow. I don't know if I need to push that button to win, and I didn't want to play the whole game only to find out I needed to. Sorry.  :(


I really liked How Many...

And Cheerful Science.

Great entries all round, though. :)
Steam: LimpingFish
PSN: LFishRoller
XB: TheActualLimpingFish
Spotify: LimpingFish


Good stuff.

How Many... times did I laugh while playing How Many?
The Bunker

Shane 'ProgZmax' Stevens

Yes, How Many is basically my favorite of the group, followed closely by Man Boy.  Well done!


Excellent games all round.
The stand out for me was Beauties and Beasts, but then I'm a sucker for great art.
Still waiting for Purity of the Surf II

Captain Lexington

And clever dialogue?


Beauties and Beasts was great.

How Many is my runner up.

Man Boy had no...real...interactivity.


Yup, and results posted now, well done to the winners, and I hope everyone had fun. Thanks to the voters by the way. I know it's a lot of radiobuttons to deal with at once, but we had a few more than usual I think.


Oooh! Yay!

But the audio in Man Boy was not done by me. It was done by kaputtnik :D.

Well done to all entrants, these games were awesome and I had great fun making my entry and playing all of yours.

How Many really made me laugh, and Seed was very, very beautiful. Good entries all round folks!


Congrats to all!

*AJA: wonderful game, this really did make my day more pleasant.   I had to stop playing games for a few minutes just to reflect on everything I liked about it.   Something that doesn't happen all that often

*MashPotato:  better luck next time but its not really about the awards!  I loved your game and hope you make many many more.  Very brilliant style. 

Those two were my favorite.   And then JBurger's Chatroom had some real effort put into it that I wish will revolutionize dialogue from here on out.   It wasn't just a text parser for me, I really went far to try to test its intelligence.  And I was very very impressed.  Well done!
"I drink a thousand shipwrecks.'"


Quote from: AJA on Mon 30/06/2008 16:45:01
Alarconte, the word "going" crashes the game. Which is pretty frustrating after some time of trying to figure out what to type.

Really sorry about this. :( I tried to test it extensively before uploading, but I guess I missed at least one game-crashing bug.

The whole game was pretty much an experiment to see if I could pull-off a semi-realistic conversation simulator. I'm sure there's plenty of more bugs, and if you do run into any, or have any suggestions regarding responses, please PM me and I'll definitely take a look.


Anyway... My favorite entry had to be Beauties and Beasts. I just loved everything about it--graphics, gameplay, writing, and definitely the ending. I had a hunch it was Mash Patato's work!
A close second for me was Man Boy. I just love the style of that game. And yes, How Many was hilarious.


Thanks for the audio award! I win! Kind of unfair, since Ben has done all the work, but nevertheless: I win!

My favourites were, not placeable in any kind of order, How Many, Beauties & Beasts (of which I knew right from the start that it was MashPotatos work, it was just too obvious :) ), Wisp and Unfinished Business. Four very creative games. And Seed got me into some trouble, I played the OROW games in the University library - took a while to explain that to my fellow female students  :-[
I, object.


Quote from: kaputtnik on Wed 02/07/2008 09:12:42
I played the OROW games in the University library - took a while to explain that to my fellow female students  :-[

About playing nerdy adventure games in public?   :P
"I drink a thousand shipwrecks.'"


Quote from: evenwolf on Wed 02/07/2008 10:11:54
Quote from: kaputtnik on Wed 02/07/2008 09:12:42
I played the OROW games in the University library - took a while to explain that to my fellow female students  :-[

About playing nerdy adventure games in public?   :P

No, about playing nerdy hentai games in public.
I, object.

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