OROW 2008 - Results!

Started by scotch, Tue 10/06/2008 18:43:36

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Adventure games are the obvious choice, it's AGS, but I don't want to confine people to thinking about standard AG constraints (although they are fine too). I don't think there would be much point in entering a completely non story based Tetris clone because it's not a coding competition, but you are free to enter whatever you like.


I have started! Will I finally, after all these years, finish a game? (I damn well hope so!)

Still here.


Such enthusiasm! But you could wait for the competition to start :P

edit: which is at midnight UTC btw, or generally tomorrow.


Quote from: scotch on Fri 20/06/2008 17:32:01
Adventure games are the obvious choice, it's AGS, but I don't want to confine people to thinking about standard AG constraints (although they are fine too). I don't think there would be much point in entering a completely non story based Tetris clone because it's not a coding competition, but you are free to enter whatever you like.

Well, if one of the voting categories is "writing", that would be rather stupid, wouldn't it?  :P

Anyway. Thanks for the quick reply, and I'll see if I do an entry myself and if yes, what genre it will be.


Five hours to go (GMT). I CAN'T WAIT!


But I must. :'(
Steam: LimpingFish
PSN: LFishRoller
XB: TheActualLimpingFish
Spotify: LimpingFish


Oops, got the date wrong :p

I only have an idea, didn't really make anything yet - so it shouldn't be a problem, I hope :D
Still here.


Okay, it has begun. Maybe I'll come up with something, though I have some RL stuff to do this week. Anyway, I wish you all good luck and free time to make some little games. I'm eager to see them.


Hooray! Good luck, everybody!


Oh, Christ! What am I going to make? o_O
Steam: LimpingFish
PSN: LFishRoller
XB: TheActualLimpingFish
Spotify: LimpingFish


OMG it doesn't start for 30 minutes, you cheats. Why does nobody seem to understand UTC? It's the standard we always use in space!


Quote from: Alarconte on Mon 16/06/2008 18:48:13
This first week I can't participate, but I would to know this for the future..

You're so partecipating.. 8)
Worked on Strangeland, Primordia, Hob's Barrow, The Cat Lady, Mage's Initiation, Until I Have You, Downfall, Hunie Pop, and every game in the Wadjet Eye Games catalogue (porting)


Quote from: scotch on Sat 21/06/2008 00:33:23
OMG it doesn't start for 30 minutes, you cheats. Why does nobody seem to understand UTC? It's the standard we always use in space!

It's an hour, for Christ's sake. Who cares for extraterrestrial time standards?


Well you can start now, good luck, see you all in a week.


Good luck everyone! May the best game win!


I'm gonna participate, too. I waited patiently until 0 UTC and then I fell asleep  :=


I thought I'd get into this a bit later than most since I only just got home today. but it seems I'm, well working the few 3 days of next week, and then going away again, so I'll just finish my design some other time if I can arse myself, though at the moment, I've got more than enough short games completely and thoroughly planned :)


Great chance to try the new AGS version!


Tomorrow is the final day, hope things are going ok. When you're ready to submit PM me a link to the file and I'll merge them all into one download as usual.


I'm sorry, I have to drop out. If I'd force myself to finish the game in 2 hours (I have no more time left), then it wouldn't be good. The main graphics and story are finished, but to complete it I'm gonna need another week or so, so my first game won't be OROW. There are too many template graphics and animations and the implementation of the puzzles is very time consuming.


For those that haven't submitted yet, 6 hours until the deadline.


Much gnashing of teeth!

It'll be a sprint to the deadline for me. Should make it, though, barring any unforeseen circumstances.


Computer explodes!

Steam: LimpingFish
PSN: LFishRoller
XB: TheActualLimpingFish
Spotify: LimpingFish

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