New AGS default Template contestjam --- gIconbar .... Winner announced!

Started by selmiak, Fri 21/04/2017 17:14:44

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1. #6 Jim Reed
2. #14 Selmiak
3. #9 Gurok

Also, the idea of what is called entry #5 was to show palette swaps of the entry #4, because by the time I made these, we were talking about voting the pallete on another contest, but then that changed.
(The idea being each column is a different palette, and not the whole thing being all of different colors).


1. #4 (but ideally with the graphical treatment of #1, in particular for the backpack)
2. #12
3. #11

One thing I don't like about the Sierra interface is that I don't think there's a good, general-purpose inventory icon.


#13 selmiak
#11 cat
#1 CaesarCub

(btw cat's pictogram of a 3 1/2'' disc is the technically correct one)

But all in all a lot of good entries.


Ha, I knew there was a reason why I should keep a box of old Windows installation disks in my cupboard - and if only to be a reference for drawing icons  ;)


1. #4 by CaesarCub
2. #7 by Jim Reed
3. #14 by selmiak

I liked a lot of them.  Great work all around!



1. 01 - CaesarCub (but with the quit icon of #4)
2. 13 - selmiak
3. 12 - Bulbapuck


1.   14 by Selmiak (LOVE that eye)   :grin:

2.   9 by Gurok

3.   10 by Tgames

Loved 12 by Bulbapuck as well - very Simon The Sorceror-ish.
But we're only allowed 3 votes.  Sorry Bulbapuck. 


"We do not stop playing because we grow old, we grow old because we stop playing."




1. #6 by Jim Reed
2. #11 by cat
3. #14 by Selmiak

Very good entries all around!

Question about multiple entries: will the votes for say Ceasarcub be totalled up or is each contribution voted on individually? It seems individual which would mean that submitting multiple coulour schemes gives you a smaller chance of winning, but maybe I got that wrong.

Looking over my entry again I realize I left some white pixels in there, those are supposed to be transparent but I can't get transparency to work. Don't think I'll win anyway but figured I'd still point it out.


Quote from: Bulbapuck on Mon 15/05/2017 14:43:18
Question about multiple entries: will the votes for say Ceasarcub be totalled up or is each contribution voted on individually? It seems individual which would mean that submitting multiple coulour schemes gives you a smaller chance of winning, but maybe I got that wrong.
yeah, I though individual votes for every entry, but I see your point.
So if we count votes per person, how do we decide which one of the person's entries is the one everyone wants?
My 2 entries have only 2 different broders, nothing else changed, I could also have made a version with a less bloody eye, so where do we draw the line? Change on colorscheme or if only one pixel of the icon has changed, or the border or we just handle every entry as a different entry? but I see how fractioned CC's votes are compared to his similar entries and almost the same icons. If he tends to get the most votes all in all after all, maybe we can use a tendency and histograms and so on... well, I'll tally it up at the end and we'll see before I declare a winrar :-D 8-)


These are all really dope and a huge improvement over AGS's now ancient built in UI.

1. 5# CaesarCub
2. 13# selmiak
3. 12# Bulbapuck

I really, really like the design of Jim Read's #7. however I initially found the WALK/LOOK/TAKE etc. icons a little confusing.


Quote from: selmiak on Tue 16/05/2017 05:33:29
So if we count votes per person, how do we decide which one of the person's entries is the one everyone wants?

Use common sense?


oh sorry for keeping you waiting, I wrote voting ends on 14th, I don't have time for anything atm, so let's just say voting ends on saturday the 20th, then I can also throw in a vote and everyone else that still wants to and hasn't already.

If anyone wants to tally up already be my guest!



1. #6 Jim Reed, so simple yet effective
2. #11 cat, dig that hand and the icons on the right
3. #2 CC, best palette, maybe with an outline style like the entries below it's even better...


So this adds up to:
#4 - 19 Caesar Cub
#14 - 19 selmiak
#11 - 17 cat

#5 - 11 also by CC
#6 - 10
#13 -10
#12 - 9
#1 - 7
#2 - 6
#9 - 6
#7 - 3
#8 - 2
#10 - 1

oh, look at that, it's a tie (I counted Jim Reed's 3 point vote on my stuff towards #14 to make it interesting :-D 8-) ), let's look at the votepoints per user:

CaesarCub - 43
selmiak - 29
cat - 17
Jim Reed - 13
Bulbapuck - 9
Gurok - 6
Danvzare - 2
TGames - 1

there is a tendency there, so CC's #4 should be the winning entry by overall votes for him.
But if people want to have a runoff on the top 3 entries we can also do that.
Man, I wouldn't mind submitting my entry without the veins on the eye, didn't have time when it was about to submit, this would have caught some more votes probably, but hey, congratulations to CaesarCub and his winning #4 entry:

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