New AGS default Template contestjam --- gIconbar .... Winner announced!

Started by selmiak, Fri 21/04/2017 17:14:44

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More about what this is about here:
(New GFX set for AGS default Template (based on Sierra games))

In this thread we jam on and around on the
gIconbar icons
for the
New AGS default Template

at the moment it looks like this:

the icons are:
* Walk to
* Look at
* Interact
* Talk to
* Inventory
* Active Inventoryitem
* Save
* Load
* Quit
* About

Size of every single icon
width: 32 pixel
height: 27 pixel


8 colors + transparency
either use the palette consisting of 8 colors from dawnbringer's db32 palette.
or use the AGS Palette:
or use whatever 8 colors you like, the winning entry defines the rest of the colorscheme of the template.

center the icon vertically and horizontally

You don't have to use the borders like in the palette example image (made by CaesarCup, thx) within the 32x27 icon. Be creative, come up with your own border style and keep it consistend across all your icons, we will vote on the borderstyle too.
Maximum border size: 3px. But rather keep it at 2px, this highlights the icon better and makes it easier on the eyes.
3px border leaves room for the icon @ 26x21 pixel, 2px border leaves 28x23 px.
you can play around with transparency for cool borders and corners, but of course only 100% transparency, no semitransparency.

in case you need a lightsource, keep it top left.

There is a lot to skin in the template and interest is there, get cracking, I'll start a new contest in ~2 weeks on 5th of may (or may the forth?) and this ends on the 7th of may. ish.
There will be a voting on the best set of icons.
just...because you have a vote and you have a say. so push your pixels gud!

this is for the 320x200 template, if you are feeling very ambitious, scale it up and pixel the same icons for a 640x400 game.

you want more?
What about making a mouse cursor for all the mousemodes already. The mouse curser dimensions are 16px x 16px for the 320x200 template and additionally after talk to there is also Pick up, Pointer, Wait and UseInv, though UseInv is the active inventory(?) and they are not in very active use in the template

anything I forgot?

Pixelparty like it's 2022! 8-) :-D


I have a request... can we please stop calling it "default" template? Pretty please!   (wtf)
"Sierra template" should be the name...  (nod)

Now go pixel you pixel maniacs!  :-D
There are those who believe that life here began out there...



In one of the threads it was mentioned (and I agree on this) that we should not have any "Default" template, but have them be explicit for the type of UI they set up, Sierra, Scumm 9 Verb, Verb Coin, BASS and so on.

I think we should discuss this back in the template thread instead of here:

I also wanted to comment, that the idea of all of us using the same palette is that then we can focus on the art for the verbs and then we can try different palettes and vote for the best one on a separate thread.


Quote from: CaesarCub on Fri 21/04/2017 18:36:36
In one of the threads it was mentioned (and I agree on this) that we should not have any "Default" template, but have them be explicit for the type of UI they set up, Sierra, Scumm 9 Verb, Verb Coin, BASS and so on.

Um, I forget, what does BASS stand for again?


Beneath a Steel Sky :wink:

@Selmiak I would also prefer the silver palette.


Well, here is a first dab at this:

I made it in the "silver" palette as well:

Oh, I changed the "About" button for an options one, because that's what it does when clicked.




oh these complicated decisions, both look great. idk, lets have this contest with both palettes! and make it a jam in both threads. 8-) :-D


To add to the fun and confusion I updated the first post, please read! silver is the new thing to go for, so go for it you pixelmaster reading this. like this:

Transparency is also cool. But only 100% transparency, no semitransparency. I think transparency is only good on the borders, but you are free to experiment with transpareny in the middle of the icon. I mean, the gIconbar overlays the gamebackground so you can see the background through there. Proof me wrong and show that transparency in the middle is cool. Get pixel pushing and have fun :D


Quote from: abstauber on Fri 21/04/2017 20:22:45
Beneath a Steel Sky :wink:

I guess the "Beneath a Steel Sky" is the one where left click is interact/talk/whatever, and right click is look at.  Or am I thinking another game?


Quote from: DBoyWheeler on Sat 22/04/2017 13:54:46
Quote from: abstauber on Fri 21/04/2017 20:22:45
Beneath a Steel Sky :wink:

I guess the "Beneath a Steel Sky" is the one where left click is interact/talk/whatever, and right click is look at.  Or am I thinking another game?
yes it is, and in Beneath a Steel Sky the controls are the other way round actually, but this thread is about the sierra controls and skinning these ;)


The all grey/blue palette is not so nice. It is quite linear and has less usable hue/lightness pairs than the blue/orange palette.

Palettes sorted by lightness.


when sorting by lightness, that second yellow from the left belongs one slot farther to the right. Both palettes are nice and balanced, the greyish silverblue one is more fitting atm. go with the flow, the yellow one is no more.

Jim Reed

db16 doesn't have pure grays btw.


Those look great Jim!
Honestly the more I look at the db palettes the less they convince me.

I decided to give it a try to making the icons flat and use the surplus of palette colours to make more states: regular | mouse over | down | disabled.-



Did I say yellow is no more? There it is! hehe! :P

I guess we'll be voting on whole sets and not on individual icons. makes more sense. And the winning set defines the palette for all the other menus and sliders and buttons and whatnot.
So use whatever palette you want, but keep the colorcount to 8 at max...


CasearCub's artwork already doesn't leave much to be desired.
The only icons I think could be improved are 'Quit' and 'Options"

btw. this is not an entry ;)



I switched the exit button for a more conventional one like abstauber mentioned. The DOS one was me just having some fun :P
I also changed a little the backpack and the hand. And I made the options button feel more in line with the rest (I still like the idea of the sliders over the cog, but that's just me).
I also swapped places for the exit and the options buttons, which I think we should also do in the template, since how we all are used to having the exit on the corner of the screen.

Changed the Save and Load icons for ones that use folders (as I get constantly reminded a lot of people don't know what a floppy disk is).

Also, I played a little with the palette making some variations:
(each column represents a palette with different buttons states: regular, hover, down, disabled)



Alright, here's my entry:
Not my best work, but I like how it came out, considering the amount of time I spent on it.
I'm especially proud of those load and save icons.

This isn't an entry, just the old menu bar from an old RON template. I thought I'd post it here to serve as a nice example, since the new RON menu bar was posted on the thread that spawned this one.
It might be useful for anyone struggling to come up with ideas for icons.


Is it just me or does Danvzare's seem to spell Love?

Here's my entry:

Alternate active inventory:

I really don't like this palette, but only realised afterwards that you were allowed to use different palettes. I never intended on entering, but CaesarCub kept showing me his work on IRC and I wanted to show him how I'd draw a hand.

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