The Ministory Weekly - WINNER ANDAIL!

Started by Vince Twelve, Tue 05/02/2008 02:42:38

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Nihilyst was faster with idea, so I had to continue somehow - Sarah is from his story.


Kellog's Corn flakes 100. An apple 65. Chicken breast 276. Bread whole
weat 70. Cucumber 16. Macaroni 197. Total sum 724. That's too much.
Without an apple that's , substract 65 and press enter , 659 kalories.

Sandy tried not to skip meals after last week's death of her friend
'Fat' Sarah Smith.

BTW all numbers are correct.

Vince Twelve

Ok, five days are up.  Seventeen great entries, thanks guys and gals!

This contest is open for voting.  Please list your top 3 ministories along with a short reason why you liked each one.

Voting will be open for 48 hours from this post at which point I will name the winner.


Okidoke, here are my votes:

Dunno why this ended up a favourite, I think it just displays how weird people think and how relationships can be.

I think this is an excellent mini-story, you have to read between the lines to get what the story is about and when you get it, it's a nice aha-moment.

The third entry was hard to select, I think many stories were good but could gave been great with just some tiny details changed. Also, I think a few were too blatantly gender stereotype. Well anyhow, I went for
Can't explain why more than I sort of like the mood, it's a cute little story.

Vince Twelve

I think I'll stick in my votes.

I felt that I gained quite a bit of insight on the two characters just from the small scene of their lives.  I quite liked the ending.

So simple, yet so true.

Very cute and very funny.  And a nice interpretation of the theme!


Just felt true to me. Very poignant. I could do without the last two sentences, but that's just preference.

You wrote practically a novel just there, in only 10 or so words.

I always like the idea of a woman living alone with just an animal to keep her company. I don't know why. I guess I like bittersweet things like that in stories.
You. Me. Denny's.


just a "plain old joke", but a damn funny one. Effectively written.

I know a girl like that. The cliffhanger at the end is very strong.

it really happened, so saying I like because it feels like it happened would be redundant.
Yet that's excactly why I like it.

(great topic, VinceXII)
                                    The Grey Zone


I wrote a song once. It was about spiders.




Cameron, Andail, TheJBurger.

Cameron's is just awesome concentrate.
Still here.


Nice little slice of life there.  I've seen similar things happen to people.

Great job calling up a preconcieved notion and then turning it around all in just a couple of lines.

I love the way you told your joke without overstating it.  Subtle and effective.

Vince Twelve

Ok time's up!  By my count, we've got:

Third place: KhrisMUC
Congratulations, you've earned the envy of many.

Second place: Cameron and TheJBurger (tie)
Congratulation, you've earned the adoration of us all.

First place: Andail
Congratulations, you've won the right to start another round with rules as you see fit!

To all other entrants, sorry, but you're just not as girlie as these guys!

KhrisMuc 111
TwinMoon 1
Andail 11111
Cameron 1111
TheJBurger 1111
Eggie 1
Auriond 1
Voh 1


Damn, I missed the vote...
I fail...
And I didn't get any votes...
I fail again...

did anybody read my story?  :'(

Well done Andail.


Quote from: Vince Twelve on Tue 12/02/2008 09:23:30LGM 1
KhrisMuc 111
TwinMoon 1
Andail 11111
Cameron 1111
TheJBurger 1111
Eggie 1
Auriond 1
Voh 1
I can't believe that you didn't even mention my name, since I also entered111!!1!11!1  :=


Oh, boo. I missed this one.

Well done anyway, Andail. :)
Steam: LimpingFish
PSN: LFishRoller
XB: TheActualLimpingFish
Spotify: LimpingFish


Cheers all, gonna whip up an extra fun writing comp for your writing pleasure.

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