MAGS November "Contest" (RESULTS)

Started by MAGS Host, Wed 01/11/2017 00:07:20

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What is your favourite game for MAGS November?

The Gourmet by Slasher
1 (7.1%)
Trivial Pass You It by Mandle
0 (0%)
Last & Furious by Crimson Wizard and Jim Reed
11 (78.6%)
Stable Pete and the Joust by Cassiebsg
2 (14.3%)

Total Members Voted: 14

Voting closed: Fri 15/12/2017 00:14:21


Congratulations, Crimson Wizard and Jim Reed! What you achieved in one month still amazes me! :-D

And well done to Slasher, Mandle and Cassie! It's always good to have a variety of different game styles to choose from, and everyone put in a lot of effort this month. Great work! ;-D

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