MAGS May "Growing" (VOTING)

Started by Stupot, Sat 01/05/2021 16:24:04

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What is your favourite game of MAGS May?

Dirandious Kroken by Slasher
1 (7.1%)
Breakfast on Trappist-1 by FormosaFalanster
7 (50%)
Fhaloness by Hobbes
6 (42.9%)

Total Members Voted: 14

Voting closed: Tue 15/06/2021 05:42:43


Topic: Growing
Set by eri0o

Voting is underway.

Please play the games below and vote using the poll above.

Dirandious Kroken
by Slasher
Breakfast on Trappist-1
by FormosaFalanster
by Hobbes

You are always growing, getting old, and so is something in your game. Your character is going from childhood to adulthood, or they have kids. Maybe they live in a city that is expanding, it's just not what it used to be anymore, growing is change too. Or is just a persistent mold in your wall that you can't freaking kill, like, how do I kill this thing, aahg.. Ahem. So. Growing!

What is MAGS?
Started in 2001, MAGS is a competition for amateur adventure game makers. The idea is to create a game in under a month, following the guidelines set by the previous winner. It aims to help you work to a deadline, improve your skills, and provide a kick-start into making adventure games. Regardless of skill, MAGS is for everyone. Voting is based on "favourite" games, and not the most artistic, or the best coded. If you have bad art skills, use it as a chance to do some graphic work. If you're sub-standard at coding, use it as a chance to give scripting a go. Ultimately, people will vote for the most enjoyable entry.

Entering MAGS is simple. First, conceptualize your game following the month's criteria (see above). Second, create your game fuelled only by coffee. Finally, post your game in this thread, including:

* A working download link
* The title of your game
* A suitable in-game screenshot

At the end of the month, voting will begin, usually lasting for fourteen days, and the winner chooses the next month's theme.

Remember that this is a challenge to see what you can do in a month, so any tinkering you do after that, including fixing minor glitches, is against the spirit of the competition. The exception to this is that you may go in and fix major, game-breaking bugs only during voting. We want you to have a game that voters can actually play and that runs on their machines.

So to reiterate, during the voting period fixing major, game-breaking bugs is okay, fixing minor glitches or making cosmetic changes is cheating.

Here are some ways to make sure you have a game to submit at the end of the month:
* Make a tiny game. Plan small, then cut it in half. Find shortcuts (e.g. if making walkcycles is time-consuming, make the characters static or have it in the first person).
* Plan to have your game playable and submittable with a week to spare. This way you have a week to fix bugs, add some flourishes and maybe even get someone to test it.
* Plan to submit it a day or so early. This way, if there are any technical issues with uploading, they can be sorted out in time.

Need a little help with graphics? Perhaps The AGS Trove has something you can use.
Don't want to go it alone? Try the Recruitment board.
Current votes: 11  |  Target: 20  |  Play


This is a great challenge! For the first time since 2003, I might actually commit to finishing something... I'll do my best to put a game together this month!


Quote from: Hobbes on Sun 02/05/2021 01:52:11
This is a great challenge! For the first time since 2003, I might actually commit to finishing something... I'll do my best to put a game together this month!
Good to hear, Hobbes. Looking forward to seeing what you come up with :-)
Current votes: 11  |  Target: 20  |  Play


After an exhausting last few games I'm going to try and summon up enough energy to create a game for this month..

I'v had some ideas and have decided on: Dirandious Kroken

This will be a short game...but hopefully good enough to enjoy.....

Let's get cracking  (laugh)


Nice to hear Slasher! Curious to see what you'll come up with after last month's entry as well!

My game will combine an abandoned/unfinished fantasy novel manuscript and some old Critic's Lounge art to get started with. Managed to spend the day scripting initial game, which is now complete (and finishable). So the rest of the month will be spent making the actual thing: actual dialogs (instead of "I'll reveal my evil plot here" etc), music (might need to resort to some old MIDI files at the last minute here), art (10 backgrounds, 6 characters)... exciting though!

A sneak peak:

My game's called Fhaloness and will focus on a gruesome murder that has to be solved. So expect plenty of growing up (as your father has just been murdered) but also for actual growth, since the family's a bit like druids... for the rest, you'll just have to wait and see.  ;) I'm definitely going for dramatic fantasy writing. We'll see how melodramatic it'll turn out to be...

And it all starts at night...


Looks good  Hobbes....I hope you pull it off  (nod)

My entry: Dirandious Kroken

Sometimes what you grow does not turn out as expected!

The mechanics have been done and the rooms set up....

Short and sweet game.... Well, maybe not sweet  (laugh)

Going well, so far  (roll)


Thanks for your kind comments Slasher. Same to you! Looking forward to seeing more people join in?


  Dirandious Kroken

Comes with full instructions  (laugh)


Slasher, I am curious to what you are building...
giving me vibes...

Hobbes, your game looks super ambitious!

And the month barely started!


Just for you eri0o  ;)


Testing and pulling hair out time  (laugh)


Looks fun, Slasher. Is the testing phase going well so far? I really like how our entries are so completely different. With May only 8 days old, let's hope there are more people joining in!

I just finished my final background, so all 10 rooms have background art & objects drawn. Scripting is finished, so the game is fully playable... that means there's 23 days left to:

- Write all dialogs and descriptions
- Compose some music
- Draw all 6 character sprites, one full walk cycle + other animations
- Customise GUI
- Any other finishing touches

Onwards and upwards!


Hobbes.... I'm sure you will reach the tape on time..

Nose to the grindstone  (laugh)

My game is basically ready. Just sitting the time out  (laugh)


I'm going to try to have something in time, the subject interests me a lot, so maybe count me in


jump to it WiseFrog  (laugh)

Welcome to the pleasuredome  (laugh)


Dirandious Kroken

Sometimes what you grow does not turn out as expected!
Especially when the book author can't spell!
Short and sweet...Well, not so sweet  (laugh)

Happy growing  (laugh)

Uses a variation of my Slasher Template


Alright, let me present you with our entry:

Breakfast on Trappist-1

The girl you love is a refugee from a destroyed planet. She is lonely and desperate and cannot let go of her lost home. If you do not stop her, she will leave and face mortal dangers in her vain quest to clutch to her past. Only you can help her grow out of the trauma and enter a new life with you on Trappist-1.

With a story by myself and art by Lorenzo, the game features:
-11 rooms
-6 non-playable characters to talk with
-A first-person system
-A real exoplanet, check it out!
-Lorenzo's art
-My cross-cultural Eastern-Western stories

We are working very well together and doing good progress. Out of fairness I let you know we initiated this progress for the Adventure Jam 2021 but since we were told it was okay to put it on MAGS as well and it felt in like with the theme we are putting it here. Also, my blog will probably include some insights at how we are dealing with the project together!

You can see already some art:


You need to correct you LINK..

Looks great  (nod)


Quote from: Slasher on Wed 12/05/2021 14:11:57
You need to correct you LINK..

Looks great  (nod)

omg done :D thanks!


And then there were three, great!

I’ll do my best to complete mine on time. However I’ve had to undergo surgery last week and am not as able to focus as usual. Fingers crossed it’ll be all right in a few days, otherwise I might need to postpone for this month.


Our game is ready! You can download it there:

edit: even better with Lorenzo's cover art:

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