MAGS May "Forgotten History" (CLOSED)

Started by Stupot, Fri 01/05/2020 09:04:12

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What was your favourite game of MAGS May?

We'll Meet Again
2 (28.6%)
Day of the Dimetrodon
0 (0%)
Pride & Relatives
5 (71.4%)

Total Members Voted: 7

Voting closed: Tue 16/06/2020 17:08:44


Topic: "Forgotten History"
Guidelines by JackPutter

The winner of MAGS May was Pride and Relatives by IntenseDegree

We'll Meet Again
by Slasher
Day of the Dimetrodon
by Blondbraid
Pride and Relatives
by IntenseDegree

Create a game that focuses on a little-known figure from history, real or fictional. This could be an adventure in caveman times, political intrigue in the times of Henry VIII, or the recollections of an ordinary soldier in the Vietnam war. Perhaps your protagonist's actions inadvertently led to a major historical event, or maybe they are the younger sibling of a famous historical personality.

Science fiction technology, time travel, and magical elements are not forbidden, but the setting itself should be based in reality. (Maybe Joan of Arc's brother, John of Arc, was a struggling magician? Maybe Shakespeare's famous lost play is discovered, and it turns out to be about aliens from the planet Quarg?)

Existing artwork and sound elements are allowed.

Current votes: 11  |  Target: 20  |  Play


Quote from: Kastchey on Fri 01/05/2020 16:43:11
*lights up Blondbraid sign*
I got to say, this cracked me up!  (laugh)

I've actually been toying with making a Dimetrodon-centered MAGS entry for some time now, if the Permian age counts as forgotten history.


I'm in again now that I've gotten my feet wet.




I'm thinking about:  "Tales of Parliament".


I would like to participate this month, but I am really short on ideas. Maybe inspiration will come to me today.


Quote from: Racoon on Mon 04/05/2020 12:27:43
I would like to participate this month, but I am really short on ideas. Maybe inspiration will come to me today.
Open up a map and randomly choose a location. Then use a random number generator to choose a year. Then do research for the time and place you chose.


Quote from: Racoon on Mon 04/05/2020 12:27:43
I would like to participate this month, but I am really short on ideas. Maybe inspiration will come to me today.
Maybe check out National Geographic? They tend to have some good historical articles.

Also, I have just so many leftover ideas that's just been lying there in the back of my mind like forever like;

Something set during the great migration era - it's just such a rich historical period that spawned both the basis for the king Arthur legend and the Nibelungenlied
A chapter in the life of Catalina de Erauso - a woman who escaped a nunnery in order to become a conquistador
A neanderthal needing to save a man's life using brain surgery - I'm not kidding, they've literally found skulls from the era with scars proving the neanderthals were capable of successful head surgery
A stage magician helping British army fool the Nazis - Once again, this was a real historical event!
A story about one of all the people in the army who weren't a soldier - Like a seamstress, cook, blacksmith or similar just trying to do their part to keep the army fed and equipped
A game about Shi Pei Pu - a Chinese opera singer turned spy who seduced a french embassy employee whilst disguised as a woman, and even convinced the man that he'd had a child with him
A game where you play as an Eohippus - they were pre-historic horses the size of a rabbit, need I say more?

Ok, I'll try and restrain myself from derailing the whole thread with just my ideas, but I hope this small sample might be of help to someone struggling with ideas.


There are those who believe that life here began out there...


Or just keep tapping 'random' on wikipedia until you come across some obscure person, place or thing from history (technically everything is from some point in history if it currently exists).
Current votes: 11  |  Target: 20  |  Play


This would be a perfect topic to make a game from the perspective of one of Hernan Cortes' soldiers during the conquest of the Aztecs.


Quote from: Blondbraid on Mon 04/05/2020 16:46:59
A game about Shi Pei Pu - a Chinese opera singer turned spy who seduced a french embassy employee whilst disguised as a woman, and even convinced the man that he'd had a child with him
What a bizarre spy story!  8-0
I hope you realized it soon or later!



I've had a bit of a change,,

We'll meet again somme sunny day Set during WW1 in the trenches...


We'll meet again...
"In a trench during the battle of the Somme during WW1 in France, the German's are bombarding the British trenches with heavy shells and machine guns. So far you have lost dozens of your friends and there seems no stopping the German war machine. The morale's are very low and every soldier has been told that they will be going 'Over the top' very soon into 'No man's land' to face the German's in bayonet combat like sheep facing lions.
If there was only a way to stop all this bloodshed and madness."

Enter the world of British soldiers (Tommy's) fighting in the trenches under heavy fire from the Germans in WW1. What was it like? Every moment of their lives was spent in fear, and death was only a shot away. At times they would sing and tell jokes as a way to forget the horrors for a short while.... The thought of never returning home brought them nightmares and very soon they would be going 'Over the top'...

This was a time when PC never existed, not like today....



I have made a great start to my entry..

I've made around 18 characters for my game so far and will need about 6 more...

The main room scene in the video is just a portion of a scrolling screen and is the intro.

The story requires about 5 rooms in total..


Anybody got something to show yet?

I hope we get a turnout like we did for last month...

Meanwhile my entry is about 95% done...

Using my own L/R click custom Sierra Style Template...


I'm trying to get something together in time, but we'll see if I actually get it finished before the deadline. My MAGS track record is not the best.


I might try to do something this month. I'll have to see how the next week goes.

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