What is MAGS?
MAGS is a monthly competition for all amateur adventure game makers. The idea is to use AGS to create a game in under a month, following the rules set by the previous winner.
For more information please visit the Official MAGS website (http://www.mags-competition.tk).
Why should I enter MAGS?
We're not here to tell you that you should enter MAGS, but merely allow it as a creative opportunity to help you work to a deadline, improve your skills, and generally as a good kick-start for the new comers (a.k.a n00bies).
MAGS is the perfect opportunity to make a game, and the wonderful prize is to announce the next month's rules, and all competitors get the game placed on the MAGS website.
MAGS is meant to be fun and is aimed at everyone, despite their skill. If you have poor art skills work on graphics, and vice-versa, as the voting is based on "favourite" games, and not the most artistic, you may get help for the competiton, but should try not get anyone else to do any part of the game for you.
You are not allowed to (re)use material already created before this competition, you game must be completely new! An exception goes for sounds and music where you can also use free material that is available to the public.
This month's guidelines are set by zabnat, winner of the last month's competition.
Topic: Fairy Tale Mod
- Main story or a side plot has to be a modified classic fairy tale. That is some classic fairy tale (Cinderella, little red riding hood, Grimm's fairy tales, etc.) and alter it someway (like modernize the setting, ...), but it still has to be recognizable. Think of three bears cottage in Simon the Sorcerer 2.
- One inventory item must be a regognizable item from a different fairy tale than the one featured in the plot. Like Cinderella's shoe or the poisoned apple from Snow White.
- A yellow submarine must be included in the game somehow. It can be a location, on the background, as a hotspot, as an object or as an inventory item, it's up to you to decide.
Of course you can mix as many fairy tales as you wish, minimum is two (according to the rules above). There are no further restrictions.
All games need to be in by May 26th.
Please post a download link of your game entry to this thread, best with a screenshot. Thanks and good luck.
Some additional words in general: During the latest contests a number of entries were obviously created in a hurry, in just some hours or some days. Remember that this is neither OWOG (one week, one game) nor is it SHOG (seven hours, one game) - it is MAGS. So please use the given time to create your game, you have almost a whole month! Dont get me wrong: There's nothing against well tested short games and nothing against slightly buggy epic entries. Just don't rush and remember it is MAGS! Thanks :)
This could get intersting... I've always liked these bloodthristy* fairytales (http://forums.introversion.co.uk/uplink/images/smiles/icon_twisted.gif)
I've got a question, though - does it have to be a popular fairytale, or is anything by Grimm's acceptable?
* Well, are they or aren't they?
Also: Germans will probably want to go here (http://gutenberg.spiegel.de/autoren/grimm.htm) for some fairytales.
I should point out that both Cinderella and Little Red Riding Hood are in fact Grimm fairy tales. Can I assume that tales by e.g. Andersen, or Aesop, or from Russian folklore are likewise acceptable? What about Greek mythology?
QuoteThink of three beers cottage in Simon the Sorcerer 2.
Is this a typo or should I really play that game to find out?
Well any fairy tale is acceptable while some less popular ones would be harder to regognize. Andersen etc. and Greek mythology are also ok.
Simon the Sorcerer 2 was mentioned because it had a parody of Goldilocks and The Three Bears. It is not required to play that game, but it could give you some ideas :)
Quote"Think of three beers cottage in Simon the Sorcerer 2." Is this a typo or should I really play that game to find out?
Oh, it was just a test to see if people do actually read the rules... Thanks for pointing this out ;)
Quote from: Klaus on Tue 01/05/2007 15:41:46
Quote"Think of three beers cottage in Simon the Sorcerer 2." Is this a typo or should I really play that game to find out?
Oh, it was just a test to see if people do actually read the rules... Thanks for pointing this out ;)
And I didn't even realise the typo while answering :-[
But hey, there's a free idea ;)
...and after breaking into the cottage, Goldilocks spotted a large glass of beer standing in the fridge. Taking it out, she took a sip. Brrrr! This beer was much too cold! Then, looking around, she spied a somewhat smaller glass of beer standing near the stove. She couldn't resist tasting this one as well. Ouch! This beer was much too hot! Finally she found a small glass of beer standing in the middle of the table; she wondered why she hadn't seen this one first...
This post sponsored by Heineken.
Quote from: Klaus on Tue 01/05/2007 14:48:13Main story or a side plot has to be a modified classic fairy tale.
Would transplanting a fairy tale to a different setting (e.g. science fiction or the ever popular pirates era) or re-telling it from a different POV (e.g. Neil Gaiman's Snow, Glass, Apples (http://www.holycow.com/dreaming/stories/snow.html) be sufficient "modifications"?
Quote from: Anym on Tue 01/05/2007 16:30:56
Quote from: Klaus on Tue 01/05/2007 14:48:13Main story or a side plot has to be a modified classic fairy tale.
Would transplanting a fairy tale to a different setting (e.g. science fiction or the ever popular pirates era) or re-telling it from a different POV (e.g. Neil Gaiman's Snow, Glass, Apples (http://www.holycow.com/dreaming/stories/snow.html) be sufficient "modifications"?
Yes, pretty much what I had in mind.
Quote from: Radiant on Tue 01/05/2007 16:04:36
...and after breaking into the cottage, Goldilocks spotted a large glass of beer standing in the fridge. Taking it out, she took a sip. Brrrr! This beer was much too cold! Then, looking around, she spied a somewhat smaller glass of beer standing near the stove. She couldn't resist tasting this one as well. Ouch! This beer was much too hot! Finally she found a small glass of beer standing in the middle of the table; she wondered why she hadn't seen this one first...
This post sponsored by Heineken.
LoL I love your sense of humor. Will you also make a game this time? :)
Oh boy, I had an idea for this for a long time. I hope I have enough will and skill to enter this one!
This MAGS sounds really interesting!
I will try and enter this one!
I started working on my game... perhaps this time it'll finish in time. Cascade Failure is on hold for now.
Quote from: Radiant on Tue 01/05/2007 16:04:36
she wondered why she hadn't seen this one first...
This post sponsored by Heineken.
Carlsberg don't make AGS games butif they did they'd probably be the best games in the world
If I get anytime free from my current stuff i might be able to throw one together
Best of luck folks
Can I use gui's that I made before? I really don't like the ones that come with AGS... theatrx
I have six rooms completed. I'm loving this game. Great idea!!!
It's called Roast Mother Goose.
Does "Robin Hood" qualify as a Fairy Tale?
Many, though not all, elements of the Robin Hood story were drawn from folk-tales and folk-traditions. As it's since been written as a story for both adults and children I'd say it's near-as-damn-it a fairy tale.
I'd just like to say that although there's no way I can finish it by the deadline, this contest did inspire me to work on a game, and I think there's a pretty high chance that I'll actually complete it.
It's a one-room title taking place over four episodes some years apart (something like the structure of Grim Fandango), based on several Norwegian fairy tales. I have a story, parts of a script, and some puzzles. I have a background that is about 50% complete (unfortunately my standards are higher than my abilities can live up to, so it's taking incredibly an incredibly long time; I've probably put in 20 hours on it already). I have drawings of the main character that I can turn into sprites.
This is further towards completion than any project I have started before (mainly because it's less ambitious), and I want to make sure that it gets done. So one reason to post about it is to make a commitment to completing it. Good luck to the contestants!
Yes, I too was inspired. This was a good topic, and if there aren't many entries, it's not the fault of the topic but of people's schedules around this time (or something).
Me three, unfortunately. Could this be the BAGS instead? :)
Or we could do two categories: One for those diligent, productive achievers who can get it done in the next week, and one for us useless slowpokes who'll need another month or two.
Or the slowpokes can just finish their games out of MAGS. ;)
I am totally befuddled by this. I've actually completed a
MAGS on time. This was my third try. It's probably buggy.
Here is a screenshot which really doesn't exist... ooops.
Well it sort of does...
Here is the download link...
http://theatrx.8m.com/RMG.zip (http://theatrx.8m.com/RMG.zip)
I hope it's not too buggy.
There are two bugs that I know of...
One) in Snow White's Cottage... one of the Dwarfs gets hidden by the rock
Two) I think it's Granny's room
Both issues involve Random Movement within the room... I will work on that.
Well, one entry in so far and there are still 20 hours left from now (see timestamp of this post) to submit your entries. Then - if actually more games are listed in the end - the voting will begin...
here is my entry
Owl's Quest: Every owl has it's day
a king's Quest Spoof
So here we go: Two entries and a couple of MAGS inspired games we can hope for to be finished in the next few weeks, months, years...
For voting please visit the MAGS site (http://www.mags-competition.tk) or make your choice right here:
Roast Mother Goose by theatrx (http://mags.typo.i24.cc?page=voting&fav=Roast%20Mother%20Goose)
Owls Quest by joelphilippage (http://mags.typo.i24.cc?page=voting&fav=Owls%20Quest)
Please vote only once and be sure to have played all games before sending your voice! Good luck to all participants.
Mine was finished, but my internet connection broke. Bwaaah.
(it's still broken. i'm at my grandparent's.)
So voting is over now. The results for each game were very close at the beginning but now - at the end - there's one clear winner again:
Congratulations go to joelphilippage and his game Owl's Quest.
Also many thanks to theatrx for joining the contest and his nice entry.
PS: Joel please check your messages for the setup of next month's rules...