MAGS May: Complete Your Game(Winner Announced)

Started by Dualnames, Sat 01/05/2010 02:38:15

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What is MAGS?
MAGS is a monthly competition for all amateur adventure game makers. The idea is to use AGS to create a game in under a month, following the rules set by the previous winner.

For more information please visit the Official MAGS website.

Why should I enter MAGS?
We're not here to tell you that you should enter MAGS, but merely allow it as a creative opportunity to help you work to a deadline, improve your skills, and generally as a good kick-start for the new comers.

MAGS is the perfect opportunity to make a game, and the wonderful prize is to announce the next month's rules, and all competitors get the game placed on the MAGS website.

MAGS is meant to be fun and is aimed at everyone, despite their skill. If you have poor art skills work on graphics, and vice-versa, as the voting is based on "favorite" games, and not the most artistic. You may get help for the competition, as long as you end up doing something yourself. You should however be warned that it should prove hard to organize a big team within 30 days.

You are not allowed to (re)use material already created before this competition, you game must be completely new! An exception goes for sounds and music where you can also use free material that is available to the public. Modules and templates are allowed.

Please do not just enter the competition with a rushed entry (a game created in just some hours)

This means that you can make a game and rush it, but don't do it to just win by default.


Topic: Complete Your Game

This month's guidelines were set by ProgZMaX:

This MAGS encourages anyone with unfinished games from any era to complete them in a month (at least enough to be playable)?  This may attract the interest of people like me who have several 25-75% finished full length games that for whatever reason we've abandoned.  This way everyone wins even if there has to be a courtesy 'win'.

I believe Chicky also mentioned extensive interest in such an event, and if mags does not do it I may host a separate event to get some of the older games that fell off the map back on.

Thread Rules:

1)  Comments are allowed at all times. Anyone can comment, critic and express his opinion about an entry, the MAGS, and the host's mother, without being obliged to hide it! As long as the critic isn't like "You suck", something more elaborate could be more useful because after all this is a test for all developers to see if they can really make a game within a month, therefore feedback is crucial. [/i]

2)  Participators are allowed to patch their games even while the voting but I should be informed via pm or here, and only IF the game has a serious bug that makes it crash. Due to the inability of keeping track of versions of the games, I've settled to this.

3) It would be wiser to add the game to the AGS database, so you can easily do changes to the game, while the voting is going on, without having to inform me at all.

So you can patch your game, if it crashes or if it can't be completed.


Markbilly! With his wonderful entry : Wall-E

MAGS A (January, March,May, July, September, November)

It starts on 1st and ends on 30/31st

The winner sets up the theme of the next MAGS A
Voting and playing lasts whilst MAGS B is going on. (2 weeks each)

MAGS B (February, April, June, August, October, December)

It starts on 1st and ends on 28/29/30/31st
The winner sets the theme of the next MAGS B

Voting and playing lasts whilst MAGS A is going on. (2 weeks each)

The winner of this month if not deadly obvious from this post, will set the rules of July. MAGS A and MAGS B are just a way to clarify and indicate condition of the competitions.

To sum up, there will be constantly a 30 days game making month, and a 30 days voting and playing month for that, whilst on the second process another game making month of 30 days will overlap.

Due to the great Days of No Entries, this will be confusing to all of you. Summing up: Every month one new game making month round, one game voting month round.
It's about time you get what you deserve. I know this changes will be a little off the book, but the rules are just guidelines.

Moderators, don't lock the other topic. To you, nothing prevents you from entering the other MAGS. So Game Makers of this Month, we salute you. Let the games begin.
If you're working on a MAGS entry the last days, don't frigging post it here! It goes on the other topic if not obvious already!
Worked on Strangeland, Primordia, Hob's Barrow, The Cat Lady, Mage's Initiation, Until I Have You, Downfall, Hunie Pop, and every game in the Wadjet Eye Games catalogue (porting)


So... what exactly is the policy on items created before this month? Are we allowed to use old stuff to continue work or just drop everything?

What's the policy on demos or games in parts for this round? I can think of one idea that's incomplete, but it's not completely doable in a month.


You are allowed to complete an unfinished game of yours, that means if you had an idea of a game, it's still viable, if you had worked on a game for a time period(any time period that is), you can try and complete it and post it here.

You are allowed to use old stuff.

The rules are quite loose. Just complete something you worked previously at any rate possible.
Worked on Strangeland, Primordia, Hob's Barrow, The Cat Lady, Mage's Initiation, Until I Have You, Downfall, Hunie Pop, and every game in the Wadjet Eye Games catalogue (porting)

Ryan Timothy B

Quote from: Dualnames on Sat 01/05/2010 12:30:51
You are allowed to use old stuff.
Without the ability of using any material that's already been used in a completed game, unless you were making a sequel?
Is that the rule?

Because I've got some games I haven't completed with a bad plot but some resources that I wouldn't have any issues with using again.  Perhaps I'll join up if I think of a good idea.


Quote from: Ryan Timothy on Sat 01/05/2010 12:55:52
Quote from: Dualnames on Sat 01/05/2010 12:30:51
You are allowed to use old stuff.
Without the ability of using any material that's already been used in a completed game, unless you were making a sequel?
Is that the rule?

Because I've got some games I haven't completed with a bad plot but some resources that I wouldn't have any issues with using again.  Perhaps I'll join up if I think of a good idea.

You need to complete a game. How you do it, it's not really my concern. (Well if you've released the completed game, why bother doing it here?)
Worked on Strangeland, Primordia, Hob's Barrow, The Cat Lady, Mage's Initiation, Until I Have You, Downfall, Hunie Pop, and every game in the Wadjet Eye Games catalogue (porting)

Crimson Wizard

Funny rules. I've been working on my game with varied efficiency all this time. I doubt I'll complete it in month, but if I will, it sounds like I can enter as well  :-\


As a quick question (Cause I am thinking of joining this month's MAGS) There is no theme so I can just make any game I think of. Before I start. 

I got some cool ideas for a project too.  ;)


Sweet, I've got about 4 hours of work left to do on my Salsa MAGS entry!  Then I've got the rest of the month to improve it...


Quote from: Danman on Sat 01/05/2010 20:02:32
As a quick question (Cause I am thinking of joining this month's MAGS) There is no theme so I can just make any game I think of. Before I start. 

Yep. Anything goes.

Quote from: Jasmine on Sat 01/05/2010 20:11:54
Sweet, I've got about 4 hours of work left to do on my Salsa MAGS entry!  Then I've got the rest of the month to improve it...

That's what this month's MAGS is for.  :)

Ultimate Game Solutions - Because there is a solution for everything


Thanks for letting me know Leon  ;) .  I will be getting to work then.  ;D


Props for the namedrop Dual  :=

If i can find a programmer, i'm in  :D

Calin Leafshade

Let's see if McCarthy episode 2 can be done in a month then shall we...

Shane 'ProgZmax' Stevens

Bear in mind this event is mainly for people who have, for whatever reason, had to set aside projects they wanted to finish and just didn't get back to them.  That doesn't mean you can't enter with a game you've been working on continuously but the topic isn't 'hurry and finish your game in a month' it's 'complete a game you've left by the wayside for whatever reason'.  This distinction is important because the event is meant to encourage people with old, half-dead games to revive them for us all to enjoy.  If and when I consider making this a semi-regular activity, it will be more specific about what constitutes a valid project.

As it stands, Dualnames runs MAGS and can reinterpret the rules however he chooses.  :)

Also, depending on how quickly I recover from the previous mags I may, myself, show some of my SECRET projects that the world at large has yet to see, but which I think people will find quite nice.


Exactly, what ProgZ said. The rules are loose so anyone can join, but it's about those guys, who have been making a game for a while, but they somehow abandoned it or ran into a halt. Hopefully this will give them the urge to wrap it up.
Worked on Strangeland, Primordia, Hob's Barrow, The Cat Lady, Mage's Initiation, Until I Have You, Downfall, Hunie Pop, and every game in the Wadjet Eye Games catalogue (porting)

Calin Leafshade

Well McCarthy has been set by the wayside for quite some time. (currently it has about 300 lines of code  ::) yay for productivity)

So I think it does 'qualify' in terms of "need motivation, must finish"


There might be a racially questionable game made in this month. Let's see.
Quote from: Calin Elephantsittingonface on Tue 08/02/2011 09:00:55
The only person in favour of the mobs seems to be IndieBoy.. but he's scottish so we dont listen to him anyway.


Curious: am I allowed to post here a project of mine for someone else to finish?


Quote from: bicilotti on Sun 02/05/2010 19:24:35
Curious: am I allowed to post here a project of mine for someone else to finish?

Intriguing? You cannot actually post your game and expect someone to take it, but you can announce what you have, and offer someone to take it from here.

The can and cannots I said above, are just restriction based on Common Sense, you can do whatever you want, but I just don't think what you're saying is going to have result.
Worked on Strangeland, Primordia, Hob's Barrow, The Cat Lady, Mage's Initiation, Until I Have You, Downfall, Hunie Pop, and every game in the Wadjet Eye Games catalogue (porting)


Quote from: Dualnames on Sun 02/05/2010 21:03:43
You cannot actually post your game and expect someone to take it, but you can announce what you have, and offer someone to take it from here.

The can and cannots I said above, are just restriction based on Common Sense, you can do whatever you want, but I just don't think what you're saying is going to have result.

More than fair!

Here's my thing

Under game files you will find everything I've done so far. I don't expect anyone to pick it up and finish it for me, but if there's someone out there who lacks an idea or something to be completed... well, have fun with it!


This may finally be the kick I need to (re)learn to code/get my 2nd game done.

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