MAGS March “Glass of Water” (RESULT)

Started by Stupot, Fri 01/03/2019 07:09:26

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What was your favourite game of MAGS March?

Hydrate by Retro Wolf
10 (83.3%)
Flukie by VampireWombat
0 (0%)
Suspicious Mind by Creamy and Kastchey
2 (16.7%)

Total Members Voted: 12

Voting closed: Wed 17/04/2019 04:15:34


Quote from: VampireWombat on Wed 06/03/2019 21:44:11
So, umm... Am I going to be competing against myself this month?
Someone could make a Maniac Mansion Mania game where weird Ed's latest hobby is ventriloquism and you offer him a glass of water, for example.
Or a game somewhat influenced by Jurassic Park and vibrations from some creature cause ripples in a glass of water.
Perhaps your character is stranded in a desert and hallucinates a glass of water.
Maybe characters are forming a band and one of the people rubs their finger over a glass of water.
Have a game that you want to make, but have no idea how to use a glass of water? Use a glass of water as a MacGuffin or red herring item.

Perhaps this might inspire someone?


That looks pretty scary  :=
This is the Way - A dark allegory. My Twitter!  My Youtube!


I don't know if it's that scary...

And I honestly  have no idea what game I'm actually going to make for this month. There's still time to do the longer game if I can actually get sprites made. There's also a chance I could do the first game I mentioned at the beginning of the month. Or the one room game. Or I may just end up doing a game based on the "scary" image. But I will do something, even if it's only a minute long...

Retro Wolf

I will 100% release a short game in time for the deadline.
It's been too long since I finished a project so I scaled back my ambition and minimised animation.
95% artwork is original and drawn this month.
The game is pretty releasable as is, which is why it's a definite 100%.
So if I get enough time this last week I will polish it as much as I can.

Unless I get struck dead by lightning or something!  ;)

PM me if you want to test it and try and break the game for me.



Ah, finally definite other game being made.
Now I almost feel bad that what I'm going to be making is based on/parodying 2 of the worst E.T. knockoff movies I know of and won't have any actual puzzles, just dialog choices. Almost.

Retro Wolf

I didn't announce I was working earlier on, because I've started a hundred games I've never finished!
Look forward to see what you come up with VampireWombat, even if it is a small project.


Yes, I can kind of understand that. I think that I now have more unfinished MAGS games than I have finished.
Hopefully I won't disappoint. There won't be any normal exploration you'd expect from an adventure game and if the inventory is used at all, it'll only be in one room. In ways it will probably be closer to a visual novel.

Retro Wolf


You are Shar, the last remaining engineer on a heavily damaged mining station in deep space. Many are dead, water supplies are gone, the last high ranking officer is drunk out of his face, what will you do?!
A quick and easy point and click made for MAGS March 2019.
The theme is GLASS OF WATER.

Music by Eric Matyas.
Testing by Cassiebsg.

It's been too long since I've finished a project, even though it's a small one, I enjoyed the process.
I'm releasing it before the deadline because I'll be too busy this week, but I consider it complete.
Special thanks to Cassiebsg for her input.

Walkthrough is bundled with the game.

Warning: No saving system, this might be a bit controversial, but due to the short length of the game I didn't bother.


Current votes: 11  |  Target: 20  |  Play


Current votes: 11  |  Target: 20  |  Play


Perhaps... we might have something, but it's uncertain whether or not we will manage to deliver even with the extension.
I'll try to confirm ASAP.

Congratulations on your Lifetime Achievement, by the way!

Edit: Ours is unlikely to be finished today, too much going on. We could try with an extension if any was given but as we both agreed that we would finish the game no matter within or outside of the competition, any decision will be fine :)


An extension would be great. I could technically finish today, but an extra day or two would make a big difference.

Retro Wolf

I have no problem with an extension if people need it, but I'm leaving my game as it is.


*wipes his greasy hands.

I confirm that Kastchey and I need an extension.


I will continue under the assumption of an extension, but I will have a semi playable version prepared just before the deadline just in case...

Unfinished, barely playable version that will hopefully be finished if/when there's the extension. Probably buggy, doesn't have all the dialog options, doesn't have finished art for most things, and doesn't have the intro or true endings.


Quote from: VampireWombat on Sat 16/03/2019 14:19:28
I'm wondering why the lack of interest this month. Is the theme not inspiring? Is everyone on vacation or something? Is everyone burnt out on making MAGs games?
I never announce when I'm working on a MAGS entry anymore because I never finish them. For example, I started one this month with a very nice glass of water as an inventory item, but I'm not even halfway done with it.  :embarrassed:

It's embarrassing how many of these half-finished things I've accumulated on my hard drive over the years. I miss the days when I had more free time.


Quote from: Ponch on Mon 01/04/2019 01:02:18
I never announce when I'm working on a MAGS entry anymore because I never finish them. For example, I started one this month with a very nice glass of water as an inventory item, but I'm not even halfway done with it.  :embarrassed:

It's embarrassing how many of these half-finished things I've accumulated on my hard drive over the years. I miss the days when I had more free time.
I guess I can kind of understand. I tend to talk about mine in the threads as a way of motivation. Which sometimes works and sometimes doesn't.

I think I'm up to about a 80% failure rate on completing games. But each one does go towards helping me improve in some way, so none of them are total failures.


Better try and fail than fail for not even trying... (or something like that  ;) )
There are those who believe that life here began out there...

Retro Wolf

I've been indie games making 10 years, I'd imagine about 50 projects abandoned!  (laugh)
But most of them I learned something definitely, I know a lot more now then I did then.
Shame I don't have as free much time now like I did in the beginning.


I really hope the extension wasn't until 50 minutes from now or 10 minutes ago. Here's what I currently have just in case.
Still not done. But has more than yesterday's version.


Usually if there was an extension given, it would have been until Stu closed the competition so I think you've safely delivered, VW :)

Ours is *almost* playable so if we are still allowed to finish and submit it today - great, if not then it's 100% fine, it's the second day past the deadline so we've already pushed it...

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