MAGS June "Neglected Historical Eras" (RESULTS)

Started by Stupot, Wed 01/06/2016 01:48:53

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Great inspirations can come from toilets Mandle... Jimi Hendrix loved the acoustics and spent many a happy hour sitting on the toilet strumming away (laugh)

Update on Blackudder: Begining done. Ending done. Doing the middle parts now...(laugh)

Blackudder: "We must beat Drakes' boat to the West Indies and pinch some of the Spanish treasures."
Blackudder: "I will be extremely rich and the Queen will again favour me. Er, I mean us."
Blackudder: "Baldick. Get my boat ready. We sail for the West Indies tonite."
Blackudder: "We'll beat Drakes' boat."
Baldick: "We don't have a boat."
Blackudder: "Yes we do. It's that great big wooden thing that floats on water."
Baldick: "We did have a great big wooden thing that floats on water."
Baldick: "It's been repossessed, m'lord."
Blackudder: "Repossessed?!"
Baldick: "Yes, m'lord. On account you have not kept up with your payments."
Blackudder: "Well, we'd better find another one very quickly or the only wooden thing floating on water around here is going to be your head, you clamorous clodpoll!"

I want to see how the others are doing...and what they've chosen (nod)


Yay!!! My toilet coninspitation was right on track and I managed to get some good floaters going:

I managed to get the ship's movement as fluid as I had intended (the problem was that I was rounding the floats into ints and then getting back the values from the ints instead of saving the floats as seperate variables)...

Anyways...enough about floaters...

Shit (intentional) is getting real now: If you look down at the bottom (not intentional) of the screen you might notice a "MORALE" title: This is what just ran out in this screenie, but I couldn't show the actual meter as it had just ran out...

Music added as well which makes replaying the damn thing during tweaking much more fun...


I'm sure exited to see what games will be made from this theme, and what eras will be picked!

I don't have any good game-play or puzzle ideas for this competition myself, but I'm hoping
that someone somewhere will make a game about the Migration preiod, seeing that
it's such an obscure era and so poorly documented that some historians actually doubted that it even occurred! (roll)

Yes, I've actually read theories that a good chunk of the dark ages were fabricated because medieval kings
added a few hundred years to the calendar so that they could hold a thousand year anniversary during their reign.
So, the whole middle ages was a conspiracy all along! (laugh)


To be honest, the theme for this month's MAGS is among my favourites. And what's equally amazing is the fact that my holidays have just started (which means that I have time) and on top of that, I'd been itching for developing a new game.

Alas, my lack of visual art skills more or less mean that it will not be possible.



Quote from: Stupot+ on Tue 07/06/2016 01:44:53
Doooooo iiiiit!

Frankly speaking, it seems unlikely. I just wanted to show my strong support for this theme at this point. :) I'll try coming up with something and contacting an artist or two, though.


Quote from: Blondbraid on Mon 06/06/2016 18:06:41
I don't have any good game-play or puzzle ideas for this competition myself, but I'm hoping
that someone somewhere will make a game about the Migration preiod, seeing that
it's such an obscure era and so poorly documented that some historians actually doubted that it even occurred! (roll)
Wow, that would indeed be a great topic. I hope you will make a game about it - since it's so obscure, you probably have lots of freedom regarding gameplay and puzzles ;-D

Quote from: Adeel on Tue 07/06/2016 01:42:47
Alas, my lack of visual art skills more or less mean that it will not be possible.
MAGS is not about graphics, it's about making a game within one month. And with your comedic writing skills and enough time due to your holidays, I'm sure you will make a very enjoyable game (nod)

Retro Wolf

You could always do a text adventure Adeel!


@Mandle - a ship, a map of the Caribbean and crew morale - memories of Pirates! on my Atari ST all those years ago - awesome! :-D


Adeel:  Do eeeeet!  Draw stick figures in MS Paint if you have to.  Good content makes any level of art work, look at XKCD.

I personally am stealing liberating the works of Japanese artists like Hiroshige and Hokusai, just pasting in their landscape and city scenes as whole backgrounds, and their closeup portraits of people as my characters (with lip synced mouths superimposed).  I drew my own main character, but otherwise I'm borrowing wholesale to meet the time deadline.

It's kinda funny because it's shaped my entire detective plot around what art already existed, and I had to make it all fit with minor add-ons. :)



I was thinking about making one about the trial of Socrates, already getting lots of documentation via Wikipedia, hoping to get some help with scripting :embarrassed:, and a lot with tunes :embarrassed: :embarrassed: (anyone up for "Sirtaking" the hell out of a game?)   
"Loose ends have a way of strangling you"


My entry

Blackudder: To doubloon or not to doubloon....

Is now finished and it's testing / tweaking time (laugh)


So curious what you all come up with! Looking forward to playing the entries.  If time had permitted,  I'd have loved to participate. Some rip roaring Mayan adventure or a steamy neanderthal love story... Ah well, next time :-D


First screenie

Blackudder and Baldick trying to figure out how to afford a birthday surprise for Elizabeth I:


Nice-looking screenshots there!
Quote from: cat on Tue 07/06/2016 08:36:10
Wow, that would indeed be a great topic. I hope you will make a game about it - since it's so obscure, you probably have lots of freedom regarding gameplay and puzzles ;-D
I really, really love the theme of neglected historical eras, but sadly I still haven't got any ideas that I can make into actual game-play... :~(
Part of me was thinking about doing something with the cadaver synod,
but I can't come up with any good game-play elements, and I'm not sure from who's perspective to tell the story...???


Running lyrics (laugh)

Sing along to...

Blackudder always dreams of riches
To fill his pockets full of treasure
To be a lord is what he wishes
With Baldick's company for pleasure

Blackudder, Blackudder
The scourge of all the seas
Blackudder, Blackudder
His exploits are naughty

Black, his heart is cold as ice
Black, his remarks are rather witty
His ship's faster than the speed of light
Baldick thinks he is prim and pretty

Blackudder, Blackudder
The crab upon the seas
Blackudder, Blackudder
You dirty rotten flea


And now I can't get the Blackadder theme-song ut of my head! (laugh)
Please tell me that it will play over the game credits!


QuoteBlondbraid: Please tell me that it will play over the game credits!
It indeed will... with a guitarist contributing plus multi-layered vocals...


My MAG game this month is based on fact of an era when Queen Elizabeth I commissioned Sir Francis Drake to plunder the sunken / destroyed Spanish galleons in the West Indies (Carribean) and bring their treasures back to England.

Of course this is just the background setting for the story and it did not anticipate that one such person, namely Edmund Blackudder would become involved with the plundering of these sunken galleons.

With her majesty's birthday only 8 months away and Blackudder being skint, he needs a cunning plan that's cunning else he will get the 'chop'!

He overhears Sir Francis Drake blabbing on about plundering treasure from the Spanish galleons in the West Indies.

Blackudder decides to beat Drake to the West Indies and pinch some of the Spanish treasures for himself therby affording the Queen a birthday present and will assure him a place in her affections. He also hopes she will make him a Lord (he already presumes the title of Lord)....and above all: spare him the 'chop'!

Of course things do not go quite according to plan when Baldick (Blackudders' put-upon sidekick) tells Blackudder that his boat has been repossessed!

Includes revised lyrics.

New screenie in production

On board a damaged Spanish galleon


Looks AWESOME, Slasher! Background art is gorgeous and the story sounds really promising. I look forward to this release!


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