MAGS June "Neglected Historical Eras" (RESULTS)

Started by Stupot, Wed 01/06/2016 01:48:53

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Thank you Shadow, i drew the background myself....

All's ready and just waiting to put the music in.. hopefully soon.

Am i going to be the first to reveal (roll)



Blackudder: To doubloon or not to doubloon

My entry for June's MAG is a parady based on fact of an era when Queen Elizabeth I commissioned Sir Francis Drake to plunder the sunken or destroyed Spanish galleons in the West Indies (Carribean) and bring their treasures back to England.

Of course this is just the background setting for the story and it did not anticipate that one such person, namely Edmund Blackudder would become involved with the plundering of these sunken galleons.

With her majesty's birthday only 8 months away and Blackudder being skint, he needs a cunning plan that's cunning else he will get the 'chop'!

Blackudder overhears Sir Francis Drake blabbing on about plundering treasure from the Spanish galleons in the West Indies.

Blackudder decides to beat Drake to the West Indies and pinch some of the Spanish treasures for himself therby affording the Queen a birthday present and will assure him a place in her affections. He also hopes she will make him a Lord (he already presumes the title of Lord)....and above all: spare him the 'chop'!

Of course things do not start according to plan when Baldick (Blackudders' put-upon sidekick) tells Blackudder that his boat has been repossessed!

Follow Blackudders' exploits on the high seas.

Catchy parady song to sing along to with a twist of fate...

Play now and enjoy ;)
(Tweaked June 13th)

Comments welcomed


Slasher, you put this all forum to shame! :-[
Looking forward to trying it... though I still need to finish all entries from last month... :-[
There are those who believe that life here began out there...


Where's everybody hiding?

Come on, show us your jewels (laugh)


Thank you for your kind and encouraging words, everyone. But I just don't think that my game will ever materialize. Sorry for disappointing.

Loving all the games showcased here. Keep up the good work!


Currently running slow because I got partway in, then discovered 3.3.5 still has the same Verb Coin bug that won't let your character walk.

So I just did a manual rebuild of my game with a copied over Verb Coin template from 3.2.1...imported anything that could be imported from the original file, hand copied over everything else, made sure everything was reassigned to proper views, sprites, general settings, global variables, etc...

Now my rooms are freezing, my mouse is freezing (but my touchpad isn't??) even after the engine and game are turned off, and cEgo isn't appearing in his starting room any more, even though I can see him standing there when I make the room's Characters visible.

Sooo...yeah.  Trying to figure that all out. :/

If it comes to it, I'll rebuild from scratch again tomorrow without importing anything, and see if that helps.  Or start from scratch and not use verbcoin.

Still hope to get mine done on time!


I've decided to try and make a contribution after all.
Here is a screenshot of my game about the cadaver synod, which I in a remarkable strike of creativity, cleverly named The cadaver synod.
Several historians regard this historical event as the lowest point in the history of the catholic church, which is quite an impressive feat, considering they once had three popes. At the same time. (roll)

I decided to take a few creative liberties however, since I wanted to include a legendary figure who, among other things, became the inspiration for one of the cards in the tarot deck.
Can anyone guess where this is going? ;)


Above entries are all looking AMAZING!!! Can't wait to have the time to play them!

I got quite a lot of work done on my game today:

Game mechanics are finally tweaked close to where I want them. Several physics errors also corrected...

The game is quickly becoming a potential educational experience about the voyages of Columbus: I've learnt a lot in any case...


Looking great! And Looking forward to play these! :-D
There are those who believe that life here began out there...



QuoteGreat to see so many entries coming up!
I agree and i would like to see a lot more people fuel the jet and get creating....

Some say a month is not long enough: That's why i try to show that it is possible despite any negativity about my games.

I'm not fast but i am determined, despite everything.

Come on guys, let's get this place rockin' with MAG games...

Your imagination is brimming so let's see them in action.

Mandle,Blondbraid, PlayPretend:

Glad to see your entries are coming along nicely (nod)

Mine is done so no turning back for me now (laugh)


Phew...I did a working rebuild in the Default Game template instead of Verb Coin.  Back on track!

Can't wait to see everyone else's! :)



I stayed up a bit past my bedtime tonight and managed to complete the mechanics to play Columbus' "historically accurate" first voyage, and also play the game quite a few times until I had managed my first in-game success on roughly following his route without crashing into land, having a mutiny ensue from low crew morale (bar at bottom of screen), or running out of supplies (new resource bar at top of screen):

At this point in the game I would just need to head east and back to Spain to collect a tidy purse of gold, and then spend that to perhaps upgrade my ships at the "shop", and/or hire some fresh new crew, and/or buy more supplies, before heading out on Columbus' second voyage...

I plan to include all of his voyages in the game, and perhaps a few fictional ones beyond that if things go well...


Quote from: Mandle on Thu 16/06/2016 16:12:50
I plan to include all of his voyages in the game, and perhaps a few fictional ones beyond that if things go well...
Please have him travel the Panama Canal (laugh)


Quote from: cat on Thu 16/06/2016 16:42:39
Quote from: Mandle on Thu 16/06/2016 16:12:50
I plan to include all of his voyages in the game, and perhaps a few fictional ones beyond that if things go well...
Please have him travel the Panama Canal (laugh)

Hahaha! Maybe his ships plow through and dig it by accident...


Quote from: Mandle on Thu 16/06/2016 16:12:50
I stayed up a bit past my bedtime tonight and managed to complete the mechanics to play Columbus' "historically accurate" first voyage, and also play the game quite a few times until I had managed my first in-game success on roughly following his route without crashing into land, having a mutiny ensue from low crew morale (bar at bottom of screen), or running out of supplies (new resource bar at top of screen):

I plan to include all of his voyages in the game, and perhaps a few fictional ones beyond that if things go well...
Now you've made me think of The magic voyage! (laugh)
(probably the most hilarious and inaccurate Columbus movie I've ever seen, the best part is when Columbus tries to show mutinous sailors he isn't mad... by bursting into song on an accordion!) (laugh)

I have worked some more on my own game, it starts with a simple puzzle to introduce the main character, and then it's off to the titular cadaver synod.

The premise is that pope Stephen the sixth or seventh, is holding a trial against his predecessor Formosus,
and you play as the scholar tasked with defending Formosus.
The thing is, this scholar don't know the laws, have no previous legal experience and haven't even heard what the charges are.
That's the probably the reason Stephen chose them.

I'm about to start working on the actual trial next, and I'm mostly using this painting by Jean-Paul Laurens of the event as my foremost inspiration:


Quote from: Blondbraid on Fri 17/06/2016 15:13:42
Now you've made me think of The magic voyage! (laugh)
(probably the most hilarious and inaccurate Columbus movie I've ever seen, the best part is when Columbus tries to show mutinous sailors he isn't mad... by bursting into song on an accordion!) (laugh)

I just watched the clip....HAHAHAHA!!! Amazing!!! Soooo much ironic humour subtly placed in a "kids" cartoon...

Also: Your game with the story of the "fool" chosen to defend the church's scapegoat..(And winning through in the end I'm assuming)...THAT'S a great story right there!!! Everyone loves an underdog story, especially when the fall-guy manages to deliver the fitting comeuppance to the dudes that set them up...

I also love how you have taken your colour pallette from the source picture shown above: I look from one to the other and, apart from the cartoon aesthetic in yours, they could have been done by the same artist...

But I've stayed up too late working on my own game so:

Time for beddy-bye!!!


Quote from: Mandle on Fri 17/06/2016 16:28:11
I just watched the clip....HAHAHAHA!!! Amazing!!! Soooo much ironic humour subtly placed in a "kids" cartoon...
I strongly recommend watching the whole movie, you could devote an entire forum thread on everything wrong with it; racist caricatures, gross historical inaccuracy, so, so many unintentional sexual innuendos, a graphic scene of Columbus getting hanged and walking away unharmed...
In the words of the Nostalgia critic, "You know, a children's movie!" ;)

As for my game, believe it or not, it's actually based on a real historical event and a trial that really took place in Rome in the year 897:

I couldn't make this stuff up if I tried! (wtf)

I've said it in a previous post, but I'll say it again:
Several historians regard this historical event as the lowest point in the history of the catholic church, which is quite an impressive feat, considering they once had three popes. At the same time. 8-0


I spent a very unreasonable amount of time trying to figure out a GUI button's issue today, only to find that by moving its location that that somehow updated its status in the engine and then it worked perfectly...


In other news: The game is working great right now and I'm almost ready to send it off to testers...

I managed to get the "crash into land" mechanic working without being too frustrating for the player and...

Here's a screenie of how I managed to make each voyage a different colour (An easy sentence to type hiding behind 2 hours of frustration):


Mandle your game looks really interesting! But then I always loved the game Pirates! so I may be a little biased... :-D

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