MAGS July "I Come Here Often" (RESULT)

Started by Stupot, Sat 01/07/2017 01:32:51

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What was your favourite game of MAGS August?

Heavy Metal Nannulf: The Strange Stage by DBoyWheeler
9 (81.8%)
Disgust by horusr
0 (0%)
That Day by Cassiebsg
2 (18.2%)

Total Members Voted: 11

Voting closed: Tue 15/08/2017 01:09:43


Heavy Metal Nannulf: The Strange Stage

by DBoyWheeler
by horusr
That Day
by Cassiebsg

Click on the game title to download.


Please use the poll at the top of this page.

* try all the games before you vote
* vote only once
* vote for your favourite
* don't forget to leave a comment and rating on the AGS games database

Voting Ends: August 14th

Topic: I come here often
This month's guidelines were set by LostTrainDude

The inspiration came from TV shows such as Midnight Diner: Tokyo Stories and some of the bar talks in Horace and Pete.

Bring us an adventure where:

  • The character has\wants to visit a specific place 3 times: at the beginning, halfway through and at the end of the game
  • Each visit is key to the plot. Anything can do but an easy example could be: the plot and character introduction, the plot twist and the end
  • At least one visit is revelatory, as in "the character realizes something that was not clear before"

Some ideas:

  • The local pub\diner, where you always meet the usual patrons that provide you with their insights... Or where a new face may have come by, bringing a whole new point of view along
  • At the end of each shift you really need that smoke by the pier before heading back home. You wonder if that old, wise fisherman who seems to always be there and have answers for every question is real or a projection of your unconscious mind

Or something a little different:

  • The subway station that takes you to work and back home every day, where a glitch in ticket barrier suddenly grants you access to parts of the city that were forbidden to you because of your citizen status
  • Who's the person behind the counter at your workplace reception? Why nobody seems to notice that it is not the same person as the day before?

Ends: July 31st

What is MAGS?

Started in 2001, MAGS is a competition for amateur adventure game makers. The idea is to create a game in under a month, following the rules set by the previous winner. It aims to help you work to a deadline, improve your skills, and provide a kick-start into making adventure games. Regardless of skill, MAGS is for everyone. Voting is based on "favorite" games, and not the most artistic, or the best coded. If you have bad art skills, use it as a chance to do some graphic work. If you're sub-standard at coding, use it as a chance to give scripting a go. Ultimately, people will vote for the most enjoyable entry.


• You may work in a team to produce an entry.
• You are not allowed to use any material created before the competition. Your game must be completely new! An exception is music and sound; you can use any audio that is freely available to the public.
• Any modules and templates featured in this board are also allowed.

Entering MAGS is simple. First, conceptualise your game following the month's criteria (see top). Second, create your game fueled only by coffee. Finally, post your game in this thread, including:

âœ" A working download link
âœ" The title of your game
âœ" A suitable in-game screenshot

At the end of the month, voting will begin, usually lasting for fifteen days. The winner chooses the next month's theme, and their name and game is immortalised in the MAGS Archive. For more information, please visit the Official MAGS website.

Current votes: 11  |  Target: 20  |  Play


This might be interesting.  I plan on entering.

The first part (like any game project) would be brainstorming.  But I wrote down kind of the basic idea for this.

The main character (I named him Nannulf Tungmetall) is at a theater to prepare for a rock concert.  But the band is reluctant to play.

The room I picked out for the protagonist to visit thrice is the main stage itself (ideas may change).
* First time: To introduce Nannulf, and explain that something is preventing the band from playing.
* Second time: Nannulf finds what at first was considered a "bad luck omen", but turns out to be just a discarded toy.
* Third time: Of course, the ending--Nannulf introducing the rock band.

Think these ideas would fit the current competition?


Cool theme!

Nice one @ Dboy. Awesome gameplan.

That's a badass name for a protagonist too :) best of luck!


"We do not stop playing because we grow old, we grow old because we stop playing."


Thanks.  Well, guess it's time to put more into the plans (like planning out the rooms, NPCs, and all that jazz).


This theme instantly made me think of Hotline Miami -- which (I think) is such an awesome adventure game material! It's such a shame I'm super busy on a project that's going to probably take me another couple of months. But if anyone else would like to pick the idea up, I might be able to help with dialogues/plot.


A little status report on my end--the sprites of the main character, Nannulf, are under construction.  I've finished his front view (or down view) and his left view (his left and right views will be different, because he has a cool shoulder plate thing on his right shoulder).  I didn't realize till it was too late that I forgot his black wristbands.  Oh well, maybe in a future non-MAGS game (AGS or otherwise) he might have his wristbands.


Quote from: Fitz on Tue 04/07/2017 12:44:08
This theme instantly made me think of Hotline Miami -- which (I think) is such an awesome adventure game material! It's such a shame I'm super busy on a project that's going to probably take me another couple of months. But if anyone else would like to pick the idea up, I might be able to help with dialogues/plot.

I would be very curious to see an Hotline Miami adventure game. Top-down view and everything! It's not like we didn't have people who tried :D

Quote from: DBoyWheeler on Fri 07/07/2017 01:54:15
A little status report on my end--the sprites of the main character, Nannulf, are under construction.  I've finished his front view (or down view) and his left view (his left and right views will be different, because he has a cool shoulder plate thing on his right shoulder).  I didn't realize till it was too late that I forgot his black wristbands.  Oh well, maybe in a future non-MAGS game (AGS or otherwise) he might have his wristbands.

Good to know you're still working on it. It's Screenshot Saturday! Feel free to post something, if you have\want it!

Also: is anybody else joining? It is said that the extreme summer heat is easily beaten with the heat a game developer can produce by typing on a keyboard :laugh:
"We do not stop playing because we grow old, we grow old because we stop playing."


Still working on character sprites on my end.  I finished the main character (Nannulf), and one of the NPCs (Vidar--the main singer of the band that Nannulf's helping).  Currently working on the NPC Otto (the keyboardist of the band).  After him, I'll be working on the NPCs Wilmer (the band's guitarist) and Viggo (the band's drummer--and the superstitious one, thus the reason Nannulf is on his mini-adventure in my game).

[Update on July 10th, 2017] Finally finished all the character sprites.  Next phase for me to work on is the GUIs.  Um, just wanna say up front that I may have to bow out of the August MAGS, as I REALLY wanna catch up on my RPG project (a non-AGS project).  I've been woefully neglecting it.  But I MIGHT take part in the September MAGS, however.


It's great that you could do two in a row. No need to apologise that you can't do a third (although maybe if the topic were super tempting...).

Anyone else in? It's not too late
Current votes: 11  |  Target: 20  |  Play


Such a cool theme for a game! Looking forward to playing the entries.:-D:-D:-D


We are in! We try to work on something, some short top-down view game(not a Hotline Miami adventure game, didn't play that game actually) game.
We gave up about top-down view for some reasons, sorry for that.


I might be in...

If "The Wind Through The Window" continues to inspire me...


Wow, folks: you are amazing! :D

Can't wait to see your games!
I'm especially intrigued by horusr's one... I dig the top-down visuals!

Also, Mandle: good job on keeping that crown where it is meant to be (nod)
"We do not stop playing because we grow old, we grow old because we stop playing."


Quote from: LostTrainDude on Wed 12/07/2017 20:14:39
I'm especially intrigued by horusr's one... I dig the top-down visuals!

Oops, sorry to hear that. We changed the top-down view idea, back to standart view.
Actually I did choose top-down view because you need less detail in animations and backgrounds but that decision has some bad sides too. So we think making it standart view is better.


Well, I got done with the GUIs (with the exception of the "GUI" for the title-screen--I'll do that one when I start work on that).  The Inventory GUI was giving me flak earlier, but I got it to cooperate now.  I mean, there are only three Inventory Items for it, so I won't need up/down arrows, but still, we kinda need a GUI for it.  I think the big hassles (namely the character animations) are behind me so I can start working on the rooms and such.

[Update 7/15/2017] I got the main room of the game set up... the stage (the place Nannulf needs to visit three times in game).  I'll work on the backstage area next, and then each of the rooms of the four band members.  Yes, I know I kinda effed up the curtains, but what can ya do?



Actually, sorry, I'm out for this one.

There's no way I can make a game at the moment. "The Wind Through The Window" will have to sit and wait awhile and see if it has the potential to haunt me into making it at some point.

I have a summer camp for kids to plan and run next week, then a trip back home to Australia for two weeks, my wedding to arrange, my wife to murder and Guilder to frame for it; I'm swamped.

Well, the first two at least...

Best of luck to all though...

Here's the background I got partways finished with:

With furniture planned as objects:


And the basic background WIP:


The perspective drawing experience was valuable though and I can maybe use this background at some point somewhere, who knows?


Quote from: horusr on Wed 12/07/2017 22:01:38
Oops, sorry to hear that. We changed the top-down view idea, back to standart view.
Well, that's fine anyway :D I still look forward to see what you are coming up with!
Keep us posted!

Quote from: DBoyWheeler on Fri 14/07/2017 00:56:55
I got the main room of the game set up... the stage (the place Nannulf needs to visit three times in game).  I'll work on the backstage area next, and then each of the rooms of the four band members.  Yes, I know I kinda effed up the curtains, but what can ya do?
Eff the curtains! Who cares about them when you have such a big stage? Actually I wish I could play live on such a big stage :D (I did a couple of times, though, I have to admit... Still I want more!)

Quote from: Mandle on Mon 17/07/2017 16:16:31
Actually, sorry, I'm out for this one.

Wow, it is a busy schedule! Actually your plans remind me of the movie A New Leaf with Walter Matthau and Elaine May (laugh)
Jokes aside: best wishes and good luck (you choose where to apply which)! And don't worry, I don't think you will ever lose that crown :)

Still, thanks a lot for sharing your screenshot, it looked interesting and very detailed!
"We do not stop playing because we grow old, we grow old because we stop playing."


I'm covering more ground on my project.  I'm almost done with all the rooms, and then I can program them.  Once I see everything's in working order, I'll hunt for some music to fit the setting.


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