MAGS January “Trippy” (RESULT)

Started by Stupot, Sat 06/01/2024 22:45:39

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What is your favourite game of MAGS January?

"Trippy", by jwalt
1 (9.1%)
"A Doll in a Dream" by Blondbraid
3 (27.3%)
"Apfelmännchen" by cat
7 (63.6%)

Total Members Voted: 11

Voting closed: Sat 24/02/2024 23:57:55


I've voted.

It could use more polish, the humor wasn't quite my cup of tea, and some of the music was rather grating to me. It did have fun ideas and fit the theme though.

I never liked math, but this entry made all the references in a fun clever way, and I even learned a few new things.

My vote:
Apfelmännchen, as it was overall a more polished and cohesive entry


Thanks for the votes, everyone.

The winner of MAGS January is cat, with the colourful Apfelmännchen.

Well done, @cat. I'll be in touch soon about a theme for March.


Wow, thank you! I'll come up with a topic soon.


Congratulations, cat! Loved all the entries this month. I'll post more detailed comments when I get a bit of time.

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