MAGS January - "Transformation" (RESULTS)

Started by Stupot, Sun 01/01/2017 01:23:06

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What is the best game of MAGS JANUARY?

'Hyde and Seek' by Slasher
2 (10.5%)
'Black Morph' by Selmiak, Emont and Creamy
15 (78.9%)
'Shunday' by Mandle
2 (10.5%)

Total Members Voted: 19

Voting closed: Thu 16/02/2017 01:10:08


Just played Black Morph and I feld the need to tell you right now that it is aaaawesome! 
Nice gameplay, cute graphics and lovely story - you need to continue it.

I enjoyed testing the changes and to go on in the story.
And when I finally was able to 'defeat' the bird it was like 'yeah - now  take this, and take that and ...'  :grin:

Very well done - good team - go on developing, please  (nod)


The competition has now ended and voting is underway.

Hyde and Seek by Slasher
Black Morph by Selmiak, Emont, Creamy
Shunday by Mandle

Click on the game title to download.


We're gonna try poll voting (not pole vaulting) this month and see how it goes. Please see the poll at the top of this page.

* try all the games before you vote
* vote only once
* vote for your favourite
* don't forget to leave a comment and rating on the AGS games database

Voting Ends: February 15th
Current votes: 11  |  Target: 20  |  Play


Sorry. I had to restart the poll. I thought I had made it so that it would only show the result after the voting period, but for some reason that wasn't the case.

Could the person who already voted please vote again? Sorry and Thanks.
Current votes: 11  |  Target: 20  |  Play


Hmmmm... I'm having some problems downloading Black Morph. I've tried twice now and the download keeps freezing and crashing.

I've heard of others having trouble downloading from Game Jolt. Any possibility of a mirror link?

EDIT: Third time's the charm I guess. It worked! Maybe just momentary connection issues?


I'll wait for the mirror, since Game Jolt doesn't work for me.
There are those who believe that life here began out there...


Well done to all of the entrants! :)

Hyde and Seek by Slasher

This is a fun little game. I liked finding all of the items (shame there were no Jammie Dodgers, though! :P) and the after effects of the different concoctions were funny and effective. I know the moral of the story was perseverance, but I think there could still have been some slight hints as to which items should be used. Sometimes we need a little nudge in the right direction to know how to make a change! ;)

Black Morph by Selmiak, Emont, Creamy

Wow, the graphics and animations are stunning! I love the gameplay, the interpretation of the theme is really original. Every time I thought I'd found all there was to do, there was more to look at and discover. The music and sound effects work really well, too. I'm looking forward to playing a full length game, because this demo has huge potential!

Shunday by Mandle

This game has a good atmosphere, unnerving and slightly chilling. I found the puzzles a bit frustrating, but I got them in the end. Well done for creating what you did in the tiny amount of time you had, though, it was a really good effort!


I've added the game on the database.
You can now get the game on Google Drive (mirror).

@Tabata and Riaise : Thanks for the kind words. Selmiak really outdid himself.

@Slasher: I didn't know about the quit bug. I'll search for the patch.

@ Shadow : someone else has complained about the 1st puzzle on the french forum. I'll add a clue once the vote is over.

I have only played Shunday so far. I liked the stylish writing and the 1st puzzle but I have to admit that
I'm embarrassingly bad at Simon games  :-[


Cheers guys so the good words so far. I'm gonna finish this game. It would be a waste of what I feel is quite a good story (which the current version only really hints at) if I didn't.

Quote from: Creamy on Thu 02/02/2017 22:35:11
I have to admit that
I'm embarrassingly bad at Simon games  :-[

Hehehe.... I have to admit that
so am I (laugh)

There is actually a cheat built in to skip that part that I used during testing, and I left it in for now in case the
Simon puzzle
proved too frustrating for some.

I don't really want to make it too cheap though by just posting the cheat in here. If anyone really needs it please PM me and I will tell you.


yeah, thanks Tabata and Riaise. Only 16 colors baby!!! 8-)

@creamy: we should just have a quit promt on ESC or so...


Black Morph team: While playing I got an internal error that shut down the game and gave the following message. "Error: Unable to render character 11 (New character) because loop 1 does not exist in view 35". I assume I just did some unexpected interaction to cause this to happen.

I know it's just a demo so I'm not sure if it just cuts off or if there is a clear end point. I'll try to play again later.

Decided to give it one more go before bed and there was something to let me know I completed the demo.
Winner Winner Chicken Dinner!


Thanks for reporting the bug, Twirlly. I hope you enjoyed the game nonetheless.


I've played both Shunday, Black morph and Hyde and seek, and while the puzzles of Shunday really weren't my cup of tea, it was sort of a fun idea with making counting on your fingers a puzzle.
Hyde and seek also had some frustrating trial and error, but the punchline at the end had me giggling.  (laugh)
Black morph had both interesting game mechanics as well as excellent pixel-art, it would be cool to se it made into a longer game.

I'm sorry I never managed to make an entry for this month, I got busy with other things and never made much of my concept, the one I described earlier with the commissar getting mistaken for a deserter,
but I have been thinking about making a regular AGS game of that concept instead, if anyone thinks it would be worth it.


I do! The concept sounds really good, and it's interesting to see the stories of the secondary characters from Sniper and Spotter. I'd play it! :-D


Quote from: Riaise on Wed 08/02/2017 17:08:50
I do! The concept sounds really good, and it's interesting to see the stories of the secondary characters from Sniper and Spotter. I'd play it! :-D
Great to hear that you liked it, I'm thinking about beginning to work on it again once I'm finished with my current AGS project.


@ Blondbraid : I'll be glad to come back to Stalingrad - so to speak - no matter if we play sniper, spotter or a commissar.

With all the games I've been playing for the AGS awards, I forgot to report about Hyde and Seek :  the puzzle felt random but I liked the sweet outcome. I didn't see that coming.

When this MAGS competition is over, there'll be an update of Black Morph to fix the problems that have been reported. I'll probably stop working on the game afterwards because Selmiak wants a complete overhaul of the game that I disagree with.


A complete overhaul of 2,5 rooms, don't be ridiculous. It's for making a better game and making morph great again.


It's not just a matter of work. I also happen to prefer the game the way it is :P
I won't stop you revamping/continuing it though, as long as the current demo is still available.

Speaking of unfinished games, what happened to gameboy's boarded house?


Three days left to vote, guys. Don't forget.

And while you're there, what do you think of using the poll for voting as opposed to PMing the MAGS Host? I must say we got a few more votes than normal this month. My only problem is that I can't see who voted. I don't know if that needs to be an issue but I quite like knowing who is voting, to keep an eye on trends etc.

What do y'all think?
Current votes: 11  |  Target: 20  |  Play


QuoteMy only problem is that I can't see who voted.
Does that mean I can vote millions of times? (laugh)


Quote from: Stupot+ on Mon 13/02/2017 03:52:51
And while you're there, what do you think of using the poll for voting as opposed to PMing the MAGS Host?
Personally, I like it. It doesn't feel as intimidating or as formal as sending a PM.
Is that weird of me? :-\

It's a shame that you can't see who voted for what though. I like hear about those stats and trends. :-D

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