MAGS February "RON 15th Anniversary" (RESULTS)

Started by Stupot, Mon 01/02/2016 00:15:58

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Quote from: jwalt on Mon 29/02/2016 21:10:55
@ DarkWater
I tried Home Sweet Ron, but got dumped back to the desktop when Elandra clicked on the Pizza Boxes in Dominatrix Pizza. Says no such function in Script for hPizzaBoxes_interact. I didn't verify a consistent error, but suspect it is probably going to be one.

Edit: Completed Home Sweet RoN. Very enjoyable, entertaining, and instructive.

Thanx, for the heads up. I went to check it out, and it seems somewhere between the alpha and the beta the original text I had put there didn't make sense so I just “//” it to change later. Unfortunately, that doesn't give you a compile error, and in my rush to finish in time I kinda overlooked it >:(

Luckily that isn't a game changer, so everyone should just avoid clicking on the pizza boxes for now. I'll go back and fix the error once the competition is over.

Glad to hear you enjoyed it despite the little glitch :-[

Retro Wolf

Stupot I've been made aware of a couple of minor bugs, am I allowed to fix them and replace the upload before voting ends?


Quote from: Retro Wolf on Tue 01/03/2016 16:39:01
Stupot I've been made aware of a couple of minor bugs, am I allowed to fix them and replace the upload before voting ends?

I'd be interested in knowing that as well ???

Retro Wolf

Good job on finishing your game DarkWater, It was fun! I think your project could prove useful to people trying to break into RON.

It's a shame we didn't get any more entrants, the Reality on the Norm series hasn't seen much new content in recent years...


Thanx! I enjoyed your game as well :-D

Yeah, I thought with all the premade backgrounds and characters one had to select from, that there would be tons of entries :-\


On another note… is it just me, or unlike the “AGS Awards 2015” voting page, does the MAGS voting link just open a send PM page?


Quote from: DarkWater on Tue 01/03/2016 18:59:31
does the MAGS voting link just open a send PM page?

That is correct. You simply PM your 1st,2nd, and 3rd choice to the cloaked and mysterious

(It's really just Stupot hiding behind a curtain, but..., you get the idea...)


DW: You use the link to send a PM naming your favourite game of the contest. You only need to vote your your favourite. The 1st 2nd 3rd thing is for the MAGGIES award (best MAGS of 2015).

Regarding bug fixing: my feeling is if the bugs aren't game-breaking then they can wait til after voting. You can be tweaking them now and then release a bug-freer version after voting.

If there is something that is likely to stop players from finishing the game, though, then it's only fair to everyone (including yourself, who just spent a month making it) that you should be allowed to go in fix it.
Current votes: 11  |  Target: 20  |  Play


Quote from: Mandle on Tue 01/03/2016 23:15:48
to the cloaked and mysterious
(It's really just Stupot hiding behind a curtain, but..., you get the idea...)

Spoilers! >:(

Quote from: Stupot+ on Tue 01/03/2016 23:32:46
DW: You use the link to send a PM naming your favourite game of the contest. You only need to vote your your favourite.

Ok, just checking. For some reason I thought I remembered voting being done on the MAGS website :-\

Quote from: Stupot+ on Tue 01/03/2016 23:32:46
Regarding bug fixing: my feeling is if the bugs aren't game-breaking then they can wait til after voting. You can be tweaking them now and then release a bug-freer version after voting.

If there is something that is likely to stop players from finishing the game, though, then it's only fair to everyone (including yourself, who just spent a month making it) that you should be allowed to go in fix it.

Well… as jwalt pointed out, if one accidentally clicks on the “pizza boxes” then they get an error message and are kicked out of the game. Would that count as game breaking, or something that would stop the players from playing?

Following Retro Wolf's lead I created a game page at AGS, which links the download to my GameJolt page. I didn't want to post a game at GameJolt with a known error in it, so I fixed the “pizza box” error before uploading it there. So I'll let you decided, you can leave the link as it is, or change it to the “error free” link my AGS game page for it.



4 days left to vote on your favourite MAGSRON game :-) don't forget, folks.
Current votes: 11  |  Target: 20  |  Play


Uhm... can I get a non Gamejolt mirror for the games?
There are those who believe that life here began out there...


Cool! Thanks RetroWolf. (nod)

Found a little, non breaking & non problematic, bug.

Can pick up the pumpking again, after using it...

Never did managed to get what the guy had on his pocket, if it was intended to be picked up.
There are those who believe that life here began out there...


Quote from: Cassiebsg on Fri 11/03/2016 19:01:49
Uhm... can I get a non Gamejolt mirror for the games?

If you don't mind me asking, what do you have against downloading from GameJolt?


Me personally? Nothing at all.
My browser though doesn't like Gamejolt and refuses to work there. (wtf)
There are those who believe that life here began out there...


I know where you're coming from :(
Sometimes I have to switch between browsers to access certain sites >:(

Retro Wolf

@Cassiebsg: I've already fixed those bugs, will release the updated version when voting is over.
Thanks for playing!


Voting has finished and the results are as follows:

• Boogie Bum by Jwalt - 0 votes
• The Case of the Muffin Diver by Retro Wolf - 2 votes
• Home Sweet RON by Darkwater - 3 votes

Well done DarkWater. You will be contacted soon about choosing a topic for April.
Thanks to all the participants and voters.
Current votes: 11  |  Target: 20  |  Play


Congratulations DarkWater! And thanks to all the other participants, it was really nice to play some new RON games.

Retro Wolf

Congratulations DarkWater!
Thanks to all who played, and special thanks to my secret admirers!

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