MAGS August "White Elephant" (CLOSED)

Started by Stupot, Mon 03/08/2020 08:32:04

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What is your favourite game of MAGS August?

Stuck on You by Slasher
5 (41.7%)
The White Elephant by milkanannan
1 (8.3%)
A Prelude to an Adventure by Hobo
6 (50%)

Total Members Voted: 12

Voting closed: Tue 15/09/2020 10:39:51


The winner of MAGS August is:

A Prelude to an Adventure by Hobo.

Well done, sir.

Stuck on You
by Slasher
The White Elephant
by milkanannan
A Prelude to an Adventure
by Hobo

Topic: White elephant.
Deadline: August 31st

White elephant: a possession that is useless or troublesome, especially one that is expensive to maintain or difficult to dispose of.

You may use previous graphics to create your game.

What is MAGS?
Started in 2001, MAGS is a competition for amateur adventure game makers. The idea is to create a game in under a month, following the rules set by the previous winner. It aims to help you work to a deadline, improve your skills, and provide a kick-start into making adventure games. Regardless of skill, MAGS is for everyone. Voting is based on "favourite" games, and not the most artistic, or the best coded. If you have bad art skills, use it as a chance to do some graphic work. If you're sub-standard at coding, use it as a chance to give scripting a go. Ultimately, people will vote for the most enjoyable entry.

Entering MAGS is simple. First, conceptualize your game following the month's criteria (see above). Second, create your game fuelled only by coffee. Finally, post your game in this thread, including:

* A working download link
* The title of your game
* A suitable in-game screenshot

At the end of the month, voting will begin, usually lasting for fourteen days, and the winner chooses the next month's theme.

Need a little help with graphics? Perhaps The AGS Trove has something you can use.
Don't want to go it alone? Try the Recruitment board.
Current votes: 11  |  Target: 20  |  Play


There are two games in the previous months thread, so a contest is actually needed this time!
This is the Way - A dark allegory. My Twitter!  My Youtube!


Quote from: KyriakosCH on Mon 03/08/2020 08:42:48
There are two games in the previous months thread, so a contest is actually needed this time!
I'm on it. Got a lot on my plate at the minute and trying to find bits of time to do this. Should be ready soon.

Current votes: 11  |  Target: 20  |  Play


Nah, you're not a white elephant StuPot ;)

But I have to think of one....


Look at some novelty gift website and go with the tackiest thing you see.


Well..... I had a think and this i what I have titled so far:

'Stuck on you'

Marge: "Well, you're not sleeping with me with that thing stuck on you, Fred Fumble!"



Not quite the meaning of tackiest I meant. But it works.

I have a pretty well formed idea for a game, but it's possible it may require more programming than I'm up to with the continued heat. I'll do some kind of test today or tomorrow to see if the way I have in mind of doing the programming will even work.



I have planned out my game ....easiest part  (laugh)

Fred wants to regain his youth and hide his baldness so he goes out and buys a trendy wig...

His wife Marge is not impressed and says it is a white elephant and says he will have to sleep on the sofa until he takes his ridicules wig off!

Of course, getting the wig off is not so easy when you have used too much glue!

Will Fred be forced to sleep on the sofa with his white elephant wig?


Quote from: Slasher on Wed 05/08/2020 10:02:09

I have planned out my game ....easiest part  (laugh)

Fred wants to regain his youth and hide his baldness so he goes out and buys a trendy wig...

His wife Marge is not impressed and says it is a white elephant and says he will have to sleep on the sofa until he takes his ridicules wig off!

Of course, getting the wig off is not so easy when you have used too much glue!

Will Fred be forced to sleep on the sofa with his white elephant wig?

(laugh) (laugh)



I have made a good start..

With this game I did the end first and then the beginning..

Now i'm filling in the middle  (laugh)


Anybody else got any ideas brewing? 

My game is playable up to this point...


Curdling, perhaps. I failed to do the programming test as planned. But I have gathered graphics assets. I will do the test sometime this week to determine if the research element will remain or not.


Stuck on You

This game uses a variation of my Slasher Template...


Stuck on You

Can Fred find anything useful that will get his green wig off and please Marge?

My game is almost done....


Will Matt Damon and Greg Kinnear be making an appearance?



Stuck on You

My entry is done and now testing / tweaking time.... (roll)


Stuck on You

Fred is a middle aged, balding man who one day decides to buy himself a wig. Feeling young and virile again he decides to surprise his wife, Marge. His wife however, is not impressed that Fred has got himself a green wig and refuses to let Fred into her bed unless he gets rid of the wig and she calls it a 'white elephant'. Trouble is, is that Fred has used to much glue and the wig refuses to come off!

Fred try's various ways of getting the wig off, including asking his friends to pull it off! Can Fred get his green wig off or will he be banished to sleeping on the sofa?

Uses a variation of my Slasher Template that includes: Left Click to Interact and Right Click to Look.


I think that if I make a game, its title will just be "White Elephant"/"The White Elephant". It is good enough as a title...
This is the Way - A dark allegory. My Twitter!  My Youtube!

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