MAGS August "Distance No Object" (RESULTS)

Started by Stupot, Thu 04/08/2016 05:57:48

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The monkeys have spoken and the bananas are as follows:

• No Monkey's Banana by Retro Wolf - 0 votes
• Dr. Muttonchop by VampireWombat - 0 votes
• Banana Racer by arj0n - 0 votes
• Rango by xBRANEx - 4 votes
• Monkeys to the Moon by Crystal Shard - 6 votes

Well done Radiant and co. You will be contacted soon about choosing a topic for October.
Thanks to all the participants and voters.


Banana Racer by arj0n
Rango by xBRANEx
Dr. Muttonchop by VampireWombat
No Monkey's Banana by Retro Wolf
Monkeys to the Moon by Crystal Shard

Click on the game title to download.


Send the title of your favourite game under the subject MAGS AUGUST

* try all the games before you vote
* vote only once
* vote for your favourite
* don't forget to leave a comment and rating on the AGS games database

Voting Ends: September 15th


Topic: Distance No Object
This month's guidelines were set by Slasher.

This weeks rules:

Must include:
Poor means of transport: like a patched up Hot air balloon...
Giant banana
Could be anywhere in time and space....

Ending:  August 31st


What is MAGS?

Started in 2001, MAGS is a competition for amateur adventure game makers. The idea is to create a game in under a month, following the rules set by the previous winner. It aims to help you work to a deadline, improve your skills, and provide a kick-start into making adventure games. Regardless of skill, MAGS is for everyone. Voting is based on "favorite" games, and not the most artistic, or the best coded. If you have bad art skills, use it as a chance to do some graphic work. If you're sub-standard at coding, use it as a chance to give scripting a go. Ultimately, people will vote for the most enjoyable entry.


• You may work in a team to produce an entry.
• You are not allowed to use any material created before the competition. Your game must be completely new! An exception is music and sound; you can use any audio that is freely available to the public.
• Any modules and templates featured in this board are also allowed.

Entering MAGS is simple. First, conceptualise your game following the month's criteria (see top). Second, create your game fueled only by coffee. Finally, post your game in this thread, including:

âÅ"“ A working download link
âÅ"“ The title of your game
âÅ"“ A suitable in-game screenshot

At the end of the month, voting will begin, usually lasting for fifteen days. The winner chooses the next month's theme, and their name and game is immortalised in the MAGS Archive. For more information, please visit the Official MAGS website.

Current votes: 11  |  Target: 20  |  Play


Could you define the minimum dimensions of a banana considered to be "giant"? :grin:

Interesting theme.  Surprised guitars aren't included somewhere though!


Wow, interesting theme. I don't think I'll be able to submit something this month, though. Good luck to all the participants! :)


I can't get that picture of a bunch of monkeys doing a banana boat ride in space out of my head...


Quote from: cat on Thu 04/08/2016 10:18:09
I can't get that picture of a bunch of monkeys doing a banana boat ride in space out of my head...

Then pull it out of your head and show it to the rest of us...Only way to get rid of such pesky stuff that I know of...


Quote from: Mandle on Thu 04/08/2016 15:01:28
Quote from: cat on Thu 04/08/2016 10:18:09
I can't get that picture of a bunch of monkeys doing a banana boat ride in space out of my head...

Then pull it out of your head and show it to the rest of us...Only way to get rid of such pesky stuff that I know of...
I got a similar picture in my head reading about the theme of this month. Unfortunately I don't think I'll be able to compete this month,
though I'm sure the games here will be hilarious! (laugh)


QuoteCould you define the minimum dimensions of a banana considered to be "giant"?
Enormoussssssssssssssss (laugh)

QuoteI can't get that picture of a bunch of monkeys doing a banana boat ride in space out of my head...
Why not indeed (laugh)

I won't be entering, naturally but I have 1001 ideas spinning around in my head (laugh)

Come on guys, stop monkeying around and get creating (laugh)


Quote from: slasher on Fri 05/08/2016 16:35:43
I won't be entering, naturally but I have 1001 ideas spinning around in my head (laugh)

Then just make one of them anyway, and enter with the disclaimer that nobody can vote for yours...


As far as I know there's no rule against entering a contest whose theme you set. As long as it's not blindingly obvious that you did loads of preparation before everyone else knew the topic.
Current votes: 11  |  Target: 20  |  Play


Quote from: Stupot+ on Sat 06/08/2016 04:45:28
As far as I know there's no rule against entering a contest whose theme you set. As long as it's not blindingly obvious that you did loads of preparation before everyone else knew the topic.

I always wondered about that...

But I've only ever set a MAGs theme once and was not able to particpate due to RL stuff...

I would have liked to have though as the "Drowning" theme produced both "BitStream" and "Cold Hand Reef"...Two amazing AGS classics!


Aaaand we're in! It's been too long since our last MAGS :)


I'm trying to motivate a friend to help me out with the background art. If he compels we will make a great game for this month!


Well, I'm kind of working on my own game (now that I've more or less worked out the kinks in the Verb Coin and the "special GUI")... but I guess I can help by giving a few hints of my own.

(1) Who says the monkey had to be the main character?  The monkey could be the sidekick of the main character.  Or at the very least an important NPC.  This could tie in with the giant banana--perhaps the sidekick needs the giant banana, or the otherwise important NPC asks for the giant banana, thus making it an important part of the quest.

(2) I can so see the poor transport idea as a sort of "mini game" (similar to the hovercraft bit in Space Quest 1), where you need to dodge obstacles to avoid crashing, sinking, what-have-you.

Anyway, just my two bits on the theme.  Good luck to all who enter this.

Retro Wolf

I doubt I'll be entering but I thought it would be fun to draw a monkey, then I made a little AGS project that draws random monkeys wearing sweatshirts.


Because MONKEYS!


There are those who believe that life here began out there...


Hahahaha Retro Wolf that is awesome!!!

Is it called "No Monkey's Sky"?

Now make it so they all blink at different intervals and it could be a very creepy gif generator...


that's cool retromwolf!
Why not make it a spot the human game and randomly throw a human looking almost like a monkey in there.
or spot the psychomonkey that might and will jump at you.
give them  health values and make them fight some monkey combat.
the monkeys are watching!!! 8-0

Retro Wolf

@Mandle: Look at the picture's URL for what I named it! You're almost right! ;)


Quote from: Retro Wolf on Sat 20/08/2016 19:17:48
@Mandle: Look at the picture's URL for what I named it! You're almost right! ;)

OMG!!!! (laugh)(laugh)(laugh)

Great minds think alike!!! But your name is better!

That totally made my day!


My friend just sent me few BGs but it's gonna be a close call. Here's one for you to process

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