MAGS April "Sequels, Prequels and Reboots, Oh My!" (RESULT)

Started by MAGS Host, Mon 02/04/2018 01:04:26

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What is your favourite game of MAGS April?

ââ,¬ËœReef Rivers in When Time Stopsââ,¬â,,¢ by Slasher
5 (45.5%)
ââ,¬ËœSlay the Dragon IIââ,¬â,,¢ by TGames
6 (54.5%)

Total Members Voted: 11

Voting closed: Thu 17/05/2018 23:57:18


The voting is over, the results have been carefully counted and the winner is:

‘Slay the Dragon II' by TGames

Congrats, TGames. You will be contacted soon about choosing a topic for May.

Reef Rivers in When Time Stops by Slasher
Slay the Dragon II by TGames

Vote using the poll at the top of the page.

Voting ends May 17th

This month's guidelines were set by HanaIndiana

Everyone likes a good sequel, so this month's challenge is to do just that.

Pick an existing AGS game (it can include one of your own), and create a sequel or a prequel!

You can have all of the same characters and locations (Syberia II), or have it simply be part of the same universe (Skyrim).
And as usual, to keep things fair, your game must include all new original art.
Don't worry about your game looking just like the original. In fact, it's probably more interesting if it doesn't.

Now, go pick a favorite, or start browsing games!

Ending:  April 30th


What is MAGS?

Started in 2001, MAGS is a competition for amateur adventure game makers. The idea is to create a game in under a month, following the rules set by the previous winner. It aims to help you work to a deadline, improve your skills, and provide a kick-start into making adventure games. Regardless of skill, MAGS is for everyone. Voting is based on "favorite" games, and not the most artistic, or the best coded. If you have bad art skills, use it as a chance to do some graphic work. If you're sub-standard at coding, use it as a chance to give scripting a go. Ultimately, people will vote for the most enjoyable entry.


• You may work in a team to produce an entry.
• You are not allowed to use any material created before the competition. Your game must be completely new! An exception is music and sound; you can use any audio that is freely available to the public.
• Any modules and templates featured in this board are also allowed.

Entering MAGS is simple. First, conceptualise your game following the month's criteria (see top). Second, create your game fueled only by coffee. Finally, post your game in this thread, including:

âÅ"“ A working download link
âÅ"“ The title of your game
âÅ"“ A suitable in-game screenshot

At the end of the month, voting will begin, usually lasting for fifteen days. The winner chooses the next month's theme, and their name and game is immortalised in the MAGS Archive. For more information, please visit the Official MAGS website.


You are excused Stupot for not wanting to post on April fools day. (laugh)

And nice theme! (nod)
There are those who believe that life here began out there...


Mmm... Would the author of another game be happy with one using his concept I ask?

I have decided to do a sequel to one of my earlier games: that is another story with the same main character. I assume the character art sprites can be the same?

Of course the story and locations will be different.. but he still is what he is...

Meanwhile I have pen and paper on hand.....


Not sure if I can think of a good one myself.  But good luck to those entering.


Quote from: DBoyWheeler on Mon 02/04/2018 10:09:41
Not sure if I can think of a good one myself.  But good luck to those entering.
So we have lost you this  month?

Oh, well. Let's hope others will enter this month (nod)

Meanwhile I am still toying with the objective....


Quote from: Slasher on Mon 02/04/2018 10:58:18
So we have lost you this  month?

Oh, well. Let's hope others will enter this month (nod)

Meanwhile I am still toying with the objective....

Yeah, sorry.  I usually like to plan out a series (sequels, prequels, whatever) well in advance.  But if it were a different theme (like a time period or a particular style of relic to look for), I might consider it.  I do admit, however, that sometimes MAGS can help me springboard possible "series" of characters I have.

All the same, for this one, I'm willing to be a proofreader for dialogue if needed.


Interesting concept! Any restrictions on art style? What about demake-quality art? Is a text adventure (IF) a valid approach here?

Your two examples (Syberia and Skyrim) aren't AGS games... does this imply we can do a pre/sequel of any non-AGS adventure game as well?


Quote from: Radiant on Tue 03/04/2018 13:17:31
Your two examples (Syberia and Skyrim) aren't AGS games... does this imply we can do a pre/sequel of any non-AGS adventure game as well?
It can only be AGS...........right?

My Prequel intro is:

C1 "Prepare my plane Sykes, I am off to Glasburgh University in Scotland."
C1 "Professor Higgins has some very interesting lectures he wishes to conduct."
C2 "I'm sorry to say, sir but your plane is being repaired after you crash landed it last week."
C2 "It will not be ready for another five days, I'm afraid."
C1 "I had forgotten about that. Darn engine cut out and I nosedived straight into that tree!"
C1 "It will have to be by train."
C2 "I'm afraid there has just been a news flash on the radio, sir."
C2 "There has just been a train crash outside London on the Glasburgh line."
C2 "They say the line won't be cleared for at least four days."
C1 "I need to be in Glasburgh by Wednesday by 4:00pm."
C2 "There is one alternative, sir."
C1 "Which is?"
C2 "Your balloon, sir."
C2 "With the right wind direction, speed and altitude you could make Glasburgh by Wednesday lunchtime."
C1 "OK Sykes, pack my bag and prepare the balloon."
C2 "Yes, sir."


I was thinking AGS only. I just got lazy in my description and included the first two adventure games in my head.
Any art style! Text adventure would be interesting.


I claim the Title:

When Time Stops

Imaging if all days and nights ceased to be or the seasons never came if Time was Stopped (nod)



Update: 'When Time Stops'

Another thrilling episode of Reef Rivers (laugh)

Here is an in-production video of having survived a fierce storm and arriving at Glasburgh University in your hot air balloon to attend a lecture:

Game progress: 60%.. On schedule.



Current votes: 11  |  Target: 20  |  Play


Some people are just too shy (laugh)

Mind you, revamping one's own games should not be difficult.

Still, it's early days (nod)

Let's hope that there will indeed be more entries this month...

My own game progress: 75%


Quote from: Stupot on Mon 09/04/2018 03:20:50
Any more for any more?
I would've gladly participated this month, since I absolutely love the theme (it really gets the creative juices flowing).
But I knew I wouldn't have time to finish it.

I really hope some other people manage to join though.


I'm the same as Danvzare, I have a vague idea but I'm just too busy at the moment to get anything done. Sorry, everyone. :(


Well, I hope you guys that don't have time to create a game can at least spare some time to give the games a play and cast your vote,

Keep this alive (nod)


If doing a game using characters I created for an unfinished MAGS game is okay, then I can give it a shot.


Can you find and bring back the Ring of Power that can stop time itself?!
Game is being tested..........


After travelling to Glasburgh University, to attend lectures by Professor Higgins you find yourself volunteering for a dangerous quest for Professor Higgins who believes, through ancient scrolls that he has finally found the location of the Ring of Power. He wants you to fly to Assabar, India and enter the secret hidden Temple of Bhindiwara and find and bring back the Ring of Power that can stop time itself!

The Ring of Power was once worn by Shabgur, an evil warlord of India. He turned the seasons to eternal winters and the daylight to nights. During a bloody battle, Shabgur lost his hand with the Ring of Power on and so retreated.

The Bhindiwara's found that they could not smash or melt the Ring so decided to hide it in a secret, hidden temple so that man could never again have the power to stop time.

The Ring of Power has remained in the Temple of Bhindiwara for over two thousand years.

* Don't worry if you do something really silly and can't keep a good man down thanks to a Save Game saving function.
* You are no James Bond and only equip yourself with a rope as you set off on your quest.
* Overcome the most devious obstacles.
* Using Professor Higgins' notes you explore the Chambers in the Temple of Bhindiwara.
* How fast can you complete your quest and return with the Ring of Power?... your time is revealed at the end. (laugh)
* The fastest time by May 12th (with a screen shot of proof) will be awarded the certificate of 'Legendary artifact hunter' signed by Reef Rivers himself (nod)

The question is: Are you alone?


1024 X 768
32 Bit color
Direct3D 9 hardware acceleration


Quote from: Slasher on Mon 09/04/2018 02:55:53
Where is everyone?

I'm going to be out of MAGS for a few months (or longer) I'm afraid as I have promised myself that I will get "A Martyr Of Time" finished as a full game.

Work on it is progressing smoothly. The game is at the point where the first "mission" is "playable" but not fully fleshed out/polished yet.

Taking a bit of a break from the main storyline to put in a (hopefully) fun easter-egg minigame...

I'll miss the rush of MAGS for a while but I really want to feel the satisfaction of releasing a full-length game as it was originally conceived.

I'll still be hanging out here and playing all the games of course!

Damn, that reminds me: I've gotta go back and play the last two that I missed while in Australia! Too late to vote though but I will give feedback!


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