MAGS April "Natural Disasters" (RESULT)

Started by Stupot, Fri 01/04/2016 08:17:15

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Voting has finished and the winner is:

• ERUPTION! by Cat and Miez
Oh, I mean Toffee Trouble in Creamville

Well done Cat and Miez.
Thanks to all the participants and voters.


Harry Caine UNRATED
by Mandle
Toffee Trouble in Creamville
by Miez and Cat

Click on the game title to download.


Send the title of your favourite game under the subject MAGS APRIL

* try all the games before you vote
* vote only once
* vote for your favourite

Voting Ends: May 18th


Topic: Natural Disaster
This month's guidelines were set by DarkWater

Who doesn't love a good natural disaster movie and rooting for the character/s as they use their wits and what they find around them to try and figure out how to survive/escape from the situation they're in. Whether it be a tidal wave flips your luxury liner (The Poseidon Adventure), you're trapped in a flaming high-rise building (The Towering Inferno), you're hit by earthquakes/flooding (San Andreas, The Day After Tomorrow), or an avalanche has trapped you in a ski resort (Avalanche).
A natural disaster has befallen them, how do they handle it? Can they survive/escape?

* Doesn't not have to be an earth bound disaster, and can include a meteor hitting earth, space station/base on another planet (The Martian). 
* Not post-apocalyptic or zombie survival, but can be an end of the world as we know it event.

Ending: April 30th


What is MAGS?

Started in 2001, MAGS is a competition for amateur adventure game makers. The idea is to create a game in under a month, following the rules set by the previous winner. It aims to help you work to a deadline, improve your skills, and provide a kick-start into making adventure games. Regardless of skill, MAGS is for everyone. Voting is based on "favorite" games, and not the most artistic, or the best coded. If you have bad art skills, use it as a chance to do some graphic work. If you're sub-standard at coding, use it as a chance to give scripting a go. Ultimately, people will vote for the most enjoyable entry.


• You may work in a team to produce an entry.
• You are not allowed to use any material created before the competition. Your game must be completely new! An exception is music and sound; you can use any audio that is freely available to the public.
• Any modules and templates featured in this board are also allowed.

Entering MAGS is simple. First, conceptualise your game following the month's criteria (see top). Second, create your game fueled only by coffee. Finally, post your game in this thread, including:

âÅ"“ A working download link
âÅ"“ The title of your game
âÅ"“ A suitable in-game screenshot

At the end of the month, voting will begin, usually lasting for fifteen days. The winner chooses the next month's theme, and their name and game is immortalised in the MAGS Archive. For more information, please visit the Official MAGS website.
Current votes: 11  |  Target: 20  |  Play


WOW! That is an awesome theme!

I may have to throw caution to the hurricane-force wind and enter...

Not saying for sure though...I have a current project and work starts again soon...But, the theme is sooooo tempting...


Well...I have my game concept and finished drawing the scrolling sky sprite for my single, but dynamically changing background.

Oh, and I have a title:

Harry Kane Caine: Extreme Weather Reporter

(Character name spelling changed because, as CaptainD pointed out, there is a real-life soccer player with the name Harry Kane.)


Another great theme! Going to see if I can come up with anything worthwhile over the weekend and hopefully take part this month.


Awesome theme!

I wish I had time for it...
Still, I'll be glad to participate to any kind of brainstorming.

I hope we'll get plenty disaster games to play.

Good luck all!


Quote from: Mandle on Fri 01/04/2016 23:29:05
Oh, and I have a title:

Harry Kane: Extreme Weather Reporter

Are you a Spurs fan by any chance? :grin::grin::grin::grin:


Quote from: CaptainD on Sat 02/04/2016 12:49:18
Quote from: Mandle on Fri 01/04/2016 23:29:05
Oh, and I have a title:

Harry Kane: Extreme Weather Reporter

Are you a Spurs fan by any chance? :grin::grin::grin::grin:

Not at all...In fact I had to google them to even find out what sport they played (I'm not a huge ice-hockey fan. :P) And I see they have a player called Harry Kane...Well I guess there had to be someone with that name somewhere.

My character's name is just a pun on Hurricane: He is an extreme weather reporter and that is his screen name, chosen by himself for dramatic impact and all around macho-ness...

Amazingly it doesn't seem that the soccer player Harry Kane has the nickname "Hurricane" so I think I'm still good to go with the name. I'll just change the spelling to Harry Caine so people don't think there is a connection. Cheers for the heads-up!


I'm a Spurs fan. Harry Kane is doing great things for us at the moment. But I too am surprised that more people haven't embraced the obvious connnection. I'm sure some fans have, especially in the stadium, but I haven't heard any commentators or pundits mention it.

Anyway. I'm looking forward to hearing more about his meteorological adventures :-)
Current votes: 11  |  Target: 20  |  Play


Alright, here we go!

In 'Prepared' you play a suburban survivalist father living in a middle American suburb in the 1960's. You've just finished a Do-It-Yourself fallout shelter in your backyard when a disaster warning comes on the radio. It's finally your time to shine! Spend the last few hours before the disaster strikes gathering supplies and, if time permits, your family.

I'm aiming for 'A Serious Man' meets 'Falling Down'.


haha, awesome setting and cast funkpanzer!

I guess Mandle's game will blow me away...! 8-)


I am not sure. I have an idea but I can't decide if it fits the theme.

"A tidal wave heading towards a small island (where a volcano is aboot to erupt) forces Batman to save the world by batcrashing the moon into that rift-thing from Pacific Rim (also there are alien invaders down there who put up a fight)."

Batman DOES count as a natural disaster, right?


This thread's title is a Disater already :-D


@Mandle - "HArry Kane" - "Hurricane" - ow wow I'm so dense that didn't even occur to me! :-[8-0


Quote from: selmiak on Sun 03/04/2016 12:47:05
This thread's title is a Disater already :-D
Ahaa! Ten points for finally noticing my other April Fools' prank. (nod)
Current votes: 11  |  Target: 20  |  Play


I like the theme and I know enough being French and having undergone 2 times of natural disaster indondations home in a year .... suddenly I know a little about the song! But the major problem remains in effect, like many here I guess, time (I'm already on a big point and click in addition to my professional work) ... and I'm not very good at speaking English .. .. (thank you google translation) but I will leave me very tempted by this new adventure for my first contest here ... I'll think about the next few days! :)
2023-2024 : Magret & FaceDeBouc :
2019-2022 : Grandma Badass :
Official website :


I'm sketching the main character ... it smells not good for my schedule lol
2023-2024 : Magret & FaceDeBouc :
2019-2022 : Grandma Badass :
Official website :


Spent my entire weekend working out game mechanics and thinking up features I definitely won't have time for! Here's a mock-up of the UI and game map:

I'm hoping to have all of the background sketches done by the end of the week so I can put all of my time into scripting. It's going to be a primarily text based management sim, with you balancing your money, gas, time, and inventory. Thankfully the source material is appropriately insane. (laugh)


Miez and I are going to heat up the competition with a game about a volcano eruption 8-0


Quote from: cat on Tue 05/04/2016 21:16:04
Miez and I are going to heat up the competition with a game about a volcano eruption 8-0

Working title "ERUPTION!"...


QuoteWorking title "ERUPTION!"...
I love your backgrounds, Miez. I can't wait to play this.

Let me know if you need a lousy Van Halen cover :-D


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