MAGS 2008-03: Work in Progress

Started by Klaus, Sat 01/03/2008 21:20:12

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What is MAGS?
MAGS is a monthly competition for all amateur adventure game makers. The idea is to use AGS to create a game in under a month, following the rules set by the previous winner.

For more information please visit the Official MAGS website.

Why should I enter MAGS?
We're not here to tell you that you should enter MAGS, but merely allow it as a creative opportunity to help you work to a deadline, improve your skills, and generally as a good kick-start for the new comers (a.k.a n00bies).

MAGS is the perfect opportunity to make a game, and the wonderful prize is to announce the next month's rules, and all competitors get the game placed on the MAGS website.

MAGS is meant to be fun and is aimed at everyone, despite their skill. If you have poor art skills work on graphics, and vice-versa, as the voting is based on "favourite" games, and not the most artistic, you may get help for the competiton, but should try not get anyone else to do any part of the game for you.

You are not allowed to (re)use material already created before this competition, you game must be completely new! An exception goes for sounds and music where you can also use free material that is available to the public.

Please do not just enter the competition with a rushed entry (a game created in just some hours or a few days)!


This month's guidelines are set by last month's winner BaRoN:

Topic: Work in Progress

You must create a game that is incomplete, but it must of course still have an ending.  For example the graphics could be left as rough sketches, or partially not polished; placeholder graphics could be ubiquitous (i.e. the blue cup or Roger); or messages could frequently display "not implemented yet" or "coming soon!"  Interpret "incomplete" as you like, but the characters in the game should recognize that it's not complete - in other words, they should not believe that everything is as it was envisaged to be.

Only Mandatory Rule: The incompleteness of the game must somehow be a part of at least one puzzle.  For example a door might not have been drawn in the wall yet, so how can you get inside?  You know you're supposed to cut the red wire, but they haven't been coloured yet.  Something like that.


All games need to be in by March 25th.

Please post a download link of your game entry to this thread, best with a screenshot. Thanks and good luck.


Quote from: Klaus on Sat 01/03/2008 21:20:12
You must create a game that is incomplete, but it must of course still have an ending.

Ha! Isn't that the case with all MAGS games? ;)   It reminds me of that scene in The Truman Show where he walks into a building and the set hasn't been put up yet.

Sounds like fun. I'll try my luck again this month!
                                    The Grey Zone


A really inspiring topic, I may have to take some time out to work on this.


This topic is brilliant! Now no one has an excuse for saying "oh I didn't make it this month... maybe next time"


Great idea. Really great idea, I think I'll try this one!


this doesn't give me much time to create a storyline and game, but i hope to get it finished in time to enter.
oh, and this is my first game, so i hope it makes a good impression.
i doubt i could win but it's all for fun, eh?
good luck everyone!  :)
Nagania Games - Work on my first ever game, Sketch, has begun!  Check out my website,


I will enter for sure, already started the game. I'm in the mood for doing a short and simple game. This, btw, would be my first game to be completed.


Wow, there seem to be a lot of people out there who are enthusiastic about doing half the work for full credit!  ;)

I'm glad the topic is appealing to so many people -we should have a really good competition this month!  Truth be told, I was somewhat reluctant to set it as the topic because I have some really good ideas for it myself, but for obvious reasons I can't participate this time around.  So I'll just have to experience game-making vicariously through all of you.  Don't forget to post how much fun you are having!  :)



Quote from: Klaus on Sat 01/03/2008 21:20:12
You are not allowed to (re)use material already created before this competition, you game must be completely new! An exception goes for sounds and music where you can also use free material that is available to the public.

Considering the rather unusual (but brilliant!) rules this month, could there be made an exception to the rules allowing us to use graphics from our own failed MAGS games? I am thinking about sending one of my old player characters on a voyage through the ruins of the 5 or 6 incomplete games that I still have the graphics for.


I am thinking of making a game so WIP that it never left the "doodling in the back of a seventh-grade notebook" stage, so could I download this paper thingy and use it for my game?


Quote from: JuuL on Thu 06/03/2008 18:09:26
Quote from: Klaus on Sat 01/03/2008 21:20:12
You are not allowed to (re)use material already created before this competition
could there be made an exception to the rules allowing us to use graphics from our own failed MAGS games?

The idea sounds very good and it wouldn't be cool to break it with this rule. The "problem" is that you save time that other participants would need to create backgrouds - may yours be complete or not. If you do not work "mega intensive" on the game I'd say it's okay. You get the point: Everyone should have one month for the whole game creation, so take a timeout for what you already created and everything's fine. :) Do you think that might work?

Quote from: shinymans on Thu 06/03/2008 20:52:04
could I download this paper thingy and use it for my game?

Yes that's possible. I don't know about copyright of this image but that's up to you then :)

Peder πŸš€

I MIGHT be able to do something for this MAGS!
Very interesting topic!


Quote from: Klaus on Fri 07/03/2008 17:31:32
If you do not work "mega intensive" on the game I'd say it's okay.
Thanks! I haven't worked on the game before today and I have an exam later this month, so I don't even think "mega intensive" work is an option for me.


I'd love to see one where the "parts of the set" are missing or visible. Like patches of the sky left as cardboard, clouds with one string snapped off, if you get my meaning.


What would be funny would be one where the items haven't been designed yet, so everything is represented by a blue cup, and it's up to the player to work out which blue cup represents the key, the crystal, the rubber chicken etc.
Current votes: 11  |  Target: 20  |  Play


Quote from: Stupot on Sun 09/03/2008 19:41:25
What would be funny would be one where the items haven't been designed yet, so everything is represented by a blue cup, and it's up to the player to work out which blue cup represents the key, the crystal, the rubber chicken etc.

... and every character was Roger.


I considered writing a long explanation/excuse for once again failing to finish my MAGS game. But it really doesn't matter. Good luck to the rest of you.


You still have 10 days left -you haven't failed yet! 

Besides, given the topic, all you have to do is TRY to finish it, and then wrap up whatever you have with some creative dialogue on the last day or so.  Cut corners, take shortcuts -remember it's a W.I.P., so don't feel down because the game isn't turning out the way you envisaged (or at least not quickly enough).  I encourage you to just do what you have to do to finish it in some shape or form, and then revel in the glory of having finished your game and having other people play it.



That was my original intention. However, the following long explanation/excuse that I didn't include before will explain why I can't possibly do this without seriously damaging my mental and/or physical health:
- I have an exam in 1½ weeks.
- I have to write an essay during the following 2 weeks.
- I have to read Hegel without losing my mind (most efficient antidote: beer & Nietzsche)
- I have to attend two birthdays and visit my parents.

But don't worry, like The Brain from 'Pinky and the Brain' I will never, never learn from experience. Next month I will once again try to take over the world make a MAGS game.


I'm trying, I'm trying... and no, it's not a Me Go ... game.

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