King Simulator 2013

Started by WHAM, Wed 06/11/2013 07:21:55

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King Simulator 2013

For a recap of the game's events, click here:

And on the fourth day...
The King's men returned from the east, bringing with them a secretive NOBLEMAN.
The King, suspicious of the man's motives, offered a handful of knights to escort the NOBLEMAN to the coast, while keeping an eye on the man.

A skillful artisan then offered her services to the King, promising to craft a fine new suit for the King's pleasure.
The King offered to pay a 40 silvers for the dress after some haggling, and the artisan promised to provide the dress soon.

Dennis of the Traders brought news of a distant village to the north, one in dire need of food. The King was kind and allowed the villagers to keep their coin, offering them free food and asking only that the villagers build a lookout tower to help guard the borders of the realm.

Next the King met with Broomhilde, the sole inheritor of the Yesteryear family fortune. Broomhilde offered to marry the king in matrillinear unison, but the King declined politely, promising to contemplate the offer at a later time. The king quickly decided that more information was needed, and as Lady Broomhilde left, the king ordered Lancelot and the Jester to find him a SPYMASTER. Against Lancelot's wishes a meeting was arranged for the following morning, with a mysterious woman of questionable reputation, who might suit the role.

Guthwald the Farmhand was next brought before the king, quaking with fear. The man's farm was besieged by goblins, and the King sent Sir Lancelot to rid the land of the foul creatures at once. Guthwald would be forever grateful for this service, and word of the King's kindness and orderly rule spread rapidly.

Before the day's end a band of warriors from the north came, seeking their escaped bretheren and accusing poor Rorik of crimes unthinkable. As the men lacked evidence, so too did the king lack compassion to the group's cause.

And so ended to fourth day.


For a glossary of characters and locations in the game (as updated by the players)

Hello, and welcome to King Simulator 2013!
This game is run in the form of a forum thread, and anyone reading these forums is free to participate at will.

In order to participate, simply post in the thread with a COMMAND. To identify commands, please use the '>' -sign to denote a command. Examples:
> SLAY the DRAGON with a LANCE
> IMPOSE strict tariffs for all trade with the grand nation of TURBANISTAN and send TROOPS to enforce the tariffs

If you think a good command was already entered, you may SECOND a command by quoting it.

If several different commands are given, then a command is selected as follows.
- The command with the most quotes is executed
- If tied, then the first posted command in the tie is executed

Only commands entered after the last turn are valid for execution. Seconding older commands will count as new commands instead.

A command is executed and a new GAME TURN is generated roughly every 48 hours, depending on the required amount of artwork for the new turn.
(If you wish to participate further by contributing art, characters, ideas or anything of the sort, please feel free to do so via a private message. Contributed content will be used at my discretion and may not appear in the game immediately after being sent (a new character may take several turns or weeks to appear, for example) You may also speculate game events and characters in the thread and possibly influence future events that way.)

You are a King.
The King's word is law.
Long live the King!


A singsong voice interrupts your blissful sleep. The dream in which you sat atop a mighty steed, holding a bloodied lance as the lifeless body of a Dragon lay at your feet dissipates all too quickly. You try to call to the fair maidens, freshly secured from the Dragon's lair, but the image slips from you.

“Don't you see, Rise and shine, yesterday you said: ‘The world shall be mine!'”

You open your eyes and find yourself sitting atop a throne just as the first rays of the morning sun cast themselves upon the throne room. Your head throbs and you feel rather disoriented.

“Good morning, m'lord King, ‘tis me, Mr Jester, allow me to sing!”

You frown as the strange man in an even stranger hat begins to dance while bellowing “I have the key! I have the key!” at an unnaturally high pitch. After a while, mercifully, the noise stops.

“Well Mr King, life is but a candle's wick, time to get to work, whip out your...”

You raise your hand to stop the incessant prattling Jester. He makes a pouting face, but obeys and falls silent. You take this moment of silence and make the most of it, organizing your thoughts to make sense of where you are and why. You fail miserably. Maybe you're getting old?

“What is going on here? And no rhyming!” -you finally ask the Jester.

“My King, you forget yourself? I know the celebrations took more than two whole days and we all tipped a few mugs of ale every hour or so, but to forget? My King: we won! Your evil twin brother lies dead and buried and the Kingdom is free at last! You have finally taken up your rightful throne and the people rejoice!”

You nod, so far this sounds pretty sweet.

“Come, my King, let me show you your castle, I'm sure you will soon remember all!” The jester stands up to you, practically bouncing up and down. He grabs your hand and pulls you up from the throne, leading you to the back of the throne room and deeper into the castle.


“Well my King, here is the treasury.”

You glance at the near-empty room, frowning as the echo of the Jester's voice dissipates in the stone walls.

“But... Where is all the gold? The treasure?”

“Oh dear, My King, I was sure you'd remember. Your evil brother did, during his reign of terror, maintain a rather hefty tax rate and when he was cast aside the coffers were full of gold and treasure. However, those foreign visitors, entertainers, the living elephant pyramid you ordered and all the other food, drink and entertainment over the last two weeks has left the treasure a bit... well... empty. But worry not, with most of the old King's servant folk dead there is nobody to pay salary to! But we'll get to that in a moment. If you wish to find out about our finances, do ask me, your faithful ADVISOR.

Currently our treasury holds 20 gold coins and nothing more.
Our current tax rate, population and trade total an income of 20 gold every year.”

You frown, but the Jester seems to have decided not to let you dwell on finances now, as he begins to direct you to the next area.


You enter a large room with a round table (but no chairs for some reason) and a gigantic map on the wall.

“My King, this is the war room. I'm afraid the full map of the kingdom and the outlying lands was burned during your conquest of the castle. During the celebration this partial map of the kingdom was presented to us. As you can see it is centered on our castle and the outlying town. It also shows the mountain ranges far to the east and the ocean far to the west, as well as the Lifeblood River, which runs through the kingdom. The rest of the map is empty, however, and I fear we will need to do some work to fill ‘er up. The old King had business with three other kingdoms out there, but since I spent most of my time in the now-destroyed dungeon, I know not who these three kingdoms were and where they might be located. We will need to hire a cartographer and likely some soldiers or heroes to go and VENTURE out into the kingdom to seek more information of the land. Perhaps they'll even find valuable treasure on their voyages! Heroes can also be given almost any task you can think of, they're a handy bunch, but good ones are hard to come by.

We currently do not EMPLOY a CAPTAIN OF THE GUARD, and thus our town does not have any GUARDS watching over it.
We currently do not EMPLOY any HEROES to do our bidding.
We currently do not have any EXPEDITIONS EXPLORING the land.”

Your head spins at the wealth of information it is being bombarded with. You wish the Jester would just write all of this down somewhere so that you could reference these lessons later somehow. Again you are pulled onward, this time back towards the throne room.


“And here is the throne room! Apologies for the uncomfortable throne (we'd better find a more suitable seat soon), but the one with the menacing iron spikes and heads of the old King's enemies was, by your command, destroyed, and we had to find a replacement in a hurry.”

You decide to take a seat anyway, the cushions are still a little warm. The Jester nods approvingly.

“In the throne room you can grant audiences to those seeking to speak with you. People from the town can come to meet you and seek your guidance, permission or assistance for all sorts of things. As a matter of fact I think the guild leaders and the head of the newly formed Farmer's Union are gathering outside in the hallway already. You have time to have FIVE meeting every DAY. Since this is a fantasy kingdom each YEAR only has 12 DAYS. It might seem a bit confusing, but you'll see that it actually works really well. See the wooden palisade wall out there, we had that whole thing built in just TWO DAYS! Cool stuff!

Now then, My King, to recap:
- When in doubt, ASK your ADVISOR!
- HIRE people to fulfill different roles in the castle. Your court should at least have a CAPTAIN OF THE GUARD and a COURT WIZARD, as well as a good ADVISOR such as myself. A DOCTOR would probably be a good idea too, the old king had four in case of poisonings.
- Send HEROES or soldiers out to EXPLORE or to act as ENVOYS on diplomatic missions once you find OTHER KINGDOMS. You wouldn't want to seem impolite to them, now would you?
- There is always someone here to see you, so unless you want to do something else, make sure to GRANT AUDIENCE to the next person or group in line so they can enter the throne room.
- Last, but not least: have some fun! Heck, you can even go out adventuring yourself if you want to, but with the old King's guards no longer keeping the King's peace the Kingdom can be a dangerous place, so you should only do this if you REALLY feel it's IMPORTANT!”

The Jester awaits your reply for a moment, but as one is not forthcoming he begins to do cartwheels and begins to sing: “I HAVE THE KEY! I HAVE THE KEY!” The Jester cartwheels out of the throne room and into the hallway.

Well now, you think, best to get cracking, then. This kingdom isn't going to rule itself!
Wrongthinker and anticitizen one. Utterly untrustworthy. Pending removal to memory hole.


>KICK the JESTER out and invite a MAIDEN TOWN WENCH STRIPPER over. 8-)


ASK Jester for this KEY he keeps talking about.




Great idea WHAM! Glad you decided to run this fantastic forum games again! Thanks!
Working on a RON game!!!!!


Yay! Replies! Spread the word, friends, and let's try and get some more players up in this baby!
Next update coming friday and then we're on a roll!

As mentioned above, questions, feedback, ideas and contributions are welcome via PM!
Wrongthinker and anticitizen one. Utterly untrustworthy. Pending removal to memory hole.


Intense Degree

Quote from: CaptainD on Wed 06/11/2013 08:30:37
ASK Jester for this KEY he keeps talking about.

Seconded Thirded Fou... well you get the idea!


> ORDER Jester to PUT ON a DECENT COSTUME and if he really WANTS to be a JOKER, then REFER HIM the appearance SIMILAR to that of Batman's Joker.


This game sounds like a lot of fun :-D

Quote from: CaptainD on Wed 06/11/2013 08:30:37
ASK Jester for this KEY he keeps talking about.
One more vote for this suggestion (nod)


Hooray for a new forum game :-D

+1 for 'ASK Jester for this KEY he keeps talking about.'
Or at least ask him what he's on about.
Current votes: 11  |  Target: 20  |  Play


  YAY! - Here we go again! 

Quote from: CaptainD on Wed 06/11/2013 08:30:37
> ASK Jester for this KEY he keeps talking about.
>           Yes, please do! 
   >           seconded

   >           definitely

   >           + 1   



Quote from: CaptainD on Wed 06/11/2013 08:30:37
ASK Jester for this KEY he keeps talking about.

let's do this! YAY for a new game, yay for wham! :D


> FIRE Jester and do a CASTING for young female BARDS!
Working on a RON game!!!!!


> SWAP clothes with JESTER and become the power behind the throne. No one will be able to assassinate you if you're wearing that clownish garb!

(And it's probably heavily armoured or something. Jesters are notoriously hard to kill)


Quote from: Scavenger on Thu 07/11/2013 11:46:20
> SWAP clothes with JESTER and become the power behind the throne.

(laugh) (laugh) (laugh)



The strange Jester's words catch your interest and you gesture him to return. He does so via another set of cartwheels, which land him right where he started.

“What is this KEY you keep singing so merrily about?” -you ask.

The Jester produces a large silver key and gestures at it.

“In days of old, or so I'm told, this key unlocked a dungeon.
Within was held a fair princess, but a warrior a bard and a ranger broke her out, so the key's purpose was undone.
However, the tale goes, that the same key could also unlock a secret chest!
Within was hidden a powerful potion, which would keep the princess refreshed.
Alas, the chest is lost and the potion is thus gone.
Stolen by a dragon, it's guardians were left mere ash and bone.”

The Jester bows deep and looks mightily happy about having delivered his tale.

"My King, it seems that there are people seeking your audience, shall we grant them?" -the Jester asks as he pockets the key once more.
Wrongthinker and anticitizen one. Utterly untrustworthy. Pending removal to memory hole.


Working on a RON game!!!!!

Intense Degree

>ASK JESTER who seeks audience?


This story made me hungry
>demand something to eat

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