Started by Klaus, Tue 01/06/2004 08:16:10

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Hehe, I don't think anyone else has entered. RTF, you might win!!!


Okay. Time has come for the final info message: The doors for submissions will close on Monday -Ã,  in about 66 hours from now (see timestamp of this posting). So you still have the weekend to work on your entries. Good luck.


Time is over now and we remember the words of the wise man:
Quote from: Zor Ver. 3.0.1© on Wed 23/06/2004 15:43:23
Hehe, I don't think anyone else has entered. RTF, you might win!!!

As we know the world (or at least a part of it) was afraid:
Quote from: Os àšltimo Quão Queijo ^_^ on Thu 24/06/2004 04:44:08
Wait a second... those things are going to host the MAGS awards? :-\

And both were right... So as there's only one entry we have the winner without voting:
Congratulations to releasethefrogs and the Chronicles of Max and Maggie.

For the two guys that didn't yet reply the PM:
Answer quickly - July is very close and the "third man" already submitted his ideas a while ago...


Congratulations rtf! Hope to see interesting rules next month :). And it was quite a funny game to play.
Try Not to Breathe - coming sooner or later!

We may have years, we may have hours, but sooner or later, we push up flowers. - Membrillo, Grim Fandango coroner


Yep, Congrats! Start a new thread soon as I want to enter this time...

I might be able to produce a good entry, as it's two-week holidays here for me...

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