Jam: 100% essence of sprite. 30th-6th

Started by Flippy_D, Thu 29/07/2004 18:46:06

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By the time you read this you've already read it.


well flippy is on holiday, so shouldnt someone rescue the jam? its the 6th afterall.


Quote from: chicken on Fri 06/08/2004 23:18:40
well flippy is on holiday, so shouldnt someone rescue the jam? its the 6th afterall.

I hereby proclaim myself the winner, I'll start the new thread immediately.
Well, no.
Flippy said one of the mods should take over and decide the winner.
Mods, take over please.


i must say, i really dont like the fact this jam as turned into a photoshop... never again


wee *cough*

can some mod please come and save this, im quite into entering the next jam.


Well since Flippy is on holiday, and things must go on, I'll end this competition now and start a new one. Let's do something better!

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