Sprite Jam: Inventory items (Winners announced)

Started by Hobo, Wed 11/01/2017 23:17:38

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Thank you, everyone! Thanks, Hobo, for the lovely trophy. And congrats, Blondbraid!


Good show, Mandle, Ponch, and Gurok.

And congratulations Blondbraid--it seems Thoth hath smiled upon thee!


Congratulations you all.
It was fun seeing all the different types of inventory items everyone made. :-D


I'm just grabbing my swag of pieces-of-8-bitcoins and making a dashing pirate exit via the nearest swingable chandelier on my stupid chicken pulley!!!

See all ya suckers in the next round!!!!

* Mandle defenestrates through an ornate stained-glass window



Fun round and congrats to the winners!

You know if I notched the other side of that disk Ponch, you could store OSD Vol II on it as well.  Just say the word.


Don't wisecrack with me, Kconan, or else I'll whomp you with my giant bag of pennies! :=


  Easy, that notcher can do cow earmarks as well!


Thank you everyone!  ;-D
I mostly made the sprite because I wanted to share a link to a story Iove, but I'm happy that you liked it! I'll try to come up with something as soon as I'm able.


Quote from: Ponch on Fri 03/02/2017 18:27:52
Don't wisecrack with me, Kconan, or else I'll whomp you with my giant bag of pennies! :=
Quote from: kconan on Sat 04/02/2017 00:54:56
  Easy, that notcher can do cow earmarks as well!

Fight! Fight! Fight! ;-D

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