Fortnightly Writing Competition: Train Journey (Results)

Started by Sinitrena, Wed 05/10/2022 14:15:55

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Who is your favorite this time around for the FWC?

Baron - A Train of Thought
4 (40%)
Mandle - Midfield on the Metal-Road
6 (60%)

Total Members Voted: 10

Voting closed: Thu 27/10/2022 21:48:28


QuoteBut... but this warning has always been there.  ???

This is true, but I'm guessing it's Mandle's first time to start contest thread since the new forum design, and saw that warning message anew after having clicked past it so many times in the past.
Current votes: 11  |  Target: 20  |  Play


Quote from: Stupot on Fri 28/10/2022 23:07:08
QuoteBut... but this warning has always been there.  ???

This is true, but I'm guessing it's Mandle's first time to start contest thread since the new forum design, and saw that warning message anew after having clicked past it so many times in the past.

Ah, yes. I was pretty dead tired from building Halloween events for kids over the last two days so that was probably it.

Maybe also the text is in bigger, angrier letters? And the psychological trauma of having been blacklisted from posting before may have been farting in my brain  (laugh)


Now that that is cleared up, don't forget to actually post the thread, though!


Any suggestions for how I should word the warning to be clearer?


Maybe something like:

QuoteThis forum is for OFFICIAL forum competitions and activities. If you want to start a new competition format, first seek approval in the "Suggestions for competitions and activities" thread, or use the Rumpus Room forum instead.

Though, given that traffic on the forums these days is... light, maybe just remove it altogether, and if someone does start some thread that shouldn't go here the mods can just deal with it?

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