Started by Tabata, Thu 24/05/2018 21:10:57

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There are those who believe that life here began out there...


Yay! Thanks all for the votes!
Congrats to the other winners ;-D
Thanks to all participants and special thanks to our lovely host Tabata who came quickly to the rescue when we needed a Coloring Ball and with AWESOME trophies! :-* :-* :-*
I'll see you soon in a new coloring ball in the next few days!


Congrats to all the contestants :)

Quote(#2 is amazing artwork but just didn't really seem to fit the theme)

EDIT: He doesn't move a lot in his own game but he seems pretty fast nonetheless.


I thought the "theme" was filling the shape as best possible... (roll)
There are those who believe that life here began out there...


Quote from: Cassiebsg on Sun 17/06/2018 16:24:21
I thought the "theme" was filling the shape as best possible... (roll)

Isn't that more the "rules"? I thought the theme was what each winner of the past round decided for the next?

Have I been wrong all this time?! 8-0


I see the "theme" more a means to story telling, rather than being decisive. Besides, who's to say what you saw that went so fast?.... but a still image of the mystery shape? (laugh)
There are those who believe that life here began out there...


Quote from: Cassiebsg on Sun 17/06/2018 16:58:30
I see the "theme" more a means to story telling, rather than being decisive. Besides, who's to say what you saw that went so fast?.... but a still image of the mystery shape? (laugh)

I'm not really sure what we are talking about. I just voted for the ones that were imaginatively drawn and looked like they were going fast. #2 was very well drawn but seems to be standing still so I went with others that fit the theme of "speed".

Simple as that.


Congatulations to all the paticipants and thanks Tabata for a lovely colouring ball!

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