SPRITE JAM [03 JUN - 23 JUN] Plant And Click Adventures

Started by Scavenger, Fri 03/06/2016 16:43:01

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There are those who believe that life here began out there...


I properly cannot make my mind up between Grok and Blondbraid. Brb with a decision

I'm going to go with Grok. ( us carnivores have to stick together after all) 8-)
Currently working on a project!



I'm going to claim a victory here folks (or have it as a birthday present)

I'll start a new comp tonight 8pm BST
Currently working on a project!


Quote from: SinSin on Fri 01/07/2016 08:34:57
I'm going to claim a victory here folks (or have it as a birthday present)

I'll start a new comp tonight 8pm BST
It's a well deserved victory. :-D

But we still need one more vote to break the tie between me and Grok.
So come on Scavenger! Announce the winners so I know which trophy to add to my signature!


Hey! I'm sorry, I've been rather busy with real  heavy stuff, and being without a computer.  I'll announce the winners now, and put in a vote for Danvzare, as he gave a pretty good back story for his plant!

1st: Sinsin!
2nd: Danvzare!
3rd: Grok!

Well done, everyone, all your entries were cool!


Good entries, but I have to vote for SinSin.  In fact I might try to nab that for a game (don't know what game, but I really feel it deserves to be in a game!).

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