MAGS March “Uplifting” (RESULT)

Started by Stupot, Sat 04/03/2023 21:50:56

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What is your favourite game of MAGS March?

The Gift by 4KbShort
3 (33.3%)
Elevation by RootBound
6 (66.7%)

Total Members Voted: 9

Voting closed: Tue 18/04/2023 08:45:56


maybe it's 4MbShort  :-D


Quote from: RootBound on Wed 05/04/2023 15:23:39Hey @4KbShort, it looks like your downloadable archive doesn't actually contain a game executable file. Am I overlooking something? Thanks.

Nope, not just you. Don't know how it wasn't included in the ZIP, but it has been re-compiled, re-zipped, re-uploaded and I downloaded the file to test it and it's in there now. So sorry for everyone who downloaded the game with no way to run it.

Thank you for letting me know!
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I like the game concept in Elevation but I'm stuck. I've posted my question in the Hints & Tips board.


Hey @4KbShort I played and enjoyed your game - it's interesting how opposite our approaches to the topic were. Yours was upbeat and positive the entire way through. Meanwhile I'm over here trying to write a tearjerker with some literal lifting-up. :) I had fun. Hope to see more AGS games from you in the future!
They/them. Here are some of my games:


Quote from: RootBound on Sat 08/04/2023 20:21:07Hey @4KbShort I played and enjoyed your game - it's interesting how opposite our approaches to the topic were. Yours was upbeat and positive the entire way through. Meanwhile I'm over here trying to write a tearjerker with some literal lifting-up. :) I had fun. Hope to see more AGS games from you in the future!

Thank you! I enjoyed your game as well. Great music, very atmospheric. It did get a little difficult at the end, but it wasn't enough to make it frustrating and the ending was very uplifting! Great work!
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Quote from: 4KbShort on Mon 10/04/2023 05:34:45I enjoyed your game as well. Great music, very atmospheric. It did get a little difficult at the end, but it wasn't enough to make it frustrating and the ending was very uplifting! Great work!

Thanks so much! So glad you played it! This is my first time submitting a game to this contest, so it's great to hear someone liked it.  :-D
They/them. Here are some of my games:


I finished both games and had a good time:

The Gift
A straightforward and relaxing game where you go donate your blood plasma. Fitting with the theme. Some people find it stress-inducing but as an occasional blood donor, the game is pretty close to my own experience - except that we're given a meal after the donation. I didn't know you get paid to donate your plasma in the US. Selling human elements is forbidden in France.

A polished survival game where you use various tools to help 2 robots escape a broken shaft in space. The experience is more emotional than the pitch could suggest. Your buddy feels alive and the rescuing pilot treat you like actual persons.
Visually stunning for a MAGS game.

I found 2 bugs:
- the game crashes if you use the refined laser with one of the objects in the right maintenance panel. Here's the output:
Quotein "room1.asc", line 640

Error: AnimateCharacter: invalid loop number specified

-You can use the refined laser on the alarm light several times.


@Creamy Thank you so much--so glad you connected with the characters and had so many positive things to say. Extra thanks for reporting the bugs, too--I think it's too late to upload a fix before voting ends, but I've made sure this won't be a problem in the revised stable version (coming soon, after more playtesters). Very, very much appreciated.
They/them. Here are some of my games:


Quote from: RootBound on Sat 15/04/2023 16:43:39I think it's too late to upload a fix before voting ends,...
If it's game-breaking and something you think most players will encounter, then I don't think anyone would have an issue with you giving it a quick patch-up.


Good news, looks like I may have fixed those two bugs in the patch I already uploaded in the first couple of days -- at least, the bugs aren't showing up for me in the current download version.

If this is correct, then kudos to Creamy for being enthusiastic enough to download the game in the first couple of days before I fixed anything.

If anyone else finds these issues in the current version, I'll take another look, but I'm hopeful they've now been addressed.

EDIT: unrelated, I have a protocol question - I'm planning on releasing a revised/polished edition of this game later on, and that's the version I'll put in the AGS database and in the Completed Games forum when it's done. Should I keep the MAGS version available too for the purposes of things like next year's Maggies? I'm assuming yes, but I'll be making enough changes that I don't really want the MAGS version to be the default edition. What's the etiquette for handling that?

They/them. Here are some of my games:



@Creamy Thanks for playing The Gift I really appreciate the feedback! It's also illegal to sell human elements within the United States or to pay for them, but Plasma centers get around this by stating they're paying you for your "Time". It's a loophole, but the services are regulated by federal agencies so it seems to be a legitimate thing. I've worked in Plasma for a very long time and it can be very stressful for people, but in most cases people don't realize you can earn money and help others by donating plasma as direct blood donations are not compensated like plasma.
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And some game videos:


Congrats @RootBound for winning the month! It really is a great game and you deserve it!
I have a website:
I've made some games:
I've made some videos:
And some game videos:


Hey everyone! Thanks so much for playing my game! I appreciate you putting in the time to play and vote, and I'm happy this tiny game that I made very suddenly turned out well enough that people like it.  :)

And @4KbShort your game was a great entry too. If you'd won, it would have been well deserved too. :)
They/them. Here are some of my games:


Thank you to both 4KbShort and RootBound for your wonderful first entries to the MAGS contest. The games are as cool as your usernames and I hope you continue to enter.

The winner of MAGS March is Elevation by RootBound.

Well done. I'll be in touch soon about coming up with a theme for May's contest, so start thinking.


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