Fortnightly Writing Competition - In the beginning... (RESULTS)

Started by Sinitrena, Thu 23/01/2014 20:31:02

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Quote from: janosbiro on Mon 10/02/2014 02:58:33
Sorry about it, but who is allowed to vote?
Everyone, except for me because I organized this round (I would just decide in case of a tie). So if you want to, go ahead and vote, the more the merrier.

Janos Biro





Background World:

Word Choice/Style:

I'm willing to translate from English to Brazilian Portuguese.


Can we please stop churning out quality like that? It's bad for my perception. Here we are. Masters of AGS scripting. Living the indie dream! Spritemeisters. And brilliant writers! How come I still need my real-life job instead of hiring people who look at my watch in order to tell me how expensive it was?
Man! Good stuff, and nice theme!

Character: Baron (female Casanunda == instant awesome)
Plot: Unlady (sorry, I just really love ghost tales)
Atmosphere: Wham (you got the gift man, really)
Background World: Unlady (dim senses make for open gaps, I like that)
Word Choice/Style: Baron (you got the gift too, and a monocle to boot)
Connection: Unlady (absolutely fitting)


Man. The hardest vote to cast, so far. I liked them all, I'd read them all. All have great qualities, in such different styles. So I'll just go by.. I dunno, the ones I'd read first in terms of:

Character: Baron (characters, plural). Though Ghost and Stupot+'s come a close second, tied.

Plot: Ghost. For quite a while I've been torn between Ghost' douglasadamness and Baron's terrypratchettry. I still kind of am, but the idea of designer of afterlives won.

Atmosphere: Stupot+. The image of that couple, the gestures, tiny, minute details that define the here'n now so well.

World: Wham. I can see that world. And it gives me the shivers. Brr. That's effectiveness of the written word for you, it's not even that could 'round here for now.

Word choice/style: Baron. Hard to choose as well.

Connection: Ghost.

Also, prize of the jury (what jury? This one, right here, a jury of one) for the....

Quotes: Ghost! Hilarious.

So, guys, when do we get to read what's happening next? Play the game? See the movie? I'm hoooooked! I want my story fix, now!


I think, therefore I am, I think.


Character: Baron
Plot: Ghost
Atmosphere: Wham, CaptainD
Background World: Unlady
Word Choice/Style: Ghost
Connection: Stupot+

Janos Biro

I'm willing to translate from English to Brazilian Portuguese.


Quote from: Sinitrena on Sun 09/02/2014 03:20:18
Quote from: Stupot+ on Sun 09/02/2014 02:19:17
The deadline for this has passed and Sinitrena hasn't been active since about 6 minutes after she posted this theme.  Should we just go ahead and start voting?
Sorry about this. I had a couple of busy weeks, but I haven't forgotten. And you are absolutely right, time is up and voting starts now.
You were obviously on the ball. Sorry to doubt your on-the-ballness :)  And thanks for a great theme. This was fun.

This is too hard to judge, but I think everyone should pat themselves on the back.

Character: Baron. I want more about the bearded she-dwarf.
Plot: Ghost
Atmosphere: Baron/UnLady.
Background World: UnLady
Word Choice/Style: Baron
Connection: Unlady/Wham
Current votes: 11  |  Target: 20  |  Play

Janos Biro

Yeah, I had no idea you guys held writing competitions too. That was great, I saw a lot of talent, but to me, Baron is the winner already (sorry guys, you did great, but he's my favorite). In fact, I got so inspired by this that I woke up this morning with a fixed idea for a first paragraph and a blurb. I wrote them down, and the moment later, I was writing the first chapter. I am now actually writing chapter two, and very excited about it! Is there any specific section in this forum where we can post short fictions or something like that?
I'm willing to translate from English to Brazilian Portuguese.


Quote from: janosbiro on Wed 12/02/2014 01:53:46
Yeah, I had no idea you guys held writing competitions too. That was great, I saw a lot of talent, but to me, Baron is the winner already (sorry guys, you did great, but he's my favorite).

I thank you for the strong endorsement, Janosbiro, but I learned long ago not to count my Writing Competition votes before the deadline lapses.  ;)

On the other hand, you make a convincing argument and any remaining voters would be foolish not to vote for me as well.  ;)

As for short fictions, except for this competition (which tends to be theme based, although not always) I'm not aware of any specific forum here.  If you're looking for critiques to improve your story then the Critics Lounge board is the perfect place.  Otherwise you could post on the General board (I've seen weirder stuff there, so it'd probably be ok), but I'm not sure how much attention it would get.  Likewise anything goes on the Rumpus board, but things can get pretty silly down there sometimes.... ;-D :P  By far the most likely way to guarantee the attention of folks around here would be to build your writing into a game!  Even very short games can win a decent audience if they are deserving!  (nod)

Janos Biro

Encouraging. Thanks. ;-D

It's a pity I lack the artistic skills so very much. I gave up trying to draw a long time ago. I wish I could make some pixel art. :~(

I tell you that my dream is to have Ben Chandler making art for me. Oh, the games I would make! (roll)
I'm willing to translate from English to Brazilian Portuguese.


Quote from: Stupot+ on Tue 11/02/2014 23:37:41
This is too hard to judge, but I think everyone should pat themselves on the back.

I am patting myself on the back right now, but with a tear in my eye that I didn't get a vote from you. :~(


So many good reads, it was hard to choose who to vote for. :cheesy:

Character: Baron.
Plot: Ghost
Atmosphere: Baron
Background World: UnLady
Word Choice/Style: Ghost
Connection: Wham


Quote from: CaptainD on Wed 12/02/2014 10:46:07
Quote from: Stupot+ on Tue 11/02/2014 23:37:41
This is too hard to judge, but I think everyone should pat themselves on the back.

I am patting myself on the back right now, but with a tear in my eye that I didn't get a vote from you. :~(
aww gee, sorry cap'n :embarrassed: on another day you probably would've got one. I just went with my gut at the time.
Current votes: 11  |  Target: 20  |  Play

Janos Biro

Sorry if this is inappropriate, but I posted the prelude of the story I'm writing, and since I got some encouragement by this competition, maybe you would be interested:
I'm willing to translate from English to Brazilian Portuguese.


And we have a winner...

1. place (16 points): Baron

2. place (13 points): UnLady

3. place (11 points): Ghost and WHAM

4. place (9 points): Stupot+
5. place (4 points): CaptainD
6. place (1 point): BSP and Wyz

Congratulation, guys. This was an impressive show of talent. I'd really like to read more of some of these stories. And I believe you all that it must have been incredibbly difficult to vote (I'm glad I hadn't this time). Still, we have a winner. Baron, you know what's next: Start a new round!

Janos Biro

I'm willing to translate from English to Brazilian Portuguese.


Congrats to everyone! WHAM, you want the left or the right half of 3rd place?


I prefer the right half, Ghost. It just feels more... right.

Congrats to Baron! Looking forward to the next theme!
Wrongthinker and anticitizen one. Utterly untrustworthy. Pending removal to memory hole.


Congrats Baron!
Congrats everyone for the lovely entries(including self-pat on back :-D )
And last, but not least: thanks Sinitrena for a great theme!
I think, therefore I am, I think.

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