Animeowsion Competition: Kitteh Wanteds Tunneh! (14/7/10 - 27/5/11) WINNER!

Started by Gilbert, Wed 14/07/2010 07:37:42

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"Me is hangury!"

Jon Arbuckle is away from home, but he has forgotten to feed his adorable kitten. Now, the starving kitten is on his own, looking for a way to open teh only edible piece of relic at home...

Help the kitten fulfil his quest, be it successful or not.


  • You can draw your own versions of the sprites if you do not want to use the supplied ones, as long as it is about a fluffy animal that purrrrs, who tries to open some sort of food sealed in a container (so it's not limited to a tin of tuna; it can be a box of biscuits, a bottle of pickles or whatever you can think of).
  • It is not necessary for the animal to succeed at the end. He may fail. Hilarity takes precedence.
  • You can add any objects to act as tools, or if you're imaginative enough, you can also do it without adding any objects.
  • No size, colour or frame limits.
  • You may modify and animate the supplied sprites or draw and animate your own sprites, within the guidelines mentioned above.
  • All entries must be posted in this thread by or on the 28th of July 27th of May.
  • The host of the competition will judge the winner, mainly on aspects including creativity, funniness and skills.
  • Excessive cuteness RECOMMENDED.
  • Have fun and be gentle to cute animals!


This is a cool idea for a game, wish I had thought of it, would be fun to make. :D


hmmm just realised this competition has been dead for almost a year...
well i just did this so might as well post it maybe more people will enter and we can bring it back from the dead :)

Marapets is The Bestest Thing in THE WhOlE WidE WoRld!!! ^^


Haha. I like this.

With one entry eventually now, I'll extend it (for many months) until next Friday and see whether it will catch people's interest in reviving it.


This opens the door to revive all the old competitions! Chaos and bedlam are sure to ensue!  :D


Alright. Enough time has passed and obviously, BillyCoen is the winner!

I was about to make a trophy but I am a bit sick (and lazy) atm so...

Anyway, BillyCoen, you may start the next round if you want and we hope that there'll be more entries.

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