Coloring Ball: The Fabric of Spacetime [Winner Announced]

Started by AnasAbdin, Sun 31/07/2016 06:33:18

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Congrats Cassiebg and Riaise!

And thanks to everyone that voted for me :D


Congrats to Cassiebsg and CaesarCub! Your entries were amazing!

Thank you so much for all of the votes! I didn't expect to get any, since there were so many other great entries. And thanks to AnasAbdin for the lovely trophy! :-D



What!!!! 8-0 8-0 8-0
What happened? I thought Riaise had this won with his awesome B/W reality. 8-0

Thanks for all who voted for both my entries. :-D
And congrats t Riaise and CaesarCub and to everyone one for a great and fun entry. (nod)

Uhm... seems like I now need to figure out a theme for the next coloring ball... (wtf)(laugh)

There are those who believe that life here began out there...


Quote from: Cassiebsg on Fri 26/08/2016 18:03:57
Uhm... seems like I now need to figure out a theme for the next coloring ball... (wtf)(laugh)

I. Can't. Wait (laugh)


Congratulations to all the winners! ;-D

It will be fun to see what Cassiebsg comes up with.

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