Coloring Ball reopened: Make the invisible visible! – Closed

Started by Adrian, Wed 13/03/2013 15:55:38

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The Duck family's hidden secret:


cousin Dingbat Duck has been kept from the public eye by the Disney corporation for decades. His tendency to strip bare at parties, eat worms, wear odd headgear and generally being bat sh*t insane have made him the Duck family's best kept secret.



Now that we have more than 10 entries there is an extra trophy for everyone who participated. See first post.

I'm sure we can get together at least 15 entries!?  :grin:


And.....what happens if we do?  (roll)

Are you telling us that there's another reward trophy at 15?

This is great, I feel like I'm leveling up!


He he!! No, there will be no more reward trophies. ... Or will there be...? ;) I'm just so happy that the Coloring Ball is still alive, I can't wait to see more entries!

NickyNyce, thank you for your great entry! This fish-eating bird looks gorgeous and scary at once. What is it?


This coloring ball is rolling so nice, let's throw in another one  ;)

The Do family is known for centuries for practicing of the "Way of The Sword" flawlessly, a martial arts form known as Kendo.
Once a kendŠka achieves the blue belt, he or she starts practicing the "Way of The Invisible Sword".
After achieving the green belt, the kendŠka is master of the "Way of The Invisible Sword".

Meet Ken Do, a green belt kendŠka.
Ken Do attacking his opponent with his invisible sword(1) during the Green Belt Ceremony match:

(1) see Ken's right hand.


Quote from: Adrian on Sun 17/03/2013 21:59:34
NickyNyce, thank you for your great entry! This fish-eating bird looks gorgeous and scary at once. What is it?

I was afraid someone would ask this question. I'm afraid I can't answer it.

I really don't deserve any credit, all I did was add this code.

Code: AGS


I was afraid someone would ask this question. I'm afraid I can't answer it.

I really don't deserve any credit, all I did was add this code.

Code: AGS

So you made something visible by scripting. Brilliant!!  :cheesy:


That moment when you realize the GPS is wrong and the Evil Duck stole your lifebelt:

EDIT: Oh dear, I forgot to switch her invisibility mode on! Fixed! Now she's the Invisible Evil Duck ;)




Silent predators, swooping down to catch an unwary prey, their wings keeping them aloft, above the view of anyone who dares cross them. You cannot see them, you cannot hear them, until it is too late.

Yes, they are the deadly fruit bats.


Thanks Miez, Adrian! Wow, 13 entries so far, this must be one of the most popular Color Balls ever :)

BTW, how do you guys do this 'x1 x2 x3 x4' image trick?


Link the pic using the "zoomable image" button, it's the one to the right of the mona lisa.
Co-Founder of Pink Pineapple Ink Pink Pineapple Ink
Creator of the online comic Trouble Ticket Trouble Ticket


Allright guys, thanks!

EDIT: Hey, it works! That's a great feature. I like my invisible duck better now, when it's more... visible;)


Little reminder: Still ten days left to present your fantastic and inventive visible invisibilities.
Heat up your brains and pencils!  (nod)


For those of you who submitted more than one entry:
To guarantee fair conditions please choose one of your entries to enter the voting next week.  :)


Quote from: Arj0n on Fri 15/03/2013 15:51:57
You can now adopt this sweet but very stress-sensitive easy-crying little doggy.
But hey, he comes with genuine mustache and plaster!  :)


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