WINNERS ANNOUNCED! Background blitz: A wreck

Started by Monsieur OUXX, Mon 19/01/2015 23:02:55

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Me too, love these blitzes, as they allow me to work on my game, learn new stuff and "evolve" all in a "timer". (laugh)

Congrats to all winners and special congrats to all participants. :)
There are those who believe that life here began out there...


Some amazing art here. Well done to the winners and to everyone! inspiring stuff
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Congratz to the winners and to all the participants!
This was one of the most amazing comp!
All the entries were pure ART!
I agree, very inspiring!


Aw, that was great! It's fantastic to enter these and everyone's so talented and supportive at the same time! I can only hope to keep the bar raised as high when making up the next one ;-D


Congratulations to all on many brilliant backgrounds!!! Absolutely wonderful contest this time around!


Wonderful entries! I didn't vote because I couldn't decide - all backgrounds are fantastic!


Oh wow, silver, I'll be darned :)
Tons of gratulations to Greenbeams!


Quote from: Monsieur OUXX on Thu 26/02/2015 13:16:13
...And the special flirt trophy is a collective trophy meant to spread love on my fac...on the planet!

All you need is love and a little bit of flirt! ;-D

Your love to me? Thanks, Ouxx!
Receive my love too!

♫ All you need is love... ♫

I love this Beatles' song, man!  ;)
And i feel sorry for anyone who believes that don't need love and be loved...
You probably knows, love is something indispensable for evolution not only of each being, as a whole society, but unfortunately is becoming increasingly rare, perhaps because people are forgetting to put the respect within their gestures and actions ... and without respect love loses the real essence, and just turn in a emotional "vacuum", something that empties rather than fill.

And between you and me, I've been discovering, throughout my life, that women (or womanhood) are the issuer of the great teachings that can leads us to achieve this lighting. The learning begins in the womb... and can be sure that I am not referring to sex... though not disregard its role in this regard.

A man who unable to understand this maybe need think about what this song say:


And like is said in a song of another
great old (new york) band,
Love and flirting with respect is:

♫ Fa Fa Fa Fa Fa Fa Fa Fa Fa Far Better! ♫


Sim, Hugo Pratt é foda!
Ele passou um tempo no Brasil,
atuando como professor numa escola de artes.

Eu sou suspeito por dizer isso... mas...

É DO CARALHO!  (laugh)

Hugo Pratt and Jean Giraud (your countryman ;) ) are comic sculptors!
It is unfair to say this cause the list of who I admire is long and multiethnic.

Congratulations for all sailors!  :-D

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