Started by Grundislav, Tue 16/05/2017 15:31:39

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My votes:
           Concept: Rocchinator, because the protagonist improvised to make the place inhabitable.
       Playability: Tycho Magnetic Anomaly, because there are many things to fiddle with and there is enough room to walk around.
Artistic Execution: SilverSpook, because it has least outlines.

@Tycho Magnetic Anomaly
Thanks for the encouragement. I spent about 16 hours on the freehand and about 30 hours on the isometric (my first try at this technique) and ran out of layers (maximum is 16 in grafx2) and time.


Concept: SilverSpook  This was a tough choice, but overall, this one does have the most unique concept in my opinion. The teddy in a pool of blood really sells it as well.
Playability: Rocchinator  I can see this easily fitting into a game. Plenty of potential hotspots to interact with and objects to pick up.
Artistic Execution: Tycho Magnetic Anomaly  This is just beautiful. A little overdone with the effects, but still beautiful none-the-less.


Concept: Misj' It just looks so cozy with the cats!
Playability: Rocchinator There is lots of stuff to interact with.
Artistic execution: Dream It was a tough choice, but I like the hand drawn feel to it.

Really, all the entries were great, and it's a shame I never found the time to enter something myself,
but this contest have produced some lovely backgrounds!


We have our final results! Just click your heels together three times, and repeat after me: "there's no place like home, there's no place like home..."

In 3rd place, and winner of the bronze slippers, we have SilverSpook!

In 2nd place, winner of the silver slippers is Tycho Magnetic Anomaly!

And in 1st place, winner of the gold slippers is none other than Rocchinator!

Congratulations to all the winners, and everyone for participating! It was a tough call because of so many great entries, you should all be proud!

Tycho Magnetic Anomaly

oh.. these results caught me by surprise, thought there was a few days left.

Well done to Rocchinator for you glorious win also for getting it in on time
Well done SilverSpook it was a close one,  you have also wet my appetite for your next project which I only saw today.
And a very well done to everyone else for their stunning entries,so much time and effort put in. Keep it up and you are all going places.
Great theme Grudilav

and thank you all so very much for the votes, I can't tell you how much it means to me.



Wow! I never won a first place before:cheesy:, i`m so happy. Thanks to all. Congrats to Tycho and SilverSpook for your awards amazing job everyone. This was a thought competition so many incredible entries, this was a memorable competition Grundislav. Amazing job everyone.


Congrats to Tycho and Rocchinator! And thanks everyone for your votes. I already have a pair of silver slippers to match my silver trench coat, so the Bronze Slippers will be a great addition to my wardrobe!

In all seriousness, this was probably the toughest competition I've ever witnessed on the AGS forum, and there have been *a lot* of competitions. I barely felt qualified to *vote* on the entries, they were so good. So amazing job, everyone involved! Gives one hope for the community, it does. :)


Congrats to the winners! I don't remember when I saw so much great entries in one competition. It's such a shame that some beautiful entries ended up unrewarded!


Sheet, I forgot to vote lol.

Grats guys, all were wonderful entries on this one.


Congrats to the winners! Great entries everyone.


Congratulations, everyone!  Any image could have been the winner this time, which is really cool.  I loved every entry.


Congrats everyone. :-D
This contest had a lot of really great entries. It made it hard to vote. (laugh)

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