Background Blitz - Ancient leftovers (June 3rd ~ June 21st) WINNER ANNOUNCED

Started by Daniel Thomas, Wed 03/06/2015 04:03:25

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Daniel Thomas

Topic: Ancient leftovers

Create background art for a scene that have something from the past, or even ancient. The topic is up for interpretation. It can be from a ancient civilization from our world, it can be something made up from your own game world (if so, provide a description letting us in on the story). It could be old architecture, statue or just a small object, don't feel restricted.

The voting will begin around 22nd of June.

Have fun and do something awesome, feel free to post your process as you go along.
Check out The Journey of Iesir Demo | Freelance artist, check out my Portfolio


i'll definatly do my best to try finish something in time  (nod)


I've never really drawn backgrounds before, but I'm trying to improve my drawing abilities and get used to making digital art so here is my entry.

It's not much but I wanted to give it a go. Any advice or suggestions for improvement are welcome as I am really not very good with my lighting or perspective.

Daniel Thomas

Great to see two pieces this early, good work!
I hope people won't be too busy when the Workshop is running at the same time.
Check out The Journey of Iesir Demo | Freelance artist, check out my Portfolio


Quote from: Daniel Thomas on Mon 08/06/2015 06:50:01
Great to see two pieces this early, good work!
I hope people won't be too busy when the Workshop is running at the same time.
Au contraire. I'm too busy for the workshop but am eager to enter something in this Blitz.
Current votes: 11  |  Target: 20  |  Play


Well ... I wanted to enter for this blitz, but the workshop is a lot harder than I expected. But at least I can still enjoy all the entries here :)

Monsieur OUXX


Daniel Thomas

Sorry for the delay. Busy busy and it totally slipped my mind last week.

We have two good pieces and as the workshop is going on at the same time I don't suspect there would be any more participants. So let's just vote, I'll close the voting next Monday (I will be away whole week)

Vote on these categories
Concept: Who had the best idea within the topic.
Artistic Execution: Who executed the piece best using the artistic tools such as color, value, composition and design.
Playability: Who made the most practical scene to be used in the game editor and engine. Scaling, clear hotspots.

Code: ags
[b]Artistic Execution:[/b]


Check out The Journey of Iesir Demo | Freelance artist, check out my Portfolio


Seems like the workshop totally shadowed this topic. :(

Concept: I'll go with Myinah, but I like both.
Artistic Execution: Grog, love the palette and feel of the scene.
Playability: Myinah.

And sorry I didn't enter, but if nothing else, I did "made" the Background in my mind and will be part of my BSG game (one day... eventually...). (nod)
There are those who believe that life here began out there...

Daniel Thomas

Yea, unfortunately that they started and ended more or less the exact same time. I think we can wrap it up and hope for more participants next round.
Only got one voter, so I'll go with that and declare Myinah winner.

Good work guys, hope to see you next BG blitz round.
Myinah, take it away. :)
Check out The Journey of Iesir Demo | Freelance artist, check out my Portfolio

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