Monthly Story Competition - 13th October - Rui Winneth

Started by Shinan, Mon 12/09/2005 19:08:14

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Ze Rules:
- Participants will write a story not limited by length unless specified by the month's rules;
- It's impossible for a judge to be impartial in this kind of competition where, for instance, great writing can save a meager plot. So the voting will be public, and go on for at least a week after the deadline, when the winner will be announced.
- The deadline itself is, as said before, monthly, but as usual some slack is given. Don't abuse it, though. Five days after the "oficcial" deadline no further entries are allowed and voting begins, but this tolerance is not mandatory, rather left to the thread-starter's description.
- The competition should last a month. Therefore, this particular one will run until the 13th of October.
- The actual posts must NOT contain the story, but a link to it. The story MUST be hosted somewhere, even if temporarily.
  - The object of this is to write a story. It can be a short story with 10 lines, it can be a whooper with 20 pages. It can have no characters, or a myriad of them. It can be in first person, or third; present or past of future tense. Your ONLY limitations are the ones the rules state, if any.
- The winner provides the theme and rules for the next comp.

And the theme for this month:


the story should feature, in some way (the more obscure the better I suppose, but fairly stereotypical zombie stories work too) zombies. Zombies can be anything from Office Slaves/Factory Workers who do the same monotonous task day out day in to the hordes of undead Necromancers in fantasy worlds tend to summon.

Ideas can include a man who is about to become a zombie after being bitten, or even a story from the zombie's point of view. Other ideas can be how zombies affect daily life (for inspiration see the scenes in Land of the Dead before the action really begins), with the zombies just serving as a backdrop. Or just have some explorer meet Voodoo people (is that South America?) and have a zombie servant in the background.

And yeah I'm a sucker for zombies so I may very well enter myself.
May the shouting of BRAAAAINS commence! ;D
"Be strong in your Ignorance"
"I'm just a nationalistic Swedish-speaking Finn"


I'm in... just to say I'm in, so I'm in nevertheless.

In the game I mean... whatever, I'm in...(the game)


Well here's my contribution to this genre I like to call gorefest. Except mine's not that gory at all.

Rui 'Trovatore' Pires

I'll enter, sure enough, but I'd just like to point out that MicroTech is down.

EDIT - Here it is. God, I'm going to hell for this one...

Reach for the moon. Even if you miss, you'll land among the stars.

Kneel. Now.

Never throw chicken at a Leprechaun.


It's been too long since I've done any creative writing.  Note to self: Always remember to actually plan your story, then your plot might actually have cohesion. 

Anyway. . . linkage


I've never tried the story competition, so I'll give it a go. Does this story count, since I wrote it to go with the ESPER game? I didn't write it just for this competition...

Well, regardless, here it is. I hope you enjoy it, even if it doesn't count...
This Space Left Blank Intentionally.

Vince Twelve

I've got something worked up for this contest, but I wanted to quickly ask: Are we allowed to post these on the CL to help polish them up before entering, or should I do that after the contest?

EDIT 36 HOURS LATER: Silence is consent!


My gut reaction was that you shouldn't, but then I thought why not? Some post stories they've written long before the competition and I suppose that one really should try to do the story as polished as possible. It may feel a bit weird that the feedback is in the same forum as the competition but... well...

Silence is consent :)

Hmm, I have a few days left and I haven't started writing yet. I have to come up with something...
"Be strong in your Ignorance"
"I'm just a nationalistic Swedish-speaking Finn"

Vince Twelve

Alright.  It's miles long and I haven't really the time to polish it up any more.  So here it be:

"A Long Procession is Brought to an End When a Black Silhouette Appears on the Horizon"

.doc format
.txt format


I suppose this be the deadline day. Unfortunately I just haven't had the inspiration the last few days to conjure something up. I have two beginnings I did at the beginning but I can't really continue them right now. However if someone else has a story they like to submit they still have some time.

Otherwise I suppose we'll start voting eh?
"Be strong in your Ignorance"
"I'm just a nationalistic Swedish-speaking Finn"

Vince Twelve

I vote Rui.  If he's going to hell, he might as well win this competion first.  And it's an interesting and unique story.


I've gotta second that.  I liked the unconventional style of it, and seemed the least cliché.  Would've been nice to have some <CR>s though.  Even if he's going to hell, Rui rules.


I liked Yak's, but why does no one use wordwrap? or is it just the way my computer is handling it?
This Space Left Blank Intentionally.


People see it as auto word-wrapping on theirs but since they don't have carriage returns or more formatted documents (like RTF or DOC) non word-wrap capable viewers (like Netscape Browser for me) make it a PITA to read.   Mine reads okay in Word or Wordpad (Edit: should say, word-wraps as it doesn't read well no matter the viewing program).


Could you try to wrap this up? It's getting a bit over due


Okay. I also like Rui's very much. The others were also good but Rui's had that strangeness about it. I suppose that's three votes for Rui so Rui's the winner!

Congratulations your time to conjure up a theme for the next competition.

(Btw for November there's for anyone who likes to write plenty 8^)
"Be strong in your Ignorance"
"I'm just a nationalistic Swedish-speaking Finn"

Rui 'Trovatore' Pires

"That strangeness"? Heh. Thanks muchly.

Right-o, I'm putting up a new comp soon enough!
Reach for the moon. Even if you miss, you'll land among the stars.

Kneel. Now.

Never throw chicken at a Leprechaun.

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