Adventure Game Studio

Creative Production => Competitions & Activities => Topic started by: Baron on Fri 08/12/2006 16:05:14

Title: Animation Competition: Dec 8 to Dec 19 -Winner Announced
Post by: Baron on Fri 08/12/2006 16:05:14
Welcome to the Animation Competition of December 8-19, 2006.  Here are the rules:

A sprite is supplied, with a theme.
Participants must use the given sprite for their animation.
Each competition will last 11 days.
The starter of each competition will decide on the winner.

The winner, who will decide on the next competition's theme, must also supply a sprite.

The theme of this particular competition is: Inchworms in hats

Here is the sprite with a few sample hats.

You must animate the inchworm and he must wear a hat, or at least some form of headgear.  Further, the inchworm's actions must somehow reflect the personality that the hat represents.  You can create any hat or headwear -I just posted the samples to help pitch the rules, but feel free to use them if you are stumped for ideas.  Multiple inchworms interacting are of course acceptable!

The sprite is pretty simple to keep the competition open to all animation skill levels, but don't please think of its simplicity as a constraint.  We'll still consider it to be an inchworm if you sneak the occassional limb in (a la Worms Armaggedon).  Bonus points will be awarded for extra-creativity!

Have fun!
Title: Re: Animation Competition: Dec 8 to Dec 19
Post by: theatrx on Sat 09/12/2006 00:11:43
Here's my poor little inchworm.

Title: Re: Animation Competition: Dec 8 to Dec 19
Post by: Coolio on Mon 11/12/2006 11:38:59
Ninja inchworms, ATTAAAACK!!! ;D

Title: Re: Animation Competition: Dec 8 to Dec 19
Post by: Steel Drummer on Wed 13/12/2006 00:03:27
:) Sweet, Coolio. Cinema quality.
Title: Re: Animation Competition: Dec 8 to Dec 19
Post by: JackAnimated on Sun 17/12/2006 13:18:34
This is my first Animation entry.

Here is the rubbish;

Title: Re: Animation Competition: Dec 8 to Dec 19
Post by: Buckethead on Sun 17/12/2006 14:46:18
don't be so hard on yourself. Your animation looks nice and you have a change to win  :)
Title: Re: Animation Competition: Dec 8 to Dec 19
Post by: Baron on Mon 18/12/2006 05:31:07
December 18th already?!?  That means the competition closes tomorrow!  Hurry up and get those animations in folks!
       I will be doing the judging before work first thing on the morning of the 20th of December Eastern Standard Time, which will be roughly when the 19th finally ends at the International Dateline.  I'd say I'd be willing to extend the deadline if anyone's in a pinch, but you've known for eleven days when the deadline will occur.  And c'mon, they're inchworms!.  How much time could you possibly need?
      Looking forward to more entries (and impressed by those entered so far),

Title: Re: Animation Competition: Dec 8 to Dec 19 -Winner Announced!
Post by: Baron on Wed 20/12/2006 15:55:36
Well, I guess that's the end of the competition!  Let's get a drumroll going.  Anyone?  Alright, let's just skip the drumroll and get right to the awards.

(  The Golden King Worm for best animation of an inchworm goes to.....Coolio!  Your cinematic effects, your lifelike animation and most importantly your original headwear concept earn you first place in the competition.  My heartfelt congratulations to you sir, and I look forward to a creative idea for the next competition.

But I'm not done!

( The Silver Admiral Worm for best inchworm maramba using a fruit basket as a hat goes to..... Theatrx!.  I liked the concept of the worm sifting through hats until he found one he liked, and then found one that he really didn't like (the boot).  The choppy shifting between hats detracted slightly from the effect, but the bouncy body language of the dance went a long way to make up for it.

And finally....

( The Bronze Gentleman Worm for best pulling of an inchworm out of a hat goes to Jack Animated!.  I had a hard time separating 2nd from 3rd, but since I'd already made the trophies and you prominently featured a top hat the decision was more or less made for me.  Although the gifs you used for this particular competion added somewhat to the magical effect (I'm refering here to the floating grey pixels around everything) you might want to look into polishing them in future.  Otherwise, good work on a first attempt -I look forward to many others!

A note on the trophies -use them/modify them as you will.  I notice now that their curved pedestal doesn't fit very well with previously made ones, but I guess I might just be being picky.

Congrats to all the participants and look forward to the next competition by Coolio....
Title: Re: Animation Competition: Dec 8 to Dec 19 -Winner Announced
Post by: Buckethead on Wed 20/12/2006 18:40:47
how nice everyone is a winner  :)
Title: Re: Animation Competition: Dec 8 to Dec 19 -Winner Announced
Post by: theatrx on Wed 20/12/2006 21:33:38
Yay!Ã,  I won a trophy!Ã,  Great job Coolio.
Title: Re: Animation Competition: Dec 8 to Dec 19 -Winner Announced
Post by: Coolio on Thu 21/12/2006 01:31:28
Hurray! :D
*does happy dance*

I'll start the next round as soon as I come up with a topic.