SierraTransparant speech style positioning??

Started by ineedhelp, Sun 01/09/2024 15:52:45

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Hello :) I've been scouring the tutorials and forums because i feel like this question definitely has been asked before, but alas either not quite what i want or a dead link :-[

I wish to either position the talk sprites or the speech text lower while using the Sierra Speech style.
I'm trying to go for the visual novel kind of look, where half the body is visible on screen instead of just a headshot.
Sadly the sierra speech style positions the sprites pretty high up, and the speech text seems to be connected to the upper part of the sprite.
I thought an easy work around would be to add some space above my sprites to kind of force them into a lower position, but the text is still up there... It looks a bit awkward.

I'm looking for a way to either just re position the text along the y axis, or to change the y axis of both the sprites and the text combined. I'm not exactly a code master so I'm hoping there's a really simple way to do this that i've just missed somehow.  ??? If not a nudge in the right direction is appreciated :) .

I haven't touched ags since 2017 so I've been basically relearning all of it today, i don't think there was anything about this in the tutorials i've followed but if there was feel free to beat me over the head with it!! I did find this nearly two decade old module that would seem to do the trick but of course the link has been long since dead and the comments under it make me believe that it wouldn't even work now  :( Though if there's something similar out there I'd love to hear it


I solved it... Sorry this very much was a case of having to read the manual better.

In any case if anyone in the future has the same problem.


Speech.CustomPortraitPlacement = true;
Speech.PortraitY = 500;

to set default options.

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