[SOLVED] Keyboard movement script question(s)

Started by brushfe, Mon 30/12/2024 15:30:54

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    I'm trying to create a main character that:
    • uses keyboard movement
    • uses one animation loop to walk in all directions
    • repeats that animation loop at all times
    • moves smoothly when moving diagonally

    EDIT: For anyone's future reference, one method that works is to position the character's X and Y coordinates directly, instead of using move/walk:

Code: ags
func repeatedly_execute()
	// Direct position changes based on keyboard input
	if (IsKeyPressed(eKeyUpArrow)) cEgo.y -= 2;
	if (IsKeyPressed(eKeyDownArrow)) cEgo.y += 2;
	if (IsKeyPressed(eKeyLeftArrow)) cEgo.x -= 2; 
	if (IsKeyPressed(eKeyRightArrow)) cEgo.x += 2; 


And running these commands at the start of the game:

Code: ags
	// Adjusting this changed the rate of position change

	// Set Ego to first view
	cEgo.Animate(0, 16, eRepeat, eNoBlock, eForwards);	


Right; I misread the original post and was wondering about the weird requirements but it does make sense now.
Your solution is correct; you need to completely skip the built-in walking.

Minor rewrite suggestion:
Code: ags
function repeatedly_execute()
  int speed = 2;
  // Direct position changes based on keyboard input
  cEgo.x += (IsKeyPressed(eKeyRightArrow) - IsKeyPressed(eKeyLeftArrow)) * speed;
  cEgo.y += (IsKeyPressed(eKeyDownArrow) - IsKeyPressed(eKeyUpArrow)) * speed;

Btw, this implementation means the character will move ~ 1.5x faster when moving diagonally.
This can be fixed by using floats for the position:

Code: ags
float egox, egoy;
function repeatedly_execute()
  float speed = 2.2;
  // Direct position changes based on keyboard input
  float dx = IntToFloat(IsKeyPressed(eKeyRightArrow) - IsKeyPressed(eKeyLeftArrow));
  float dy = IntToFloat(IsKeyPressed(eKeyDownArrow) - IsKeyPressed(eKeyUpArrow));
  if (dx != 0.0 && dy != 0.0) speed *= 0.7071;
  egox += dx * speed;
  egoy += dy * speed;
  cEgo.x = FloatToInt(egox, eRoundNearest);
  cEgo.y = FloatToInt(egoy, eRoundNearest);


@Khris Sorry I missed your reply!

This is fantastic and much more precise and elegant. And the solution to diagonal movement is very kind of you to include. Thanks so much!

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