Maid's Misadventure (In Slow, Slow Production)

Started by MrPr1993, Wed 29/11/2017 21:50:47

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Well. Now I managed to get something good. I've been focusing in quite some projects.

Nowww I post a small update.

Pretty soon, I'll add more stuff. Hah...
Born from the 93's


Cool graphics style and colour choice!

I wonder what she ate in that animation...


Quote from: lorenzo on Sun 26/01/2020 09:14:33
Cool graphics style and colour choice!

I wonder what she ate in that animation...

I thought she was either evolving into a new Pokemon form or going Super-Saiyan.


Guess it was hard to tell UwU; but she ate an extremely hot chilli pepper.
Born from the 93's

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