Shardlight - A Wadjet Eye Game by Ben304 and Grundislav

Started by Grundislav, Tue 09/12/2014 11:17:35

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Just awesome. I still remember the two OROW games, and I hoped that you'd make a full game out of these teasers. I love the setting, I love the Ben's art style... this can't go wrong. Consider it bought already.


Hot damn, fellas!  This looks awesome!! Man, I'm so glad you guys are making games like this. 

I can't wait to see more, and now I have to wait FOREVER for a release. THANKS.

"Enjoy Every Sandwich" - Warren Zevon



Absolutely love the look of this. Great hangin' out and doing some chatting in London, Francisco. Hope we'll be able to drag that lovely ben of yours to the next adventurex so I'll finally get to meet him as well. :)

Stay rad.


Another great looking game guys, top notch stuff :)
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This looks terrible. You should try making a good game for a change.

No, totally just kidding. This looks awesome!
The Bunker


Excellent stuff, thanks for bringing it and revealing at AdventureX! It looks and appears to play (as a viewer from afar) fantastic of course :)


"I've... seen things you people wouldn't believe. Destroyed pigeon nests on the roof of the toolshed. I watched dead mice glitter in the dark, near the rain gutter trap.
All those moments... will be lost... in time, like tears... in... rain."


Nice of you to show us some early in-progress shots, I'm sure they'll turn out decent somewhere down the road!

Dave Gilbert

The Scottish Game is dead! Long live Shardlight!

Vince Twelve

Finally.  I was getting tired of all the dancing around the name in the podcast.

Looking fantastic, guys!


Very nice! I've played the OROW games and I'm glad that more of the storyline is going to get revealed. The dystopian atmosphere seems to be strong in this one already.
Chaos is just patterns we haven't recognized.


Is this the game from The Reaper and The Rebirth from OROW?? OMG I loved those and I was dying to see where they went! *bounces from foot to foot* :shocked:


Seeing this is making me want to un-retire from game development. Damn fine looking stuff.


You've really pushed the bar with those visuals Ben, lovely detailed scenes with tonnes of personality! That character portrait also fits the style perfectly Mr Grundislav.

Reaper and Rebirth were fun but teasingly short, excited to see how they tie together :)


Quote from: Chicky on Tue 06/01/2015 18:40:55
That character portrait also fits the style perfectly Mr Grundislav.

Yeah, those portraits really sit nicely in the mix. Delicious stuff.



Holy WOW - this is looking brilliant!!  Go you guys!

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