Christopher Columbus is an Idiot - Act 1 available!

Started by discoalucard, Sat 13/07/2013 20:41:37

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Christopher Columbus is an Idiot is a story about Christopher Columbus being an idiot. Basically! In an attempt to flee the country of Spain from his ridiculous debts, he swindles the Queen into granting him three boats to set out to discover the new worlds. Finding and repairing the boats is, of course, up to him. Sure, themes of colonialism and religion are explored, but it all takes the back seat to stripper librarians, beaver uprisings, nude time gypsies, crying dolphins, dandy fops, addle-brained monarchs, warrior princesses, hipster turkeys, pornographic conspiracies, dragon fetishists, telepathic rabbits, and at least a few references to the baffling 1992 adventure/dungeon crawler/space combat simulator game Inca.

This is the first part of a planned four part adventure. The second chapter is to take place in the New World (this version includes the first few screens of that), the third chapter takes place in assorted places around the globe, and the fourth takes place with Columbus back in Spain.


All graphics currently in the game are drawn in MS Paint, because I am a terrible artist. Eventually, I would like to find some proper pixel artists to make it look less messy and more like an actual game.

Total game completed (not including graphics): about 35%

Estimated date of completion: Mystery, for now!

More information:

Download link:


My Blog! (En Español)


Yeah, and that's the only screen done unfortunately (and the animations were maybe like 95% complete, so I opted not to include that.)

Outside of some color adjustments, that is the basic style I would like for the full game.



loved it! (wrote a comment on the game page).
found it through a short review:

in this post it looks like you're still working on this. If so, maybe you don't want to have it on the AGS game list. I guess that pretty much can be considered an "official release".

I really hope you find someone for the graphics (or the time to do them yourself).
Personally I'm happy to have played it as it is now and not with the 'polished' look in Mati256's screenshot.


Thanks for the review! I had to admit I was a little disheartened when the only comment was that really negative one. There are technical issues, to be sure, but I'm still confident in the quality of the game.

You are right though, there's a little too much walking back and forth! One of those things that I didn't even realize until I had everything implemented and played everything from start to finish. I've been looking for ways to trim things back a bit without totally redesigning everything. Later chapters are definitely going be tighter.

The artist that provided the early background also did up a concept of the Spanish village (the one inhabited by beavers):


I really like the demo, was giggling quite a bit :-D
The graphics fit the game perfectly, I wouldn't change them.

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